Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net
This discussion focuses on Skyblock, try to stay on topic!


Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2016
This is what I got so far. Let me know what I'm missing / if anything is wrong

Oak Forest: You don’t need exp bud.

Plains: Still no

Cold Taiga: Cows / Lapis

Jungle: Spiders / Lapis

Desert: Zombies / Lapis

Birch Forest: Zombies / Lapis

Savannah: Zombies / Zombie Pigman / Quartz

Extreme Hills: Zombie / Zombie Pigman / Quartz

Swampland: —

Pigman Colony: Zombie Pigman / Quartz

Magma Graveyard:

Nether Fortress:
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Reactions: Casualpoalrbear
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Reesle wrote on TnAdan_'s profile.
Happy Birthday! 🎂
lorilambthecoolgamer wrote on luminance69's profile.
BicolourSine41 wrote on TheOrderOfSapphire's profile.
Oh wow! 3k reaction score! Congrats! Same day as my 1k!
Yes! 1000 reaction score! Thanks to@Reesle for being my 1k reaction! Still did not get my trophy points...
Im so close to 1000 reaction score!
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