Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net
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Dedicated Member
Jun 24, 2019
Friend no! It is an incredible map, it has a lot of variety of blocks and it is super good, it has a very good measurement and it makes a spectacular combination. This map has made me fall in love!

I love this map.


Forum Professional
Jul 23, 2016
Chicago, Illinois
I voted no because no map can be perfect the distance between the flags is pretty far and it’s like a maze to move through.

Voting no because no map is perfect would contradict you voting yes to every one of your threads but being critical of others' creations. The distance is not as close as other maps but I prefer that over the immense rushing that happens on some of the smaller maps. It gives some chance to defend.
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Novice Member
Sep 17, 2020
The United Nations of Planet Canada
This map is... incredible. Probably the most creative BlockWars map I have ever seen. It's just amazing! The theme is really creative, it looks really good. And the amount of different paths, obstacles and terrain variation you added make it look like it will be extremely fun to play in.

I'm only worried that there aren't any straightforward ways to get to the enemy flag, which seems like a possible cause of stalemates. Reaching the enemy flag looks way too difficult and obstaculized. So I've voted no, though hopefully this can be improved!

I do have an idea on how to make this faster however, if you were to add in hidden fences under each 1-block up staircase (with a carpet on each fence to hide it), it would allow people to go up a block without jumping and it would keep the asthetic of the map looking exactly the same!

Although I doubt they will allow this, I suggest that for this map there should be some sort of a speed effect given to each player at the start of the game! I would really enjoy playing on this map with that, zooming by some people - slashing them off the big loop. I can definitely see myself playing this map! It is very well designed, however there are a few flaws that people might not have thought of. If people are on the top of the loop, say, with the flag, how do they get down fast without taking too much time, or getting taken out by people climbing up secretly. Of course they could hit them off the map, but you cant do that forever (well, I can, but people would hate me for it of course!). I suggest including some slime on the lime-green part of the track for people to jump to safety on! maybe even include another part of the track to land on!!
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