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What is your favorite idea?

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Deleted member 486250

Let's be honest, BlockWars Bridges is not a popular game like it used to be, now that Java hits 6 thousand players I see that BlockWars Bridges rarely hits 100 players, comparing it to the less popular permanent game, MinerWare (not counting Duels or Assassinations), MinerWare hits easily 150-180 players, I feel that BlockWars Bridges does not deserve to be a permanent game (even Parkour has more players).
This year Skyblock, Among Slimes and BlockWars Bridges were added permanently, I hope they don't add Colony Control as a permanent game, java already has enough games and if they keep adding more games that are not popular (Colony Control is not that popular either), the history of The Big Change will happen again.
So here I have some solutions:

1. Do nothing (the worst idea): BlockWars Bridges will gradually become less popular, in my opinion it is not a fun or original game, I think that if it had been 1v1 or 2v2 it could have been more popular, capturing 25 pits in each game is tiring, repetitive and boring, this is exactly the same problem that BlockWars Core has, at least in CTF there are many more strategies and each game is usually very different.

2. Make it a Featured Game (not a bad idea)

2.1 Put it in the current Featured Games system: Simple, remove it from the permanent games and put it to the Featured Games, the game will have the possibility of be featured for two days.
2.2 Split Featured Games: There are many similar threads about split the featured games into Featured Arcade Games and Featured Normal Games, in this case, BlockWars Bridges would go to the Featured Normal Games

3. Featured BlockWars Games (the best idea?): Turns BlockWars Bridges NPC into Featured BlockWars Games: Bridges, Core and CTF would rotate every 4 days

@Camezonda @Younisco @Palombo @rubik_cube_man
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Dec 22, 2020
Bosnia and Herzevogina
I have only played BlockWars Bridges a few times, and I must say it isn't my favourite minigame. Obviously, there will be some people who love it, some people who hate it, but I think that it is not drawing in enough players to be a consistent contender to the other highly popular minigames, such as Eggwars, Skywars and PvP. I don't think it should be scrapped, but like @CBBR mentioned, it would be more practical to place it within the Featured Minigames section.


Forum Veteran
Mar 12, 2017
het land van kroketten, frikandellen
I think Cubecraft is just experimenting with the new game and leaving it for a while. As we see it gets less popular over time, so eventually it will probably become a featured game.
I personally really like option 3. I've seen this idea before and I agree. Blockwars is a really nice gamemode and currently the most popular featured game. Making this blockwars featured game NPC will create more room for the other featured games. I think this is a nice first step back to normal, and Cubecraft has enough players to do this.


Dedicated Member
May 9, 2016
Maple Syrup Land
I just finished playing it and I have to say. It was not as fun or as hard as I thought it was gonna be. I joined a game and instantly all players but me and 1 other player on the opposing team left and it became pretty unfair. I like idea 3 because it doesn't get rid of the entire game as people are playing it, but I don't think it should be permanent.


Forum Expert
May 23, 2018
Poland but live in Belgium
Hello there!
I've played also a few games of Block wars bridges. First of all I really liked the game. And then a day came and I already saw that like the leadboard was nearly impossible to beat. So I stopped playing it. I voted for the option 3 which in my opinion is the best ones you've suggested. And I really think they should do that. As the game will probably slowly break apart if they don't do that.
And then it will not have any players anymore. But as they might change it to featured it will be more like seen as ''popular'' as it's a featured gamemode. Hope you understand what I mean.


Novice Member
Oct 13, 2020
Jupiter 🌌
I think most people love the game, and concept but don't play it solo as its extremely hard to win without a party. If it had a solo option like most other games I'm sure you would see that player count skyrocket. Although I am a huge bridges fan I voted option 3 as I think that is the best option for the network currently.
Nice suggestion!


Forum Expert
Dec 7, 2016
For the 3rd idea, in the state that Core is in, giving it so much time being featured is a bit silly unless it sees changes to make it more interesting. I don't want core removed but it really does need improvements.

Deleted member 486250

I absolutely LOVE the 3rd idea! This seems like a great way to keep Blockwars games alive, while not taking over the featured game. I’ve decided to escalate this thread :)
Wow, I didn't expect this thread to get any attention, normally blockwars threads die quickly. Tysm!

As for those who have voted for the third option, it is definitely the best, right now the server has 4.3k players, BlockWars Bridges 65 players and Archer Assault (current Featured Game), almost 100 players.
The third option also has some advantages:
1. Give other featured games more chance to appear
2. In the voting for the featured game thread, normally BlockWars CTF wins, then another game, then BlockWars CTF ans so on, in fact when BlockWars CTF is on the options to vote, much fewer people vote because they know CTF will win, so with this third option the voting would be more interesting

At the moment the vote for the featured game thread is closed until 2021 so who knows, they could implement something similar before the voting reopens

Wave Master7S

Forum Expert
Jul 31, 2020
United States
Let's be honest, BlockWars Bridges is not a popular game like it used to be, now that Java hits 6 thousand players I see that BlockWars Bridges rarely hits 100 players, comparing it to the less popular permanent game, MinerWare (not counting Duels or Assassinations), MinerWare hits easily 150-180 players, I feel that BlockWars Bridges does not deserve to be a permanent game (even Parkour has more players).
This year Skyblock, Among Slimes and BlockWars Bridges were added permanently, I hope they don't add Colony Control as a permanent game, java already has enough games and if they keep adding more games that are not popular (Colony Control is not that popular either), the history of The Big Change will happen again.
So here I have some solutions:

1. Do nothing (the worst idea): BlockWars Bridges will gradually become less popular, in my opinion it is not a fun or original game, I think that if it had been 1v1 or 2v2 it could have been more popular, capturing 25 pits in each game is tiring, repetitive and boring, this is exactly the same problem that BlockWars Core has, at least in CTF there are many more strategies and each game is usually very different.

2. Make it a Featured Game (not a bad idea)

2.1 Put it in the current Featured Games system: Simple, remove it from the permanent games and put it to the Featured Games, the game will have the possibility of be featured for two days.
2.2 Split Featured Games: There are many similar threads about split the featured games into Featured Arcade Games and Featured Normal Games, in this case, BlockWars Bridges would go to the Featured Normal Games

3. Featured BlockWars Games (the best idea?): Turns BlockWars Bridges NPC into Featured BlockWars Games: Bridges, Core and CTF would rotate every 4 days

@Camezonda @Younisco @Palombo @rubik_cube_man
On bedrock it’s really popular and probably will stay permanent.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2020
BlockWars on Java isn't as popular as it used to be, but on Bedrock it's very popular. I will agree with the option number 3.
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PickleeeePastaaaaa54 wrote on _NoReason's profile.
Slightly belated welcome to the forums!
Just watched the movie "Piece By Piece"
Now I am addicted to rap and hip hop lol
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PickleeeePastaaaaa54 wrote on sebasxd12's profile.
I knew it! I saw you in ctf duels 2day. I was with a person named Mintypie231 and my ign was Fionnjackp14. You're very good at the game and it was fun even tho u didn't know who i was xdxd
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