Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net
Nov 10, 2019
hello cubecrafters and cubecraft staff. this is a suggestion for limited ban time for hackers. i have asked myself the question many times. hackers are most of the time not the best players. they only go hack because of a reason that i can understand in a way. i don't say hacking should be allowed i just say that the perm ban should be deleted. most of the time hackers are not fully skilled yet because of their age. you could say that they need to learn. i have seen a hacker, who was 11 years old and i already could say that he only hacked because he got always called trash noob etc. i don't say that he was allowed to hack. and he got banned for it. but the perm ban that they get is not something that they can learn from. if you look at kids who lose 20/20 matches, and just wan't to win sometime but they always get called trash it is just not fair to them to ban them permanent. i know that they will stop hacking if they get older and more skilled in games. when they get older their skils will improve. if they are perm banned already by then, they would never learn anything. i know that hackers should be banned and i don't say the can hack all they wan't. but it isn't fair for kids of 8 to 12 because they can't see the effects of hacking. that is why my suggestion is to keep the max ban a month.
if you look trough the eyes of a kid who always loses gets called trash who gets mad of that. would you say it is fair that they get perm banned. i hope you understand.


Team CubeCraft
🔨 Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
I don't this is a good idea. There are also people who clearly understand the effects of hacking, and just hack because they want to ruin the game for other players. Besides that, if they remove permanent bans, they should make the max ban something like a year. I don't think kids will learn so much from a ban of 30 days. The most players that get a ban of 30 days, just go on with hacking after the ban or have a alt account to hack. I think that if you make 30 days the max. amount of time of a ban, the server will get too many hackers.


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2020
The first punishment of our cheating punishment track is a 30 days ban. If they decide to use a cheating client once their ban expired, they have proven they are not willing to change.
Having a perm ban after the 30 days ban is very valid and should not be changed.
Totally agree.
Nov 10, 2019
i understand that but permanent ban is to heavy
i don't say that hackers shouldn't get banned
but then i would suggest that you mute trashtalkers way faster because the most hackers hack because of getting called trash noob and that kind of stuff


Forum Veteran
Sep 15, 2015
understand that but permanent ban is to heavy
I mean, they purposely download a hacked client to ruin everyone else’s fun. They are given another chance after being banned a whole month. Imo, if they hack again, after having received a ‘warning’, they totally deserved a permanent ban. They should’ve thought it more before hacking again.

edit: the fact you’re defending cheaters makes me think you’re one 🤔


Forum Expert
Mar 1, 2019
I fully disagree.
If someone has cheated and has been seen reported/banned ingame by a mod shouldn't get a second chance.
At least 95% of the time those bans are correct and those players come back and cheat again.
It's completely fine like it is now, because they can learn from their mistake and don't repeat it, but giving them even more chances will only encourage them to cheat more.
Sorry, but I don't like the idea at all.


Forum Expert
Jul 14, 2015
The Multiverse
I have to disagree on this one. The punishment track is fine how it is right now and i dont think it should be changed.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2020
Argentina,Buenos Aires
[QUOTE = "gewoonthijn2006, publicación: 1180098, miembro: 501549"]
hola cubecrafters y personal de cubecraft. Esta es una sugerencia de tiempo de prohibición limitado para los hackers. Me he hecho la pregunta muchas veces. La mayoría de las veces, los hackers no son los mejores jugadores. solo van a hackear por una razón que puedo entender de alguna manera. no digo que se permita el pirateo, solo digo que se debe eliminar la prohibición permanente. la mayoría de las veces los piratas informáticos aún no están completamente capacitados debido a su edad. se podría decir que necesitan aprender. He visto a un pirata informático, que tenía 11 años y ya podría decir que solo pirateó porque siempre lo llamaron novato de basura, etc. No digo que se le permitiera piratear. y fue expulsado por eso. pero la prohibición permanente que obtienen no es algo de lo que puedan aprender. si miras a los niños que pierden 20/20 partidos, y solo quieres Para ganar en algún momento, pero siempre se les llama basura, simplemente no es justo para ellos prohibirlos de manera permanente. Sé que dejarán de piratear si se hacen mayores y más hábiles en los juegos. cuando crezcan, sus habilidades mejorarán. si ya están prohibidos para entonces, nunca aprenderían nada. Sé que los hackers deberían ser prohibidos y no digo que puedan hackear todo lo que quieran. pero no es justo para niños de 8 a 12 años porque no pueden ver los efectos de la piratería. Es por eso que mi sugerencia es mantener la prohibición máxima por mes. No puedo decir que pueden hackear todo lo que quieran. pero no es justo para niños de 8 a 12 años porque no pueden ver los efectos de la piratería. Es por eso que mi sugerencia es mantener la prohibición máxima por mes. No puedo decir que pueden hackear todo lo que quieran. pero no es justo para niños de 8 a 12 años porque no pueden ver los efectos de la piratería. Es por eso que mi sugerencia es mantener la prohibición máxima por mes.
si miras a través de los ojos de un niño que siempre pierde, se llama basura y se enoja por eso. ¿Diría que es justo que se les prohíba la permanente? espero que entiendas.

No creo que sea una buena idea, ya que también pueden ser mayores de edad y solo quieren divertirse con los trucos y alguien debe detenerlo, por lo que hay una prohibición permanente


Novice Member
Jul 14, 2018
United States
hello cubecrafters and cubecraft staff. this is a suggestion for limited ban time for hackers. i have asked myself the question many times. hackers are most of the time not the best players. they only go hack because of a reason that i can understand in a way. i don't say hacking should be allowed i just say that the perm ban should be deleted. most of the time hackers are not fully skilled yet because of their age. you could say that they need to learn. i have seen a hacker, who was 11 years old and i already could say that he only hacked because he got always called trash noob etc. i don't say that he was allowed to hack. and he got banned for it. but the perm ban that they get is not something that they can learn from. if you look at kids who lose 20/20 matches, and just wan't to win sometime but they always get called trash it is just not fair to them to ban them permanent. i know that they will stop hacking if they get older and more skilled in games. when they get older their skils will improve. if they are perm banned already by then, they would never learn anything. i know that hackers should be banned and i don't say the can hack all they wan't. but it isn't fair for kids of 8 to 12 because they can't see the effects of hacking. that is why my suggestion is to keep the max ban a month.
if you look trough the eyes of a kid who always loses gets called trash who gets mad of that. would you say it is fair that they get perm banned. i hope you understand.

At a 11 years old you should know how to play the game. It's not that hard maybe aiming but that's really not that hard. The perm ban is fine I think it should stay. they need to learn by experience or tutorials. Most hackers don't do it because they're bad, it's because they think it's fun. around 60-75% of hackers do it for fun not because they're bad. There are other servers besides cubecraft they don't need to learn on cubecraft.

In my opinion I think the perm ban should stay.


Novice Member
Jul 14, 2018
United States
i understand that but permanent ban is to heavy
i don't say that hackers shouldn't get banned
but then i would suggest that you mute trashtalkers way faster because the most hackers hack because of getting called trash noob and that kind of stuff

The Perm ban is really not that heavy maybe an ip ban but perm ban is not really to heavy. All you need is to get an alt account. there are websites that literally give you free accounts. When you hack it makes you look like a bigger noob.


Forum Expert
Apr 21, 2020
The Perm ban is really not that heavy maybe an ip ban but perm ban is not really to heavy. All you need is to get an alt account. there are websites that literally give you free accounts. When you hack it makes you look like a bigger noob.
Sentinel detects if players are bypassing their bans by using alts. So all bans are almost ip-bans to prevent bypassing.
The first punishment of our cheating punishment track is a 30 days ban. If they decide to use a cheating client once their ban expired, they have proven they are not willing to change.
Having a perm ban after the 30 days ban is very valid and should not be changed.
I agree with Keanu on this one. If you cheat after having 7-30 days to reflect then you deserve the permanent ban in my opinion. They ruined people’s games and after they got punished for it, they didn’t learn from their mistakes. If they decide that they have really changed and it’s been a while they can contact @AnimalTamer1 to work out an unban. So sorry but I think that the system should stay the way it is, because it works.
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