Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2017
Word on the street is that Parkour is coming back. Hopefully soon. @hub3rt posted on his profile that a big update is coming out soon, so maybe it is parkour. If it is, then maybe consider this in a future update. If not, see if you can add this in. :P

The Game: Death Run.

Surely you have heard of this game and its huge popularity in other games like Gmod. If not, click the spoliers for info.
You start out either on the Death Team or the Runner Team.
The goal of the Death Team is to stop the runners from completing an obstacle course using traps that you can activate with buttons of levers. The one catch is that all traps have a cool down. You will have a speed effect the whole game. The goal of the Runners Team is to get to the finish line without dying. You will be on a large team all working together to finish the course and outthink the Death Team.

Seasons: 5 players on the Death Team, 25 on the Runners Team. Go through the seasons in a heart beat. From relaxing at the beach to the cold slopes of Alaska, you sure don't want to be left behind.

Hogwarts: 5 players on Death Team, 25 on Runners Team. Go through the famous four houses encountering magic and spells and find yourself victorious in the middle of the Quiditch Pitch.
So why will this game be a good add?

Death Run is known to be very popular and very fun at the same time, and usually never bores anyone. You can see a player increase if this was the Server Announcement. Honestly, everyone would play it. Even Joe Henry.

Let me hear your feedback! Is this a good idea, or a waste of my time? What could be different, or an improvement on this game?

Still confused? PM me on Discord to discuss it, or watch this video here. WARNING. This video contains strong language. Not recommended for anyone 13 or under.

Godbless - CamBam300



Forum Professional
Jul 23, 2016
Chicago, Illinois
Word on the street is that Parkour is coming back. Hopefully soon. @hub3rt posted on his profile that a big update is coming out soon, so maybe it is parkour. If it is, then maybe consider this in a future update. If not, see if you can add this in. :p

The Game: Death Run.

Surely you have heard of this game and its huge popularity in other games like Gmod. If not, click the spoliers for info.
You start out either on the Death Team or the Runner Team.
The goal of the Death Team is to stop the runners from completing an obstacle course using traps that you can activate with buttons of levers. The one catch is that all traps have a cool down. You will have a speed effect the whole game. The goal of the Runners Team is to get to the finish line without dying. You will be on a large team all working together to finish the course and outthink the Death Team.

Seasons: 5 players on the Death Team, 25 on the Runners Team. Go through the seasons in a heart beat. From relaxing at the beach to the cold slopes of Alaska, you sure don't want to be left behind.

Hogwarts: 5 players on Death Team, 25 on Runners Team. Go through the famous four houses encountering magic and spells and find yourself victorious in the middle of the Quiditch Pitch.
So why will this game be a good add?

Death Run is known to be very popular and very fun at the same time, and usually never bores anyone. You can see a player increase if this was the Server Announcement. Honestly, everyone would play it. Even Joe Henry.

Let me hear your feedback! Is this a good idea, or a waste of my time? What could be different, or an improvement on this game?

Still confused? PM me on Discord to discuss it, or watch this video here. WARNING. This video contains strong language. Not recommended for anyone 13 or under.

Godbless - CamBam300

Copying off of other servers?
I like the idea but still meh.
Also please remove the video link if it's not cubecraft related. And also if it's not appropriate don't want you in trouble or anything.


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2017
Also please remove the video link if it's not cubecraft related. And also if it's not appropriate don't want you in trouble or anything.
The video is for informational purposes only. I do not intend to swear as much as those guys do. I will leave it up.

AFreakingCookie (Hank)

Dedicated Member
Apr 3, 2016
Word on the street is that Parkour is coming back. Hopefully soon. @hub3rt posted on his profile that a big update is coming out soon, so maybe it is parkour. If it is, then maybe consider this in a future update. If not, see if you can add this in. :p

The Game: Death Run.

Surely you have heard of this game and its huge popularity in other games like Gmod. If not, click the spoliers for info.
You start out either on the Death Team or the Runner Team.
The goal of the Death Team is to stop the runners from completing an obstacle course using traps that you can activate with buttons of levers. The one catch is that all traps have a cool down. You will have a speed effect the whole game. The goal of the Runners Team is to get to the finish line without dying. You will be on a large team all working together to finish the course and outthink the Death Team.

Seasons: 5 players on the Death Team, 25 on the Runners Team. Go through the seasons in a heart beat. From relaxing at the beach to the cold slopes of Alaska, you sure don't want to be left behind.

Hogwarts: 5 players on Death Team, 25 on Runners Team. Go through the famous four houses encountering magic and spells and find yourself victorious in the middle of the Quiditch Pitch.
So why will this game be a good add?

Death Run is known to be very popular and very fun at the same time, and usually never bores anyone. You can see a player increase if this was the Server Announcement. Honestly, everyone would play it. Even Joe Henry.

Let me hear your feedback! Is this a good idea, or a waste of my time? What could be different, or an improvement on this game?

Still confused? PM me on Discord to discuss it, or watch this video here. WARNING. This video contains strong language. Not recommended for anyone 13 or under.

Godbless - CamBam300

Is this the same thing on the hive? If so, that would be interesting to see!
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Heya, after a good while years having not appreciated sleep a lot, have I learned things. I have most of the times seen it as a hindrance to things such as relations and projects. But after years I realised that you need to sleep to be well. Both physically and mentally. When I also realized that I could work better and more efficiently, did I try to get more sleep. That reminds me, I need to sleep now hah XD
Eli wrote on marshduck11's profile.
I like your profile picture
Mr Jii Gamer wrote on Egg🥚's profile.
Thank you so mush for everything

I know i am late bc i didn't realize that you have left the team sadly we see the better one go ..
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Reesle wrote on Cloudiefly's profile.
Happy Birthday! 🎂 ☁️
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