Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

A pigeon

Lol it really isn't. Its beer! OMG it is not necessary irl so why is it necessary in a kid friendly server?
Okay so let's imagine this was a cat
looking for a name to call the cat
someone brings up beer, and than everyone says no that isn't kid friendly
it is the name of something
the word is perfectly kid friendly and the name hardly matters

For all anyone cares it could be called a flipping love potion
it could even be called a banana dang it
The name doesn't matter all that matters is the potion itself
^^^ thanks jollow


Forum Expert
Sep 2, 2016
In A Box In San Francisco
Lol it really isn't. Its beer! OMG it is not necessary irl so why is it necessary in a kid friendly server?
well all in all nothing that can be added is "Necessary" literally nothing
there are however many things that would be fun to add to the game in this case it is a potion
they could add it and call it a strength potion for crying out loud just because the suggestion calls it beer it doesn't make it bear
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UncleSpect wrote on Mr Jii Gamer's profile.
iTz1Hamood wrote on Thjis's profile.
Hi Thjis, thanks for accepting the report!

I just reported another one too rn:)
Xi1m wrote on tejas45674065's profile.
iTz1Hamood wrote on SunburnWarz's profile.
I love this summer name!
It's actually interesting name tbh
I wonder how you came up with it
Because it's realy first of its kind
And it just sounds cool:)

Have a great summer WarZ!:D
BicolourSine41 wrote on black moguss's profile.
Thanks for the follow! Have it back :D
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