Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Jan 14, 2017
It cost me SO MANY GAMES of losses and they just kept punching and punching cause there was no spawn delay and the spawn protection helped them. Everyone who I know hates this.


Dedicated Member
Jun 3, 2016
It cost me SO MANY GAMES of losses and they just kept punching and punching cause there was no spawn delay and the spawn protection helped them. Everyone who I know hates this.
i am guessing you are talking about eggwars and you are suggesting for them to add a spawn delay
here is a thread that suggests the same thing (Thread) you may see the majority of the votes are no, if u want read the feedback there
okay now here is why i disagree
I personally find it more challenging and more enjoyable to be the one getting punched off or be the one punching a player off
If there was no spawn protection players would farm kills, spawn protection gives those who spawned a chance against you
and no spawn delay gives them a chance to escape or prevent you from harming their egg or their teammates
of course you might not like that but have you ever thought what if you were on the other side of the fight?
you would have no choice but to punch the player off the edge and let me tell you this is a strategy, and u would be happy u killed them and had spawn protection and no spawn delay.
Spawn protection and no spawn delay isn't the only problem, soon you would complain about punch bows, then knockback itself
of course after u kill people they won't have a bow but there are some people that would bow spam you off the edge ( *cough* me *cough*) but knockback is a big thing in eggwars and is a quick way to kill people + a strategy, i suggest bow spamming people off the edge when they spawn and run to the egg while barricading yourself (preferably obsidian), if u bow spam someone off the edge you will gain a few extra seconds before they respawn.


Dedicated Member
Apr 30, 2016
a Pleb Family
You need to keep in mind that the person you are killing, wants to live. From their perspective, spawn protection helps give them a second chance. In my opinion , the spawn protection is fine at the moment, I've had ideas to have a delay each time you respawn, but I've not had the time to search and suggest it.

I understand your frustration, but the players you are against will do anything in their power to stay alive, and their are lots of community members that like the spawn protection.

If I were you, always carry obby with you, obby yourself in when getting the egg, that way you don't get spammed by spawn protected players.

Despacito 2

Forum Professional
Dec 6, 2015
I do think Spawn protection should stay.
Not that I die allot but if I do then I like to run away to mid as fast as possible.
Most people try to defend their egg but seriously that's useless.
You could easily go to mid, get yourself full iron some gapples and pickaxe.
But I do get your frustration it's annoying. There are only 2 ways to stop them.
  1. Close them in with obsidian
  2. Close yourself with obsidian
The first one could also be used for killfarming just sayin.


Forum Professional
Mar 13, 2015
Beyond time and space
I think that as soon as they hit you, their spawn protection should be removed.
It's their own fault they died and that you're mining their egg, chances of winning shouldn't be equal. (or on maps like instruments, on their side since the void is only 2 blocks away and you can do NOTHING against them.)
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