Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net
I will have a go :3 (Not that anyone cares about this thread anymore xD)
  1. I didnt chose ma IGN
  2. I can play the piano
  3. I won the BEST LIAR competition online (ages ago)
  4. I was playing minecraft before survival
  5. I do not watch any youtubers who ONLY DO VLOG/BLOG thingys
  6. I have never been dead
  7. I can eat
  8. I love pizza
  9. I love barbadous
  10. I am in ENGLAND
  11. I am running out of ideas
  12. I know no CCG members in real life #sado
  13. I LOVE CCG
  14. I hate sport
  15. I love food
  16. I have seen every disney movie
  17. I have been on CCG for a loooooong time
  18. I think this fact is stupid
  19. I enjoy comedy
  20. I know all of these began with I
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Team CubeCraft
💙 Admin Team
🎨 Designer
Oct 20, 2013
  1. My name is Luke
  2. I have blue eyes
  3. I have 2 nephews, youngest calls me ook
  4. I have 2 sisters, youngest calls me ****
  5. KFC is just... FHNUIfnhfklAFA
  6. Gotta love dat spicy food
  7. I mispronounce everyone's names
  8. I once tried to fight a tree
  9. I turned orange because I accidently put tanning cream on
  10. I've danced on a strip pole in a club
  11. I can dance the Macarena
  12. I really like girly music (Lana, Ellie goulding, Florence, Adele)
  13. I stole a disabled persons wheel chair once (its not as bad as it sounds)
  14. I suck at looking after pets, went through a fish a month, in my defence they don't do anything.
  15. I've raised money for charity a few times
  16. I got builder in less than an hour of joining the server
  17. I've built Miley Cyrus
  18. Jennifer Lawrence is mah celebrity crush, fJKSDNJKFnhfjk so hawt
  19. I can count to potato
  20. My favourite number 5318008 tehe..


Dedicated Member
May 4, 2014
1. I am Finn, Finn Xaier Jackson
2. None can pronounce my name right without asking me.
3. My first real best homie is @theKINGlurk123 (He 2 awesome)
4. I love drawing, digital art, sports.
5. I have a ferret and a cat, one golden retriever.
6. Secretly a whale.
7. I like to bully @theKINGlurk123 (cause he fail alot, slow asf.)
8. Spend most time on reading or Minecraft, video games, sometime works.
9. I love everything, except for door and a button in minecraft. (Made me rage everytime)
10. I like building something NOT mainstream.
11. I'm 6'5.
12. I hate energy drinks.
13. I love vegetables, I'm not picky at anything.
14. Only @theKINGlurk123 knows my secrets.
15. I live in earth.
16. Skypecall mostly.
17. Locked myself out of my room once.
18. Whales are amazing.
19: My natural hair color is bright brown, my eyes are black.
20: I don't like mainstream.
21: Which is why I cotinue.
22: Everyone is doing 20 so I'm doing 22. *Destroys everything in the house*


Dedicated Member
May 20, 2014
McDonalds :D
K... Ill try...

1. Im awesome
2. HAI
3. I wuv cake
4. Veg is my enemy. (I cant spell..)
5. Ummmmmm I got MdsCool by putting my first letter of my first, middle and last name then added cool :)
6. Im fun (I think?)
7.My eyes are blue.
8. I have a windows 8 computer, asus
9. Im lazy...
10. Im on Earth..
11. I have a pet rabbit :)
12. I like playing other games such as Roblox
13. Mmmm McDonalds and KFC
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Dedicated Member
May 20, 2014
McDonalds :D
14... Why did I press post?
16. I have a few friends
17. I suck at building
18. Can I go to 19?
19. I watch youtube...
20. A LOT
10000000000000000000. Im now 556934567876545678765456789876545678 years old.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2014
I'm new to this community, so I figured I'd give it a go. I literally spent 3 hours doing this.

1. I play piano, guitar, drums, and a few other small instruments. I also write music and songs.
2. I’m a morning person. I wake up ready to dance.
3. I am a metal-head
4. I do not pick favorites. If I tell you my favorite something is something, I'm lying and I want you to stop bothering me about it because I don't pick favorites.
5. I won my high school talent show 4 years in a row for stand-up comedy.
6. I enjoy rusting jimmies, unless I actually rustle their jimmies.
7. I don't like sweets or sugar, but I like every food I've tried, and I've tried a lot.
8. If I had a nickle for every time someone told me I look like Adam Levine, I would have like.. 65 cents.
9. One day I randomly decided to learn how to juggle. It was the best decision of my life.
10. I have been dating my girlfriend since sophomore year.
11. It is extremely hard to get me mad. This is not a test.
12. My dream job is being a marketing specialist, making clever and funny commercials for people.
13. I love the ocean
14. I really really like movies, especially old ones.
15. I am a sucker for puns
16. I'm afraid to get older >.>
17. I am a perfectionist.
18. I have played almost every video game ever, but have only finished a couple.
19. I have a black thumb (as opposed to a green thumb when it comes to gardening). Things die at my touch.
20. I have a really positive attitude about everything and love almost everyone <3


Dedicated Member
Mar 26, 2014
I'm new to this community, so I figured I'd give it a go. I literally spent 3 hours doing this.

1. I play piano, guitar, drums, and a few other small instruments. I also write music and songs.
2. I’m a morning person. I wake up ready to dance.
3. I am a metal-head
4. I do not pick favorites. If I tell you my favorite something is something, I'm lying and I want you to stop bothering me about it because I don't pick favorites.
5. I won my high school talent show 4 years in a row for stand-up comedy.
6. I enjoy rusting jimmies, unless I actually rustle their jimmies.
7. I don't like sweets or sugar, but I like every food I've tried, and I've tried a lot.
8. If I had a nickle for every time someone told me I look like Adam Levine, I would have like.. 65 cents.
9. One day I randomly decided to learn how to juggle. It was the best decision of my life.
10. I have been dating my girlfriend since sophomore year.
11. It is extremely hard to get me mad. This is not a test.
12. My dream job is being a marketing specialist, making clever and funny commercials for people.
13. I love the ocean
14. I really really like movies, especially old ones.
15. I am a sucker for puns
16. I'm afraid to get older >.>
17. I am a perfectionist.
18. I have played almost every video game ever, but have only finished a couple.
19. I have a black thumb (as opposed to a green thumb when it comes to gardening). Things die at my touch.
20. I have a really positive attitude about everything and love almost everyone <3
Dang... you're really deep and a very interesting person :D
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TheOrderOfSapphire wrote on Mustardcellar01's profile.
Happy Birthday!:D
after thorough evaluation I have deemed chapter 4 as impossible to write due to other external factors
Reesle wrote on ritzy8924's profile.
Happy Birthday Ritzy!! 🧁
Thjis wrote on OnlyTijmen's profile.
Reesle wrote on Mustardcellar01's profile.
Happy Birthday former Cubetuber!! 🎉
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