Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2014
The Void
I guess I'll try this...
1. I actually hate my ign.
2. My real name is Abi. >_>
3. Kittens and pugs. <3
4. I can sorta speak Japanese.
5. I actually love school...
6. I'm scared of mostly everything.
7. Obsessed with anime.
8. I had a kitty. :c
9. 9 is my lucky number. :3
10. I have black hair.
11. OCD...
12. I can't build.
13. I am a germophobe. :/
14. My Chemical Romance is lyfe.
15. GraserMC and Kiingtonq are my favorite 'youtubers'.
16. I'm fantabulous. ;D
17. Ccg was my first server.
18. I live in America...
19. I don't particularly like people.
20. I sound boring.


Forum Expert
Oct 20, 2013
Get back on topic xD ok. Here it goes...

1. I'm a boy
2. My legit name is Mark.
3. My ign is sprity not spirit [khmm @MorganPlayzMc aka murgon]
4.i love animals
5. I live in NJ.
6. I have a galaxy S4.
7. I love music
8. I love cubecraft.
9.i love yall
10. This is a very emotional post ; D
11.i such at my language learning [spanish]
12. I love to play skywars
13. I might quit CC D:
14. I love sports... soccer, tennis, ect
15. I'm dark haired
16. I don't enjoy studying
17. I have strait A's though as my final grade
18. I love to try out new things and do something really BOLD.
19. I. Am. Fearless.
20. My friends on the server are..... The ones looking at this post xP
Fearless, you say?..

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Loskol wrote on Basketman's profile.
Loskol wrote on Eli's profile.
Loskol wrote on JokeKaedee's profile.
Congrats! Are you helper on Java or Bedrock or both?
TheOrderOfSapphire wrote on JokeKaedee's profile.
Congratulations so fun to see you with the pink helper colour!:D
TheOrderOfSapphire wrote on Eli's profile.
Congratulations on helper so fun to see you with the pretty pink colour! ^-^
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