Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


  1. F

    Java BedWars You Cant even report people if you dont have iron rank!

    I was playing bedwarss (java) on cbc and i saw hackers, they didnt take any damage to my hits. I did /report and it said that i need iron rank, im poor so i cant afford that to just report some hackers. Fix this! If this is because of mass reporting then set a border of a vcertain amounts of...
  2. cldash

    Bedrock BedWars Solo BW when?

    This kind of thread had been mentioned many times, but ill remention it for fun
  3. Pro Gamer672

    Video CubeCraft Bedwars - Teams of 4 in Constellation Map

  4. jakeaccount2860

    Bedrock BedWars Are you able to FLY in Bedwars?

    Hello I’m new to Bedwars just wanted to play a few games ect however this is the first time this has happened to me so I was just wondering; Are you able to FLY in Bedwars? A player was chasing me I went to shove them off the bridge however, they started to float… and then proceeded to come...
  5. Pro Gamer672

    Video Minecraft Bedrock - CubeCraft: Bedwars (Teams of 4)

    Hello everyone! I uploaded on youtube an entire round of bedwars team of 4. Let me know what you think.
  6. llvqs

    Bedrock Bedwars sword suggestion!

    Hello everyone, Hope you’re having a great autumn season so far! Today I’m here to suggest something I think must be implemented in Bedwars. Not gonna make the introduction too long so let’s get on with it! The issue Currently, buying a new sword in bedwars puts it in the first open slot in...
  7. A

    Bedrock Permanent Items on Cubecraft Bedwars

    Hi everyone! The question is 'Can CubeCraft Make Bows, Crossbows, Regeneration and Anti-Knockback Helmets permanent? If you have played Bedwars, and you get a Bow, a Crossbow, a Regeneration Helmet or an Anti-Knockback Helmet, and when you die, you will lose them. And the fact that they cost...
  8. Nober⛏

    All Networks unbreakable Amor on bedwars

    i made a thread about this 4 months ago and they didn't add it. so make armor or maybe tools unbreakable in bedwars because you can only buy armor once and you can only repair it from dying but that's a problem when your bed gets destroyed
  9. !notcitingdow

    Bedrock Other Games What do you hate most about Bedwars?

    I'm making a short video on the state of Cubecraft Bedwars and how it could be improved. In my opinion the game is unoriginal and stale, but it is still in Beta Games and has time and room for improvement. I want to feature what YOU GUYS dislike about the game, and even include how you think...
  10. _xero_xero_

    All Networks Bedwars idea

    I had a dream, that one day, bedwars would have a placable shop that dissappears after 10 seconds. This could be a fun addition to bedwars, what are your opinions?
  11. TheMrSpacee

    All Networks Automatically swords switching in Bedwars

    Hello Cubecrafters, Now when you buy sword in Bedwars, it's just added to your inventory in free slot. But many players prefer to have sword in certain slot and have default (wooden) sword there until they buy better one. And dropping old sword to change it to new one is annoying process because...
  12. h0rrifyd

    Java Other Games This is just cyberbullying in bedwars

    Hello there, I got so confused the first time I saw this while playing live, i know its a bug that needs fixing but right now it makes the games so much fun lmao. https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxzxsqmXRbE4AxD6h7EtbTeubbB5moL8-H?si=tnvYOoOxY_Sxmbj_ Hope yall enjoy my live reaction.
  13. SpideyGaming528

    Bedrock Different team sizes for bedwars

    CubeCraft BedWars network is good and not complicated, but there might be new team sizes/modes for improvements. Your opinions and thoughts matter the most! :cubie2: TO CUBECRAFT DEVELOPERS: Please also vote as well (you don't have to) and if you are planning to add one of these, please post it...
  14. stellar6666

    Bedrock Pillars of fortune and bedwars duels

    Hello! This is my second post on the forums, I hope you like it! The idea is to add duels to bedwars and pillars of fortune. Yeah, that's basically it. Short suggestion, but I would love to play 1v1 in bedwars, and with pillars of fortune maybe it could be something like a 2v2 or a 1v1v1v1...
  15. cldash

    What is the fasest BedWars teams of 2 and 4 wins?

    I was planning on trying to beat these records, but i can not find anywhere recordings or anything that would help me have the limited time needed to win. Can anyone tell me or show me?
  16. Kai_Way

    Bedrock Bedwars new Anti-KB and Regeneration Helmet

    I think it's cool trying out these new items but... I have my likes and dislikes both of these and most of the people I've spoken to in the game do as well. From my experience, I find that the regeneration helmet is a little OP. Even odd considering there are already three methods of getting...
  17. Dualninja

    All Networks Beta Games and the future of Cubecraft

    Introduction In this thread I’m going to be talking about my thoughts, my hopes and my concerns about the recent Beta Games updates. I’ll be making this mostly as a feedback thread, but some of it will be background info or speculation. I’ll be breaking this down into a few chapters, each...
  18. adrian525pl

    Bedrock [TW: Math/Numbers] Is armor worth buying in bedwars?

    I noticed, while playing bedwars, that regardless what armor you buy, you die quickly. Even with "maxed" armor it feels rather easy to get killed quickly. So I did the only ting I could have come up with, which was pulling out an old excel spreadsheet that calculates damage which I "made"...
  19. Frontlane

    Implemented Bedrock Beta Games Discord channel

    Hi everyone! I have a simple suggestion for you today. I was thinking it would be a good idea to add a beta games text channel in the Discord channel. PRO’s - This would make it easier for players to discuss the new games as it creates a separate place for everyone to leave their opinion...
  20. CobieWRLD

    Whats your favorite thing about cubecraft

    Whats your favorite thing about cubecraft? Ill go first, i love cube craft cause i can play hours on end without getting bored but thats mostly me and my adhd hyper focus. i love bedwars,sky wars and skyblock. i love late nite with the boys and claping them in 1v1s i play bedrock what about you
  21. spinxo

    Bed wars

    as advice I can tell you that you can create bed wars as a new game in the server ♥ ️
  22. Turboyoshi

    Bedrock Buy multiple blocks at a time in bedwars

    Something particularly annoying in bedwars, mainly in Overpowered mode, is that when you buy food or blocks, the entire menu closes after you purchase 1 item. If my bed is being rushed and I need to buy a few golden apples, it can cost me the game. I think an updated shop menu would be amazing.
  23. Kezk

    » Midnight // PvP - UHC - Skywars - Bedwars // TexturePack 16x16 (UPDATED: 24/04) (1.14!)

    Texture pack name: Midnight Minecraft Version: 1.8 - 1.9 - 1.10 - 1.11 - 1.12 - 1.13 - 1.14 Author: Kezk Resolution: 16x16 Requirements: Optifine (Custom items: YES) Comments/Review: None (I need a Youtuber to do a Review) - I will uptade the pack constantly, so check this post sometimes...
  24. X

    New Eggwars Update

    I have some ideas for the game eggwars, and i think it should be more than what it is now, First off anyone can buy armor and a powerful sword and rush out a whole team. Also, this means there should be basic armor and sword when you spawn (similar to bedwars) There should also be more block...
  25. D


    can we get bedwars as i prefer the items
  26. Mo0od

    bedwars ?

    hey guys why don't you add bedwars in the server ? it would be a nice thing in the server if you agree vote up with me if you want the plugin it's free i believe so please implement it ... it would be really nice to have both eggwars and bedwars
  27. VernonAProductions

    Video EGGWARS HACKS |Money Wars Episode 7|

    Hey Guys! Welcome back to another episode of money wars! Hope you all had a great week and are having a great weekend as well! This episode was tons of fun to make even though it turned out really weird :P Hope you all enjoy! If you do make sure to slap that like button and consider subscribing...
  28. MpN_YT

    Is bedwars really the end?

    Disclaimer: yes this is long but read to the end to grasp my point. Today i went on hypixel to try out their new game bedwars. now i have a rank on hypixel, mvp and a rank on cubecraft, Gold. i saw that a lot of people on the cubecraft forums were scared that this new game was a copy of egg...
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