Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

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  1. deathspawn

    A tip for Necromancer users.

    I notice many people don't know this. If you place a necromancer and don't have enough coins to fully upgrade it, you will run a risk of it being permanently stuck on a lower level. This happens when the iron golem comes out at level 1 or 2. Since it doesn't despawn, it will be forever a level 1...
  2. deathspawn

    What's your Favorite Tower?

    My favorite is Zeus. Delivers a devastating single attack when powered up and is great for boss mobs and blazes. Only weakness is it is not so good when there are lots of mobs. For that, it's best to use a leveled up Artillery, or for air, a Turret.
  3. deathspawn

    New map idea: the ear

    If this map is done, then the slowness potion should be changed from snow to something that looks like ear wax.
  4. deathspawn

    New map Called "GO GREEN"

    There is a Forest Grove map that is similar to this. You have to have sheer luck to catch it online though.
  5. deathspawn

    WTF how do you get EXP!??!?!

    The explanation I give to people is this: Select the chest in your hotbar and then right click. First square is usually blank due to a bug, but it is zombies. Shift click to queue up 12 and use the cage icon to send them. You will get exp for the enemy team killing your mobs. That blank box...
  6. deathspawn

    Please make this stop

    I love it when I try to get a legit griefer votekicked and end up getting out-voted and a votekick starts against me (Though, I have yet to see one succeed). Trolls be coming in pairs these days. Add-in: Even better, having a game with just 3 people, including me, and not being able to vote out...
  7. deathspawn

    If anyone is interested in reading the origins of Tower Defense...

    Found a Wikipedia page for it. And today I learned that it didn't start with Warcraft 3, but actually in 1990 with Rampart. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tower_defense
  8. deathspawn

    Tower Defense is EPIC

    Man I feel like a novice now. That is some epic skills. How do you get so much coins? I barely ever see my coin count reach above 1k very fast. Great video.
  9. deathspawn

    Complaints about stupid people to be made here!

    A lot of the tower defense games I play are like rolling a d20 on if you are going to get stuck with someone who doesn't know what they are doing and makes matters worse by building in spots so other people can't build. I get it, you think your artillery tower is awesome. But there's no need for...
  10. deathspawn

    Just why?

    There's /votekick for that. Also n00bs are the reason I build archers the way I do. It pisses some people off, but at least there's spots for me to build Zeus, Sorcerers, Necromancers, and Leech towers later. Otherwise there's tons of crap towers and no spots to build anything good and we get...
  11. deathspawn

    How Well Do You Know Your Tower Defence

    At first I thought this was easy, but I'll have to come back to this thread... Will edit this post as I find them. I have a question as well. Do you guys know how to get wings? I already know, but for those who don't, post in a spoiler titled "Wings".
  12. deathspawn

    [Paid Ranks] Teleport to friends in same lobbies.

    If another person has to allow it, then it wouldn't be as spammy. Also can have a command throttle.
  13. deathspawn

    Prevent observer chat from going to players.

    This gives an unfair advantage if someone dies and tells people playing where someone is located.
  14. deathspawn

    [Paid Ranks] Teleport to friends in same lobbies.

    This is to go to their exact position within the lobby. Not teleporting to their lobby from another one, although, that would be nifty as well.
  15. deathspawn

    [Paid Ranks] Teleport to friends in same lobbies.

    Not sure if it'd be possible, but it would be nice to be able to teleport to a friend in the main/game lobbies. Maybe something like a /tp allow/deny so that it doesn't get spammed. I.e. if someone does /tp user, you have to do /tp allow to let them tp to you.
  16. deathspawn

    A Suggestion for EggWars [Donors]

    What if all players were the same color in the lobby and the votes were anonymous? Would eliminate the targeting since nobody would know who is what (unless they remember your name). Edit: Just realized that was the first vote of the topic. >.<
  17. deathspawn

    A Suggestion for EggWars [Donors]

    I like overpowered. I don't care what anyone else thinks of my vote. They can take it up with the end of my sword.
  18. deathspawn

    You have to wait 45 seconds before performing this action!

    Sit back for a bit, drink your cup of coffee, it'll be over by the time you're done.
  19. deathspawn

    A suggestion that everyone can agree to.

    Also you don't get the good game exp.
  20. deathspawn

    To the community.

    I literally said just that.
  21. deathspawn

    A suggestion that everyone can agree to.

    I don't mind it existing as an option, but I'd never use it. I like to spectate sometimes. Though, I wish it'd skip the death and just switch you to spectator so you don't have to click respawn.
  22. deathspawn

    To the community.

    Couldn't tell you. But CCG doesn't have any grounds for ownership of the tower defense genre. False. Google Minecraft Tower Defense servers. Not going to link to any, but I played on one that is 1.8. There is even a blocks vs zombies plugin. Still, haven't seen any made as good as CCG, so I'll...
  23. deathspawn

    To the community.

    The Tower Defense genre is hardly original to Cubecraft through. Started way back on Warcraft 3 and bred into tons of variations from there, some on WC3 like Wintermaul, Legion TD, Liquid TD, Gem TD, Green TD (could go on forever.), and on other platforms like Bloons TD, Anomoly, etc. Add-in...
  24. deathspawn

    To the community.

    Tower defense isn't original and has been cloned/copied/remixed in a plethora different ways, yet nobody complains about that.
  25. deathspawn


    Joining the hackers in using your own hacks doesn't help the problem at all, it just prolongs it.
  26. deathspawn

    Rubik's Cube

    It'd probably be like trying to get /b/ to make a triforce or count to 10, but at least it could be somewhat entertaining. Also a nod to the owner.
  27. deathspawn

    Coding Favourite language?

    Python. Started learning that by making an IRC bot in XChat way back in 2009. Pretty fun language to mess with.
  28. deathspawn

    Rubik's Cube

    Just surprised that this doesn't exist. There should be a cube in the main lobby. Could make it interactive and let people try to solve it, and have it randomize after 5 minutes of solving.
  29. deathspawn

    Switch from Paymentwall

    I had some issues with my debit card failing a couple days ago. There were "charges" on my Paymentwall account showing initiated. They weren't actually charges, mainly, every time you try to hit buy, it will show up in your Paymentwall account. It will reflect on your bank account (or whatever...
  30. deathspawn

    [Discord] Rank colors in chat.

    Good point @ looking like staff. Well I guess this can be locked.
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