Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

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  1. Mambo Garrix

    Forum Rank: Regular

    Hi, i know something similiar has been suggested before I'd suggest to make a forum rank for those who have been around here for ages (longer then X years or X forum posts). Those who get this rank will have some features normal site members won't have. Some idea's: - Removes the anti spam...
  2. Mambo Garrix

    Paypal Question

    Note: This has nothing to do with CCG or Minecraft. I'm new to Paypal and I was wondering how this works. Let's say I want to buy something and the owner asks 10 pounds (UK Money), I was wondering how much I should send him because I'm dutch and we have the EURO's. Do I have to calculate how...
  3. Mambo Garrix

    Need to get this off my chest.

    Im sure I will get some hate by making this post but I need to get this off my chest. I, as an active forum member, am annoyed by the amount of useless posts by fellow forum members. I see so many (old) topics with 5+ replies of members saying the same thing (Example: "@Stefanvld this thread...
  4. Mambo Garrix

    Leaderboard after finishing (Team)games

    I would like to have a leaderboard after I finished a game. This leaderboard will show you how many kills you have made, how many arrows you shot/hit ect.. I think it would be cool to have in games like Team Skywars.
  5. Mambo Garrix

    More food in Chests @Skywars

    This really needs to get updated ASAP. This has been suggested short after the 1.9 update came out but it hasn't been updated yet. Doubt you have to make an entire new plug in system for this, right? I'm losing "hunger" so fast now and there's too less food in the chests. Also remove that new...
  6. Mambo Garrix

    Solo Skywars Team Suggestion

    I know this has been suggested a lot, but ima give it another try. Teams in Solo Skywars are way too overpowered with the current 1.9 features/updates. 9/10 battles where you face a team of 2(sometimes even up to 4!!!!), is a waste of time to face because you will lose anyways. I know you won't...
  7. Mambo Garrix

    7 Months!

    It's been 7 months since Free Build has been shut down. I know and understand developing stuff does take quite long, but comon, 7 MONTHS? In the meanwhile we have been given a lot of (unnecessary) updates that we didn't ask for. It's also been 7(?) months since we have been updated about Free...
  8. Mambo Garrix

    RIP Johan Cruyff

    Nothing related to CCG or Minecraft but thought i'd share it anyway... Dutch best footballer ever has lost his battle to lung cancer today.. aged 68.. :/ RIP!
  9. Mambo Garrix

    Make 2 different lobbies

    Please make 2 different lobbies for each game. One 1.9 and one 1.8. I'm sure the majority of the server doesn't like 1.9, including me. Every single game I like has either been under maintenance (forever) or has changed to 1.9 which is just unplayable in PVP games. I don't know if it's...
  10. Mambo Garrix

    Website suggestion to avoid Bots/Advertisers

    New registered members have to make atleast X posts before they can make large threads, their maxinum amount of slots to write would be a small amount. New registered members should also not be able to post links. This way new registered members can still make usefull threads, and bots will...
  11. Mambo Garrix

    Arcade Lobby: Quick join suggestion

    Since the Arcade lobby is quite big, it takes a bit of time to get to your favourite game. Therefore I was thinking of an extra item in your hotbar (only if youre in the arcade lobby) which opens a new chest/inventory with every single game in it so when ever you open it, you can just click on...
  12. Mambo Garrix

    Builds Question regarding submissions

    Do you have to make an entire map or is one spawn island and 1 center enough? I'm a newbie when it comes to world edit ect so I wonder this.
  13. Mambo Garrix

    Party System TheChunk

    I've seen that theChunk server has/had a party server, why don't you add this to cubecraft? Saves the developers work + they can work on different things. :)
  14. Mambo Garrix

    Add a queue for maps

    I would like to have a queue you can join to play in your favourite map. Even with the new Skywars Update I still struggle to find my favourite maps. So a queue would be really helpfull!
  15. Mambo Garrix

    Add nationsflags behind or infront of the name on the player list.

    Simply as that, if it's possible.
  16. Mambo Garrix

    New Game: PvP Wars

    It's the same concept as Skywars, but: - Teaming is not allowed - You won't have any items to throw or shoot. - There's a border that will push you (slowly) to the middle so camping isn't possible. (Optional: The border will stop after X minutes) - The last 2 to survive have 1 minute to collect...
  17. Mambo Garrix

    Speed in every lobby for Donators?

    I would like to have Speed in pretty much every lobby. Obviously there should be an option to disable it for those who don't like it.
  18. Mambo Garrix

    Name Suggestions!

    Hi, I don't know where to put this, if an admin/helper knows where I have to put this, please move it :) I want to change my current name (MAMBOGaming_YT) to something else but I need suggestions. If you have any, feel free to drop them! :D
  19. Mambo Garrix

    Staff Updates

    I don't know if more active forum members feel like this, but lately i've seen a lot of new faces regarding the staff. Maybe it would be an idea to announce them just like news, in a new news topic. Or maybe those new staff members can introduce them self?
  20. Mambo Garrix

    Turn off the sound of cubelets

    Is there any way I can turn the sound of cubelets off? I really start to get annoyed by the sound.
  21. Mambo Garrix

    Challenge Menu

    I have a new idea for CubeCraft, it's pretty much the same as the Challenge Menu you have/had (I quit CoD Since MW2) in Call of Duty. The idea of this is, you will have a new item in your inventory and if you open it you will get "tons" of challenges to complete. Once you completed a...
  22. Mambo Garrix

    Enderpearl Team Skywars

    I've been playing a lot of Team Skywars lately and I've been "trolled" (most likely not on purpose) by my team mates because when I'm about to throw an enderpearl to go to the middle, they walk inside me and I dont get teleported + I lose my Enderpearl. I've even died a few times because of...
  23. Mambo Garrix

    Weekly TOP Kills/Games

    There should be another leaderboard for weekly games! The top 3 with most kills/games in a certain game wins an amount of (Vanity) Points, EXP and Cubelets. Each Sunday the leaderboard gets a reset so other players have a chance aswell!
  24. Mambo Garrix

    Level up suggestion

    Everytime you level up, a new window / line of text will pop up in the chat with the stuff you might have unlocked. @Tacosbefriends
  25. Mambo Garrix

    Add time stamps into the chat.

    Please add time stamps in front of the chat if it's possible. I really hope this gets added.
  26. Mambo Garrix

    Chat Filter Suggestion

    I suggested this twice before, please add (if possible) the word that's not allowed. I write big sentences quite often, and too know which word isn't allowed is sometimes quite annoying to find out. Also add Youtube to the filter so people won't be able to advertise youtube links. Cheers...
  27. Mambo Garrix

    Some of my Ideas.

    Skywars: - Make more basic maps, people love close combat maps and they care less about detailed maps, maps such as trees, tron and dessert are great examples. - If you forgot to pick a kit, than the server will pick you a kit. (Saw this suggestion somewhere else.) - New daytime: Rotation...
  28. Mambo Garrix

    Another friend suggestion!

    So when ever this friend update comes out, please add a prefix that shows your friends on top of the player list when ever you join a lobby, many of my friends are Stone and its really hard to see them on the playerlist when there are 80 players in the lobby :P
  29. Mambo Garrix

    SnowDown "TNT" Suggestion

    Maybe it should explode instantly when it hits the ground, now it's too easy to avoid! :p
  30. Mambo Garrix

    SnowDown "Invincible" Suggestion

    Please add a timer to this to see when it runs out. I know it lasts for 5 seconds but I'm not a women and cant do 2 things at the same time (count and play :p) Btw great game <3
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