Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Sep 3, 2017
i have Few suggestion to improve the server
this came from what i have came cross while im playing in here
1- we all pro pvp have this issue of bunch of noobs jump us spamming with their swords or axes
i think its alot better if spamming in 1.12 dont damage ur armor much ... this is not fair at all .
2- i as youtuber have 2 issues regarding target and nickname
first i get targeted alot and thats annoying and u guys gave us the /nick thing as a solution ...
when we do /nick ... we get steve/alex skin its annoying I hate those much . we must be able to choose random skins or to stay with our skins under different name .. also we get weird names , whats a GiantCrab55 as a nickname??
we should also choose our name and Rank , coz we get low ranks in random .. we cannot vote -_-.
multi target and clean-ups must be punished.
3- I think its amazing if we have /rejoin option to get back to the same game we disconnected at in eggwars :)
I know its not easy to program all that in a server , But I really wish you can at least add those for a change.


Forum Professional
Sep 18, 2016
The Netherlands
i have Few suggestion to improve the server
this came from what i have came cross while im playing in here
1- we all pro pvp have this issue of bunch of noobs jump us spamming with their swords or axes
i think its alot better if spamming in 1.12 dont damage ur armor much ... this is not fair at all .
Spamclicking is a tactic, and I do not think the armor's durability should be changed.
And does not only happen to pro players ;)

i have Few suggestion to improve the server
this came from what i have came cross while im playing in here

2- i as youtuber have 2 issues regarding target and nickname
first i get targeted alot and thats annoying and u guys gave us the /nick thing as a solution ...
when we do /nick ... we get steve/alex skin its annoying I hate those much . we must be able to choose random skins or to stay with our skins under different name .. also we get weird names , whats a GiantCrab55 as a nickname??
we should also choose our name and Rank , coz we get low ranks in random .. we cannot vote -_-.
multi target and clean-ups must be punished.
"Clean-ups must be punished".
The staff team is not going to punish for it, as it is a tactic.
"We should be able to choose our nick and skin".
The problem is: it would not be fair if you are able to change your name to for example RemiO05, because that's my name, and you could swear and break the rules as much and as long as you want, because I am the one who is being punished.
3- I think its amazing if we have /rejoin option to get back to the same game we disconnected at in eggwars :)
I know its not easy to program all that in a server , But I really wish you can at least add those for a change.
Agreed. But you shouldn't be able to rejoin if you were in a fight or if you didn't use the command after 6 minutes.


Forum Professional
Jul 6, 2015
i have Few suggestion to improve the server
this came from what i have came cross while im playing in here
1- we all pro pvp have this issue of bunch of noobs jump us spamming with their swords or axes
i think its alot better if spamming in 1.12 dont damage ur armor much ... this is not fair at all .
2- i as youtuber have 2 issues regarding target and nickname
first i get targeted alot and thats annoying and u guys gave us the /nick thing as a solution ...
when we do /nick ... we get steve/alex skin its annoying I hate those much . we must be able to choose random skins or to stay with our skins under different name .. also we get weird names , whats a GiantCrab55 as a nickname??
we should also choose our name and Rank , coz we get low ranks in random .. we cannot vote -_-.
multi target and clean-ups must be punished.
3- I think its amazing if we have /rejoin option to get back to the same game we disconnected at in eggwars :)
I know its not easy to program all that in a server , But I really wish you can at least add those for a change.
Losing durability by spamclicking is a Minecraft-thingy, it's not on Cubecraft.

Clean-ups (=cleaning) is a tactic which everyone uses without realising; we can't know if the opponent player has full health because they were in a fight and haven't healed yet.

The nick feature is just so you wouldn't get targeted and you can make videos like a normal player, choosing your own skin, name and rank is completely unnecessairy and useless. I do agree you should be able to vote.

/rejoin should be a thing in Eggwars, Tower Defense, Bingo and Archer Assault, because you can respawn in those games. If your egg would be broken in Eggwars, you shouldn't be able to rejoin though.


Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2017
1- we all pro pvp have this issue of bunch of noobs jump us spamming with their swords or axes
i think its alot better if spamming in 1.12 dont damage ur armor much ... this is not fair at all .
I have to disagree with this. But I do understand your point.

i as youtuber have 2 issues regarding target and nickname
first i get targeted alot and thats annoying and u guys gave us the /nick thing as a solution ...
It's really the only solution in this case.

when we do /nick ... we get steve/alex skin its annoying I hate those much . we must be able to choose random skins or to stay with our skins under different name .. also we get weird names , whats a GiantCrab55 as a nickname??
we should also choose our name and Rank , coz we get low ranks in random .. we cannot vote -_-.
You do realise that the only time you see your skin is when you're holding nothing or in F5. It shouldn't bother you.

You're not suppose to have a good name. Just a name to disguise yourself. As I see your point. You should be able to change your name to whatever you want (except real existing players). +1

I think its amazing if we have /rejoin option to get back to the same game we disconnected at in eggwars :)
I know its not easy to program all that in a server , But I really wish you can at least add those for a change.
This was debated a long time ago. Didn't get much attention from the management team. But I'm willing to bring it back as it's so useful. +1


Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2017
if you logout in eggwars (with the rejoin option)
then you need to transform in a zombie or instantly died (and if you rejoin you'll only respawn if you have a egg)


Forum Professional
Jul 24, 2016
clean-ups must be punished.

1. "Wait, I'm low dude. I just got out of a fight. Can you wait?"
2. "Oh yeah, of course man. I hate these people who just jump out of nowhere and clean you. So disrespectful. Here, take a golden apple. Helps you heal."
1. "Thanks dude! I miss those days where stabbing 10 year olds for coins was fun."
2. "Yeah, I know right.''
2. "Mmh.. Are you full health already?"
1. "No man, I'm half health."
2. "Oh, OK. You like some tea coffee? I brought some with me in case I had to wait."
1. ''Yes please, I love tea coffee!''
1. ''Friend request? Sure why not!''
2. ''Party invite? Sure why not!''
2. ''So, how's it going with your health?''
1. ''I have 7 HP.''
2. ''So we're almost there.. Wait.. Wait no, no, no. Who is that?''
1. *Looks behind him* ''Anger 10 year old incomming''
2. ''Sir, would you mind waiting he just got out of a f-''
2. ''THAT HURTS!''
1. ''Prepair to die.''
2. ''Ugh, so annoying. No respect at all.''
1. ''I'm at 3 hearts again :/''
2. ''Oh shoot, guess we'll have to wait again.''

Is this kind of what you imagine would happen?
Stupid, right?
Just like punishing people for killing others. What, basically the game is.
Last edited:


Sep 3, 2017
Spamclicking is a tactic, and I do not think the armor's durability should be changed.
And does not only happen to pro players ;)

"Clean-ups must be punished".
The staff team is not going to punish for it, as it is a tactic.
"We should be able to choose our nick and skin".
The problem is: it would not be fair if you are able to change your name to for example RemiO05, because that's my name, and you could swear and break the rules as much and as long as you want, because I am the one who is being punished.

Agreed. But you shouldn't be able to rejoin if you were in a fight or if you didn't use the command after 6 minutes.

dear remi
clean ups i mean there is bunch of few people that follow u every single game and make sure to eliminate u first for some reason
thats annoying i suffer that and i never get to play like normal people does
nickname system should not allow me or anyone to use names that players of cubecraft already owns ... any other names are allowed .. beside all activities are monitored for people who nicknamed , as if i swear at nickname they will know its me


Forum Professional
Jul 24, 2016
dear remi
clean ups i mean there is bunch of few people that follow u every single game and make sure to eliminate u first for some reason
thats annoying i suffer that and i never get to play like normal people does
nickname system should not allow me or anyone to use names that players of cubecraft already owns ... any other names are allowed .. beside all activities are monitored for people who nicknamed , as if i swear at nickname they will know its me
- Get an alt, you can get alts for like 40 cent right now.
- Use /nick, when you join another game, use /nick again.


Sep 3, 2017
Losing durability by spamclicking is a Minecraft-thingy, it's not on Cubecraft.

Clean-ups (=cleaning) is a tactic which everyone uses without realising; we can't know if the opponent player has full health because they were in a fight and haven't healed yet.

The nick feature is just so you wouldn't get targeted and you can make videos like a normal player, choosing your own skin, name and rank is completely unnecessairy and useless. I do agree you should be able to vote.

/rejoin should be a thing in Eggwars, Tower Defense, Bingo and Archer Assault, because you can respawn in those games. If your egg would be broken in Eggwars, you shouldn't be able to rejoin though.
im sorry if i said that wrong
by clean up i mean if people are stalking u to kill you every single game i have some ... i can name them .,, whose the main goal of their life is eliminate me every time i play ..
as for the nick thing ... there is a reason why we pick skins in minecraft they define us ... why a youtuber has to be alex or steve the whole time?
i agree with the rejoin thing


Sep 3, 2017
1. "Wait, I'm low dude. I just got out of a fight. Can you wait?"
2. "Oh yeah, of course man. I hate these people who just jump out of nowhere and clean you. So disrespectful. Here, take a golden apple. Helps you heal."
1. "Thanks dude! I miss those days where stabbing 10 year olds for coins was fun."
2. "Yeah, I know right.''
2. "Mmh.. Are you full health already?"
1. "No man, I'm half health."
2. "Oh, OK. You like some tea coffee? I brought some with me in case I had to wait."
1. ''Yes please, I love tea coffee!''
1. ''Friend request? Sure why not!''
2. ''Party invite? Sure why not!''
2. ''So, how's it going with your health?''
1. ''I have 7 HP.''
2. ''So we're almost there.. Wait.. Wait no, no, no. Who is that?''
1. *Looks behind him* ''Anger 10 year old incomming''
2. ''Sir, would you mind waiting he just got out of a f-''
2. ''THAT HURTS!''
1. Prepair to die.
2. Ugh, so annoying. No respect at all.''
1. I'm at 3 hearts again :/''
2. ''Oh shoot, guess we'll have to wait again.''

Is this kind of what you imagine would happen?
Stupid, right?
Just like punishing people for killing others. What, basically the game is.
you did not have to write all that none sence to prove me wrong
i already cleared my point of view to other people in replaies
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Forum Professional
Jul 24, 2016
you did not have to write all that none sence to prove me wrong
i already cleared my point of view to other people in replaies
I know, but I was bored, and I'm a writer, this isn't even the most useless thing I've ever wrote.


Forum Professional
Jul 6, 2015
im sorry if i said that wrong
by clean up i mean if people are stalking u to kill you every single game i have some ... i can name them .,, whose the main goal of their life is eliminate me every time i play ..
as for the nick thing ... there is a reason why we pick skins in minecraft they define us ... why a youtuber has to be alex or steve the whole time?
i agree with the rejoin thing
Stalkers can indeed be very annoying, but wait
oh yep, you have /nick
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Forum Professional
Mar 24, 2016
Breakfast for Dinner Club HQ
1- we all pro pvp have this issue of bunch of noobs jump us spamming with their swords or axes
i think its alot better if spamming in 1.12 dont damage ur armor much ... this is not fair at all .
Spamclicking is far from overpowered.
If it breaks your armour, It's as fair as it gets.
Heck, if you believe it's too powerful, do it yourself. You'll find out that it really isn't even overpowered.
2- i as youtuber have 2 issues regarding target and nickname
first i get targeted alot and thats annoying and u guys gave us the /nick thing as a solution ...
when we do /nick ... we get steve/alex skin its annoying I hate those much . we must be able to choose random skins or to stay with our skins under different name .. also we get weird names , whats a GiantCrab55 as a nickname??
we should also choose our name and Rank , coz we get low ranks in random .. we cannot vote -_-.
multi target and clean-ups must be punished.
I suppose this could be an issue, but choosing your nickname seems like overkill since impersonation & stuff may end up being a problem.
Currently from what I've seen, the standard shape of a nickname is (word)(word)(2 numbers) with no capitalisation at all. A simple way to fix this is to add more shapes, possible underscores, capitalisation, and other things.
Adding a random skin would also be nice.

3- I think its amazing if we have /rejoin option to get back to the same game we disconnected at in eggwars :)
To be honest, I'd love to see this. Not only for Eggwars, but for all games. Obviously, there'd have to be a good way to prevent combat logging and other nuisances, but that's up to them.

AFreakingCookie (Hank)

Dedicated Member
Apr 3, 2016
i have Few suggestion to improve the server
this came from what i have came cross while im playing in here
1- we all pro pvp have this issue of bunch of noobs jump us spamming with their swords or axes
i think its alot better if spamming in 1.12 dont damage ur armor much ... this is not fair at all .
2- i as youtuber have 2 issues regarding target and nickname
first i get targeted alot and thats annoying and u guys gave us the /nick thing as a solution ...
when we do /nick ... we get steve/alex skin its annoying I hate those much . we must be able to choose random skins or to stay with our skins under different name .. also we get weird names , whats a GiantCrab55 as a nickname??
we should also choose our name and Rank , coz we get low ranks in random .. we cannot vote -_-.
multi target and clean-ups must be punished.
3- I think its amazing if we have /rejoin option to get back to the same game we disconnected at in eggwars :)
I know its not easy to program all that in a server , But I really wish you can at least add those for a change.
I like the rejoin command, and I don't think that spam clicking is too op, but in some moments it does a lot of damage for some reason. And the way you're explaining the /nick to be changed sounds like hypixel. Also it sounds as if you don't like the names and the skins which really doesn't matter. The nick command really is for hiding and so you don't get targeted right?
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