Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

Spyridon Agnew Dragon

Dedicated Member
May 27, 2016
this is NOT a goodbye, only a notice that my activity will be drastically lower many of you know me to be super active here on the forums for the longest time probably replying to more posts on a problem than many of you put together

Why the decreased activity?

There are numerous reasons for this

Job: (no longer jerbless!)
Outside of what jet vac calls "skylandering" (not a job its a responsibility) i recently got my first job so that takes up alot of time

Minecraft in general is starting to get boring for me especially since most servers copy each other, and cubecraft never releases anything to my playing style which is why im hardly ever on minecraft anymore, not to mention i cant play on 1.8 servers because i cant 1.8 pvp

Cubecrafts heavy regulations or dumb designs in certain programming have been annoying me for some time the final straw here was only staff can help in staff help in discord, (implemented yesterday) you can argue that staff dont want misinformation going around, which is understandable, but theres 3. problems

1. If your going to only allow staff to help in staff help than you might as well make bugs/ support private to prevent replies there as well
2. When my helpful nature is restrained i get pissed as that makes me view you as ungrateful unless its obvious i shouldnt or good enough reason you dont want help
3. Lack of response, ive requested help many times via convos or staff help and very few were answered most never getti g answered after taking all measures that i get help in some form, in some cases i do get replies and others i get replies long after its irrelevant sometimes a post sits until the next day or even months before a reply is made, you can argue that staff have lives outside minecraft, but every single staff member cubecraft has all at one time? Dont think so, NOTICE ME SENPAI

A destroyed community:
Ever since the old anticheat was removed cubecraft has been nosediving as the golden age came to an end, as covered in my analysis of the server and in @Jeff_Bllkth goodbye post the server and its community is pretty much DOA, with some (not all) wanting to become staff just to be staff not the good of the server, another issue is games, pretty much skywars and eggwars are the only games anyone is playing all the others only have a tiny percent of the online players many gamemodes are dead because of general unpopularity in minecraft, stuff like survival games factions or uhc has passed on into the afterlife, the lack of amount of games to play dosent help the matter

Decrease of players:

Minecraft as a whole is on its way out the door, the actual number of players is slowly decreasing whether you see it or not, making way for newer more popular games such as outlast 2, subnautica, planet coaster, Star Wars Battlefront 2, and hello neighbor (hello neighbor has the same hype train fnaf 1-2 did) mineplex for example has fewer players on the server at any given time than we do at our peak! As xturtle covered, pretty much bridges is the only game played there anymore,
As for cube, ive seen players come and go and a huge amount of staff resigned even over the smallest of issues which sent up a red flag thats theres something more going on behind the scenes then what everyones seeing in my opinion resigning over lies or other things like it extremely minute is not a valid reason to satisfy me, neither is, "i have personal things to deal with" if thats the case whyed you become staff to begin with? Or a better question, why did you all chose now to step out together, somethings off and i can tell but i will figure it out one day

Broken AF releases:
This is just a straight up situation that makes no logical sense, and money walls is not an example as it was admitted to be released unfinished
Every time something is released players pick up so many problems its not funny, from False bans by sentinel to a game breaking bug in creative that erases all or half of your plot of land, if you really are doing sufficient testing, how are these bugs getting by months of testing, or supposedly fixed and they show up again later down the road?

Dead Forums:

Frequently these forums have been going on for more than a day without any new threads which is one of the reasons i never post, you can argue i can make new suggestions for games, well ive already done two with no headway on either to even show higher staff plus with no imagination, being a kids server, and everything pretty much done i cant think of anything

So ill be seen less on the forums, dont worry im not leaving just going to be less active i will be on vacation with my family and friends may 16-20 on Kawawii Island which includes my wife and daughter, the entire paw patrol, some of my teammates such as bowser and crash, Twilight Sparkle, and Ahsoka tano, so ill be unavalible that entire week pretty much

Good luck cubecraft :)
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Forum Professional
Jul 2, 2015
Many people gave false information in staff-help and it bothered staffmembers. If people give false information at the bug support section we can always correct those people and lock the thread.

I've been staff for 2 weeks now and got more than 20 new conversations. That's a lot if you have to talk to every single person while they can't even speek properly english or made a huge text. I always respond asap but I understand that staff sometimes responds a couple days later, if you need any help with things, you can always create a private conversation with me but I can only do limited things as a helper.

Yesterday I shared one of my theories about this community and how it became so negative. People are just angry at staff because they think they're doing things, yes, the soonTM thing started as a joke, but people went waayyy to far with it besides, developing and building things takes a lot of time and most staffmembers still have school/work.

Some games are really "broken" because staff tests updates and can't find any bug, the update gets released and people find them. Maybe we should make a team of staff members searching for bugs and testing the game mode for several times, but I doubt they will find all bugs.

But sad that you're leaving the forums :(. You've been a very active and respected member around here. Goodluck with your job ;).

Spyridon Agnew Dragon

Dedicated Member
May 27, 2016
But sad that you're leaving the forums :(. You've been a very active and respected member around here. Goodluck with your job ;).
Thanks, but im not leaving, i said just extremely lowered activity
Some games are really "broken" because staff tests updates and can't find any bug, the update gets released and people find them. Maybe we should make a team of staff members searching for bugs and testing the game mode for several times, but I doubt they will find all bugs.
it be better to have a private beta for ranked players (this is not against the eula as you CAN charge for access to areas of the server, as well as ranked players get no advantages in the finished product and many servers do this) or an open beta for everyone, sort of like hypixels development lobby,
I've been staff for 2 weeks now and got more than 20 new conversations. That's a lot if you have to talk to every single person while they can't even speek properly english or made a huge text. I always respond asap but I understand that staff sometimes responds a couple days later, if you need any help with things, you can always create a private conversation with me but I can only do limited things as a helper.
i once asked about if a certain ign was inappropriate, even adding evidence with it, noone answered me not staff not players they did however very quickly answer the next guy that posted's question ( i did go ahead and report it anyway, in the end it was denied for not inapprpriate enough for a punishment)


Forum Professional
Jul 2, 2015
i once asked about if a certain ign was inappropriate, even adding evidence with it, noone answered me not staff not players they did however very quickly answer the next guy that posted's question ( i did go ahead and report it anyway, in the end it was denied for not inapprpriate enough for a punishment)
I sometimes see staffmember doing that yeah and I can't always responds because I still don't know everything about this server, but like I already said you can always PM me.

And about leaving was a typo, meant decreasing your activity, but idk where my mind was at that moment :,)


Forum Expert
Sep 2, 2016
In A Box In San Francisco
another issue is games, pretty much skywars and eggwars are the only games anyone is playing all the others only have a tiny percent of the online players many gamemodes are dead because of general unpopularity in minecraft, stuff like survival games factions or uhc has passed on into the afterlife, the lack of amount of games to play dosent help the matter
well some games like survival games, minerware, and blockwars though on average don't have as many players as skywars and eggwars there is still a decently sized community for people playing these games
there are other games with a decent sized community of players in them
not to say they scale equal to the community of eggwars or skywars but they aren't dead
outlast 2, subnautica, planet coaster, Star Wars Battlefront 2, and hello neighbor (hello neighbor has the same hype train fnaf 1-2 did)
I was about to argue with this then I read your last example and remembered I was trying to download a version of earlier today
still there is a decent amount of players playing it
As for cube, ive seen players come and go and a huge amount of staff resigned even over the smallest of issues which sent up a red flag thats theres something more going on behind the scenes then what everyones seeing in my opinion resigning over lies or other things like it
well the reason Hackers left was because of Hatrix
People like Cheez, CARDAN, False, & Sno
Presumably left because who led them to the server (Mac) had resigned and being from what I've seen in face cam for his streams along with things he has said it wouldn't be a surprise if he had just moved on with his life and his friends were supporting him
As for people like zDutchie, Sparkle, or Jespoe this may apply maybe not
Faded (If she resigned I might have a slight Idea of why but that is for some other time)
there is also a possibility that some staff resigned around the same time because 1 coincidental timing *cough cough* Hackers *cough cough* and 2 they were leaving because they saw all these other staff members leaving (this wouldn't explain Sparkle but I think Sparkle just left for personal reasons


Forum Professional
Mar 24, 2016
Breakfast for Dinner Club HQ
a huge amount of staff resigned even over the smallest of issues which sent up a red flag thats theres something more going on behind the scenes then what everyones seeing in my opinion resigning over lies or other things like it extremely minute is not a valid reason to satisfy me, neither is, "i have personal things to deal with" if thats the case whyed you become staff to begin with? Or a better question, why did you all chose now to step out together, somethings off and i can tell but i will figure it out one day
So you're blaming them for personal stuff that MAY have popped up unexpectedly?
Seriously dude... They can't do anything about it if they have no other choice, and some may have resigned for a completely different reason.
Isn't it just slightly suspicious that all of them resigned after Mac resigned? I doubt it's just "personal stuff" for all of them.

Ever since the old anticheat was removed cubecraft has been nosediving as the golden age came to an end, as covered in my analysis of the server and in @Jeff_Bllkth goodbye post the server and its community is pretty much DOA, with some (not all) wanting to become staff just to be staff not the good of the server, another issue is games, pretty much skywars and eggwars are the only games anyone is playing all the others only have a tiny percent of the online players many gamemodes are dead because of general unpopularity in minecraft, stuff like survival games factions or uhc has passed on into the afterlife,
So you're saying that removing the old anti-cheat was a bad idea, despite all the threads asking to remove it?
Sentinel DOES produce falls bans occasionally, no doubt about it, but what do you expect with a new system?
It's pretty difficult to make an AC right on the first attempt, especially with a player base of 5-15K.
And for the games: Is it our fault that the players are no longer interested? Not completely. Besides the bugs for UHC, the lack of updates for SG, I don't think the players like the game as a whole. Updates will only let them play it for so much, and they'll just turn back to Eggwars or Skywars.

the lack of amount of games to play dosent help the matter
Lack of games = Less games to choose from = More players on unpopular games.
It kind of does help it.

This is just a straight up situation that makes no logical sense, and money walls is not an example as it was admitted to be released unfinished
Every time something is released players pick up so many problems its not funny
Sure, there are bugs with a new game.
If they can only test 1-2 games of UHC (for example) at a time, they won't be running into bugs THAT often, will they?
The best way to find bugs, is to let as many people look for them as possible. That's what's happened to UHC.

from False bans by sentinel to a game breaking bug in creative that erases all or half of your plot of land, if you really are doing sufficient testing, how are these bugs getting by months of testing, or supposedly fixed and they show up again later down the road?
What if the testing went fine, due to the lack plots being accessed at once? I can't really see why else there's this big of a bug. If it's really that bad, surely they'd have seen it, right? Testing can only let you find so many bugs.

Frequently these forums have been going on for more than a day without any new threads which is one of the reasons i never post, you can argue i can make new suggestions for games, well ive already done two with no headway on either to even show higher staff plus with no imagination, being a kids server, and everything pretty much done i cant think of anything
And what do you suggest we can do about this?
Unless we grow the player base, the forums can't really grow much. Many players just play because they want to, and not to get to know the community like most of us.

Spyridon Agnew Dragon

Dedicated Member
May 27, 2016
isn't it just slightly suspicious that all of them resigned after Mac resigned? I doubt it's just "personal stuff" for all of them.
Thats exactly what im saying, i find the timing strange and all but 2 were "personal life issues"
Is it our fault that the players are no longer interested?
no but xturtle said it best, if its dead, remove it no point in kerping it if noone wants to play it at one point some of the games were as dead as control point was, not even enough players for even one lobby

Sure, there are bugs with a new game.
If they can only test 1-2 games of UHC (for example) at a time, they won't be running into bugs THAT often, will they?
The best way to find bugs, is to let as many people look for them as possible. That's what's happened to UHC
1-2 tests over several years of work? How this this "sufficient testing"? This also even furthers the many threads in a beta test server like hypixels prototype lobby

What if the testing went fine, due to the lack plots being accessed at once? I can't really see why else there's this big of a bug. If it's really that bad, surely they'd have seen it, right? Testing can only let you find so many bugs.
go back in the bug reports youll find t, this bug was reported way back when creative was reopened, after several updates it still seems to be going on
And what do you suggest we can do about this?
Im not "suggesting" anything im saying that the forums are pretty much dead which makes me feel like i dont belong, my preference is 24 hour activity with new stuff coming in as early as every few seconds, that used to be here
Unless we grow the player base, the forums can't really grow much. Many players just play because they want to, and not to get to know the community like most of us.
true dat


Forum Professional
Mar 24, 2016
Breakfast for Dinner Club HQ
1-2 tests over several years of work? How this this "sufficient testing"? This also even furthers the many threads in a beta test server like hypixels prototype lobby
If they can only test 1-2 games of UHC (for example) at a time
Notice how I said "at a time"
For the rest, I can agree with you since I don't really know how everything is set up behind the scenes, and can't bring anything up since it might not be true.


Dedicated Member
Sep 12, 2016
I hope something happens soon, something big, for this community as its in my opinion the best one and i have seen so many people leave recently and it just makes me sad. Even though you arent leaving its still sad to see that you will be very inactive.
I really hope, and im begging, that cubecraft releases something really big soon to relive this community a bit more again. Either way, good luck with your job and your vacation! I guess we will all see you again at some point kind of soon.
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