Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

betty's oldies

Forum Expert
Disclaimer: No sarcasm is intended at all. This thread is here to highlight the current issues of this month (some traced back to January). This thread has been updated as of March 31st (added parts to staff section).

So, let's begin.

A few updates were added to this server over the past 3 months. Let's begin with a few:

-Before 2017: Major hacker problem. While fewer hackers appear in games, a lot still cheat and go unnoticed for a long time.
-January: Lucky Islands update
-February: Eggwars update + speed eggwars added. Also SG update on the last day
-March: Sentinel introduced and UHC re-added.

Looks great, doesn't it? But what happened besides that?

Why is our player count going down? What's with hypixel, our competitor, doing at 50k+ players (sometimes 60k)? Let's look at the major issues that have surfaced over the last month, starting with how many staff have left and how many have joined.

1. Former staff as of 2017 (I might have missed a few).

Counting at least 14 staff, here's how much power staff have lost. That's 1 head admin, at least 1 dev, 1 admin, 6 mods, and 5 senior mods. 3 new staff (Buuuddy, hub3rt and skifby) came to replace 3 members, but that's still 11 major staff gone from the server. My theory here is that staff applications are too difficult (very small window) for applicants to get in, thus keeping the server heavily understaffed. Additionally, for the head admin (an interactive one in fact, not just a regular one) to leave, that's a lot of interaction lost between the playerbase and the staff.

The apparent "fix" would be to recruit more staff members. That's good and bad. We don't want to have too few, but we also don't want too many. There's something called "diminishing returns," where adding a new staff member to a project (when, say 1 is working on it at 100% efficiency) doesn't add another 100%. Every member the server adds will always be less than the ideal output. In this example, that's less than 200%. Add too many and some will not have any work -- this is past saturation and will do more harm to the server than good.

2. Marketing (credit goes to @ronnielei for her rant)
-People are leaving. Not only are prices high (see subpoint #2) but too many hackers means many will be frustrated with the server and leave. More people leaving translates to fewer potential customers and affects the server's revenue. Don't make enough revenue? This server will close just like MCSG did. People advertise this server by word of mouth too, not just from streams or videos. If they didn't have a good experience, more people will learn about their bad experiences.

-Notice what makes the other servers shine in terms of cosmetics. Cheap ranks, right? This is because they keep their prices low with a long sale (at least 50%+ off on their ranks). What do we have? The opposite: ranks and prices are much more expensive and we're roughly the same size as Mineplex. Let's leave this up to you: where would you buy your stuff if both stores gave you the same items but one cost a lot cheaper than the other?

-Lack of votes and advertising. Where are we? A mere 40 votes compared to Mineplex's 30k+ votes? Although the server has other means to advertise, more ways to promote the server can attract new players to the server. Here's a comparison between the two in terms of voting.
CubeCraft's: http://minecraft-server-list.com/server/108375/
Mineplex's: http://minecraft-server-list.com/server/218820/

3. Updates
While the server did a great job releasing new content, how did the community respond? Let's look at what other releases were not stable on the first day:

-Eggwars update: speed eggwars achievements were broken except for the one-time only ones (e.g. win with a helmet only).
-SG: broken border
-UHC: broken achievements, custom generation instead of vanilla, short grace period, fixed ore locations

While I understand that first releases aren't polished, some are game-breaking. For example, the first few days of SG forced a stalemate by pushing the border too close to spawn -- this separated the last few players from each other. It gives an impression that these updates were made from what the server wanted, not what both the players and the server wanted. It took weeks just to fix speed eggwars' achievements and in the meantime there's still other projects on the work. We don't need more games or updates the people want -- we need current projects to be fixed first before releasing completely new content.

We dug ourselves into a deep hole. How will we get out? We're in at least 3, if not more, issues: marketing, update quality, and staff. Something needs to be done about all of these. We might still have a chance to return back to a successful server. Make your choice before it's too late.
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Forum Veteran
Aug 26, 2015
Normally I'm the guy that always says to other people, "stop complaining and please be patient", but I totally agree with this. Everybody saw that Cube is going down, and like you said, they must come with a solution as fast as they can, before it's too late.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2016
Near Brighton, UK!
I feel like they just need to really innovate. Their flagship game mode Eggwars has barely changed since it updated to 1.9, so perhaps another update would increase traffic? CC just needs a bit of TLC, perhaps if they put out updates faster for things such as a party system then more people would stay active.

Despacito 2

Forum Professional
Dec 6, 2015
First of all Staff:
Getting staff isn't that hard, the problem is that the age recommendations are too low.
13? I pretty sure Staff should be older, atleast 15. Not only that but also the fact that they never reset the applies, thus giving members who already applied no chance at all.

Well, I don't really buy stuff for Minecraft servers so I couldn't really mind about that. What I do mind is the lack of vanity and Miniatures given to Ranks, adding more special, shiny, sprinkle, particle stuff or simply more Miniatures could make the Cubecraft's Rank market go up.

The Bug:
Oh The Bugs!
Welp we will have to wait till they find solutions I guess

Anyway good thread hyper I hope to see more of these in the future!


Forum Professional
Mar 24, 2016
Breakfast for Dinner Club HQ
The problems may be true, but you didn't really state any way to "fix" most the problems.
Sure, the staff resigning/being demoted may be a problem, but you really can't do anything about that if it's their choice that they want to leave.
The application system is pretty much a mess, since even some of the people that would fit the role don't get a chance. It's like the community never has a say in who may become a staff member or not. This is a problem since people that most of us absolutely despise can become a staff member over someone that we all think that deserves it.
I might go into detail on this in another thread at one point.

betty's oldies

Forum Expert
The problems may be true, but you didn't really state any way to "fix" most the problems.
Sure, the staff resigning/being demoted may be a problem, but you really can't do anything about that if it's their choice that they want to leave.
The application system is pretty much a mess, since even some of the people that would fit the role don't get a chance. It's like the community never has a say in who may become a staff member or not. This is a problem since people that most of us absolutely despise can become a staff member over someone that we all think that deserves it.
I might go into detail on this in another thread at one point.
That's why I didn't state any fixes to those problems. Fix one (just like fixing a program bug) and more problems pop up. Fix those too and things become more complicated. They can improve their practices, but not fix entirely.


Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2016
In the end it will all boil down to business, if the server no longer has money from donors to pay staff then the glitches/poor quality will take over. It will all avalanche from there. :|


Forum Expert
Jan 6, 2014
Manchester, UK
Ok. I can at least partially agree with the issues you mentioned so let's talk about them. Apologies in advance if this is a little wordy.

1) Staff. Yup people leave. It's starting to be that time of the year as well. People start with exams and busy school loads. We'll be starting recruitment soon and I plan on myself as well as other key staff members being a part of this to make sure the best people are coming through the process.

2) Marketing. Let's just say we have a few new marketing opportunities coming our way. I'm hoping that we can announce at least one of these on the livestream tomorrow. It's an "issue" that I am aware of and we are always looking to improve it. We're hiring new staff members to look after some parts of that. However you're right, in recent times it's been a little lacking.

As for high prices that's a little bit of a rock and a hard place. If we were to drop the prices of our ranks then people who had already bought them would want to have that discount too. You would be surprised but even when we do a sale we get players emailing our support team asking for the discount to be refunded to them, even though they bought the rank over a year ago. We are looking at bringing new items to the store but I don't think we are ready to assign a release date to them.

3) Updates. Yeah testing suuuuucks. You might find it surprising but we do test. A lot. We have 4 to 5 rounds of testing that a product goes through before release. If it fails any of them it starts again. Quality Assurance is something I am currently in discussions with a few possible people with to look at areas we can improve. One of the bad aspects of being a large network is even with a large staff team nothing can replicate the thousands of CubeCrafters that try and play the games the second they are released.

I hope that answers your queries if not, let me know I'm always floating around.

Ping Ether

Forum Veteran
Jun 2, 2016
13? I pretty sure Staff should be older, atleast 15. Not only that but also the fact that they never reset the applies, thus giving members who already applied no chance at all.

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

betty's oldies

Forum Expert
3) Updates. Yeah testing suuuuucks. You might find it surprising but we do test. A lot. We have 4 to 5 rounds of testing that a product goes through before release. If it fails any of them it starts again. Quality Assurance is something I am currently in discussions with a few possible people with to look at areas we can improve. One of the bad aspects of being a large network is even with a large staff team nothing can replicate the thousands of CubeCrafters that try and play the games the second they are released.

I'm not surprised about that at all. Of course that's one of the major goals of your projects, same goes for your software engineers.

Minor edit made just a minute ago.
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Power Ranger

Forum Professional
Apr 20, 2016
The ♡
My theory here is that staff applications are too difficult (very small window) for applicants to get in, thus keeping the server heavily understaffed. Additionally, for the head admin (an interactive one in fact,
I hope it stays that way too... There are so many people going for helper/moderator that I would not trust to do reports :P If cubecraft lowers their standards there will be way too many false bans between sentinel and incompetent staff. There currently are too many false bans :P

2. Marketing (credit goes to @ronnielei for her rant)
-People are leaving. Not only are prices high (see subpoint #2) but too many hackers means many will be frustrated with the server and leave. More people leaving translates to fewer potential customers and affects the server's revenue. Don't make enough revenue? This server will close just like MCSG did. People advertise this server by word of mouth too, not just from streams or videos. If they didn't have a good experience, more people will learn about their bad experiences.
I never got why the cheapest rank on cubecraft was 15 dollars... The highest ranks from other server I play are 15 dollars. Extremely high cost is the main reason I don't have a rank today. I doubt the prices will ever be decreased beyond sales or cheaper monthly options become available as Ive seen both asked for countless times and shot down.

-Eggwars update: speed eggwars achievements were broken except for the one-time only ones (e.g. win with a helmet only).
-SG: broken border
-UHC: broken achievements, custom generation instead of vanilla, short grace period, fixed ore locations
The update haves been of fine quality to me lately as I and most other players don't care at all about achievements xD I never noticed the Sg border but and I played the update the day it came out :P UHC has always been reset every single day and currently it looks like ore might regenerate every couple of games.we also knew a long time ahead that UHC was going to have custom world generation from the streams :P

We dug ourselves into a deep hole. How will we get out? We're in at least 3, if not more, issues: marketing, update quality, and staff. Something needs to be done about all of these. We might still have a chance to return back to a successful server. Make your choice before it's too late.
It's a good recap of what some people are crying out about but honestly its nothing that will hurt the server a ton. Updates are coming faster than ever and if they have any major issues they are being fixed pretty quickly. A couple staff leaving makes everyone think the server is coming to a close. Cubecraft still has the main people behind it - the owners. Also if the shop was an issue the owners would have changed the prices a long time ago. Cubecraft is still one of the largest servers and if it could stand having hackers in every game for months then it can easily stand for a couple staff members leaving especially with the new anticheat which greatly helps current mods with one of their most time consuming jobs. Cubecraft has grown since Ive first joined and just because that minority of people on the forums are shaken up doesn't mean the other 100k people care at all about these issues are give any mind to them. Also you are forgetting that we have had a ton of new developers join and some have even taken over what moderators are doing with the new anticheat.

There is only one serious issue to me on cubecraft is false bans from the anticheat or moderators but that still won't kill the server its just something I really don't like.

Cubecraft will not die or go down any time soon.


Jan 12, 2017
the Netherlands
I hope it stays that way too... There are so many people going for helper/moderator that I would not trust to do reports :p If cubecraft lowers their standards there will be way too many false bans between sentinel and incompetent staff. There currently are too many false bans :p

I never got why the cheapest rank on cubecraft was 15 dollars... The highest ranks from other server I play are 15 dollars. Extremely high cost is the main reason I don't have a rank today. I doubt the prices will ever be decreased beyond sales or cheaper monthly options become available as Ive seen both asked for countless times and shot down.

The update haves been of fine quality to me lately as I and most other players don't care at all about achievements xD I never noticed the Sg border but and I played the update the day it came out :p UHC has always been reset every single day and currently it looks like ore might regenerate every couple of games.we also knew a long time ahead that UHC was going to have custom world generation from the streams :p

It's a good recap of what some people are crying out about but honestly its nothing that will hurt the server a ton. Updates are coming faster than ever and if they have any major issues they are being fixed pretty quickly. A couple staff leaving makes everyone think the server is coming to a close. Cubecraft still has the main people behind it - the owners. Also if the shop was an issue the owners would have changed the prices a long time ago. Cubecraft is still one of the largest servers and if it could stand having hackers in every game for months then it can easily stand for a couple staff members leaving especially with the new anticheat which greatly helps current mods with one of their most time consuming jobs. Cubecraft has grown since Ive first joined and just because that minority of people on the forums are shaken up doesn't mean the other 100k people care at all about these issues are give any mind to them. Also you are forgetting that we have had a ton of new developers join and some have even taken over what moderators are doing with the new anticheat.

There is only one serious issue to me on cubecraft is false bans from the anticheat or moderators but that still won't kill the server its just something I really don't like.

Cubecraft will not die or go down any time soon.
Yes it is so annoying with the false bans!
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betty's oldies

Forum Expert
I hope it stays that way too... There are so many people going for helper/moderator that I would not trust to do reports :p If cubecraft lowers their standards there will be way too many false bans between sentinel and incompetent staff. There currently are too many false bans :p

I never got why the cheapest rank on cubecraft was 15 dollars... The highest ranks from other server I play are 15 dollars. Extremely high cost is the main reason I don't have a rank today. I doubt the prices will ever be decreased beyond sales or cheaper monthly options become available as Ive seen both asked for countless times and shot down.

The update haves been of fine quality to me lately as I and most other players don't care at all about achievements xD I never noticed the Sg border but and I played the update the day it came out :p UHC has always been reset every single day and currently it looks like ore might regenerate every couple of games.we also knew a long time ahead that UHC was going to have custom world generation from the streams :p

It's a good recap of what some people are crying out about but honestly its nothing that will hurt the server a ton. Updates are coming faster than ever and if they have any major issues they are being fixed pretty quickly. A couple staff leaving makes everyone think the server is coming to a close. Cubecraft still has the main people behind it - the owners. Also if the shop was an issue the owners would have changed the prices a long time ago. Cubecraft is still one of the largest servers and if it could stand having hackers in every game for months then it can easily stand for a couple staff members leaving especially with the new anticheat which greatly helps current mods with one of their most time consuming jobs. Cubecraft has grown since Ive first joined and just because that minority of people on the forums are shaken up doesn't mean the other 100k people care at all about these issues are give any mind to them. Also you are forgetting that we have had a ton of new developers join and some have even taken over what moderators are doing with the new anticheat.

There is only one serious issue to me on cubecraft is false bans from the anticheat or moderators but that still won't kill the server its just something I really don't like.

Cubecraft will not die or go down any time soon.
But the developers also have deadlines to meet. If not enough work on a project, then it's going to be delayed. In fact, a few left months ago and that delayed their projects considerably. There's only 11 developers on this server and add all the work (designing, coding, and testing) in addition with leaves explains why all of our updates (heck, freebuild was delayed) are slow. Developers will never do the same as a mod. A mod is there to keep order within the server, not code. While a dev can ban, their specialties are not the same.


Dedicated Member
May 12, 2016
I think that the Staff team is falling apart because people need to move on. I know Minecraft is a great game and Cubecraft is too. But I don't want to stay here till I'm 63.
They also have an outside life to, jobs, youtube, sport etc.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2016
2) Marketing. Let's just say we have a few new marketing opportunities coming our way. I'm hoping that we can announce at least one of these on the livestream tomorrow. It's an "issue" that I am aware of and we are always looking to improve it. We're hiring new staff members to look after some parts of that. However you're right, in recent times it's been a little lacking.

As for high prices that's a little bit of a rock and a hard place. If we were to drop the prices of our ranks then people who had already bought them would want to have that discount too. You would be surprised but even when we do a sale we get players emailing our support team asking for the discount to be refunded to them, even though they bought the rank over a year ago. We are looking at bringing new items to the store but I don't think we are ready to assign a release date to them.
As for prices, there's always someone going to be unhappy whether you lower the prices or increase the prices, welp even keeping them at the same price makes people unhappy. Considering the consumers (majority being underage dependents) CC is reaching out to is it reasonable to ask for $18.69-174.57 USD? It's also about competition. What does CC have to offer that's different than all the other servers asking for donations? Then the question is: Is it worth this amount of money? As the demand for ranks decreases and the price stays the same, income is looking to decrease even further. Also thank you for responding to this thread I appreciate it.

betty's oldies

Forum Expert
As of posting just moments ago, Snodia and dwayne have resigned.

@POWER_RANGER, here's the problem. They're stuck between a rock and a hard place when it comes to get people. Keep the current standards and only a very few will get in. Right now it's suffering from being understaffed and 12+ staff members leaving with only a few replacing them. That's a very big risk to have people leave -- they're the best asset servers and businesses have.
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TheOrderOfSapphire wrote on xSchulzis's profile.
Reesle wrote on Speedy:3's profile.
Thank you for the follow!
Much appreciated =)
iTz1Hamood wrote on TheOrderOfSapphire's profile.
Hii sapph, Thanks for accepting the report!
Btw even with all that hacking

We still managed to win that game somehow lol, we were so worried about out 52 win streak
So we decided to take out the best inside us and played it so smart

We managed to get the win
And ngl, it was so insane
Probably the most insane win
in my 2000 games played on BW.
TheOrderOfSapphire wrote on Eli's profile.
Cool member appreciation moment:D 💙
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