Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Forum Veteran
Dec 6, 2015
the Netherlands
Well this will most likely become a big thread, so no wasting time and let's get straight into these suggestions.

Survival Games:

First I'd like to mention this thread by Jordanzz: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/survival-games.180539/ wich I took some inspiration of so his points may come back in this thread.
- Add Golden Apples in Overpowered like the Voting-menu is saying,
This was mentioned by Jordanzz in his thread, when voting for OP it's saying it contains a lot of gapples, but neither did I or Jordanzz ever see a Gapple in-game when playing OP.
- Remove / Balance Flint&Steel, TNT and Lava Buckets,
Again something Jordanzz mentioned I can 100% agree with, these 3 items are just really OP especially in Basic as it's already a pain in the ass to deal with in Normal Mode. Personally I'd like to see Lava and F&s to get added to OP only and keep it out of Normal and lower. TNT can also be ridiculously strong, but a bit less then fire imo, I either want this to get removed, moved to OP only aswell. Another thing I'm also ok with is adding Blast Protection Gear to the game as TNT just does so much damadge...
- The Wolf Kit,
This kit is pretty OP... The wolfs constantly hit and damadge you dealing (A LOT of) damadge making it impossible to properly fight. I believe this kit MUST be nerfed to having only 1 wolf. The wolfs should also die when the opponent dies as it happens every now and then I survive with a small amount of HP after a fight, just to get cleaned by the surviving Wolfs...
- The World Events..?,
When the SG Overhaul was announced World Events were introduced. Awesome! But they are pretty bugged on the map Underwater and Ruins. In the thread Joe told us there would be a Zombie Apocalypse on Ruins, has anyone ever seen any kind of Zombie on that map? Same with Underwater, I mean the chat does say ''something is happening'' but NOTHING happens!! I mean the wEvents are fun, a zombie apocalypse to survive in sounds awesome, the meteor shower in Jurassic is also pretty fun. The lightning storm in Seasons barely does damadge and is only really noisy and should do something.
- Make the warning Teaming is not allowed more obvious,
I honestly get annoyed so much by teams in Solo Gamemodes. Do you really think everyone reads the buisy chat when playing? You barely notice the warning: ''Teaming in solo is not allowed''. Rather then having this warning make it pop up on your screen like in MinerWare, this way they can't say they ''didn't see the warning''.

These were the Survival Games Suggestions and again go look at Jordanzz thread, now on to Arcade:


- Why has there never been an Update anymore?,

I rather wanted to post a good looking picture of Arcade like I just did with Survival Games BUT I can't as there hasn't been an Arcade Update anymore in ages! I mean the last Arcade ''Update'' there ever was was back in August 26 in 2015. And that wasn't even an actual Update! All that happened was Super Craft Bros receiving a new map! can't believe Arcade has never been touched anymore since as it's still a very popular gamemode!
- Being able to vote for CTF-Mode or Kill-Mode in Paintball,
It sucks you are being forced to play one mode on a map you like. I mean I love CTF and I love the layout for CTF Maps (with exception of Flowers), but I like the layout of Kill-Mode maps aswell! I want to be able to play Kill-Mode on CTF Maps or CTF on Kill-Mode maps. I'm pretty sure enough Donators would appreciate this.
- Quick Map Select Armour Stands,
With the new lobbies having those armour stands to pick your favorite map I think Arcade should have this aswell as it can take so long for your favorite map to appear.
- Balance Super Craft Bros,
Since the last ''Update'' Arcade received was in 2015, the server was still full 1.8, with 1.9 being released the kits are way too unbalanced. Not to mention Blaze and Skeleton are your main win kits.
- Add possible Vote Options / Modifiers to the Minigames,
Higher Staff should be able to be creative enough to make up Modifiers for some minigames as Arcade Games can get repetetive after some times.

This was all for Arcade. While we are talking about being ''Creative'', let's head on to FreeBuild,


The Update thread says it's back and bigger, wich I can agree on. I do not agree it returned better.
- Reduce the Prize to buy / upgrade any plot,
Getting your plot starts with 1000 Points, and in return you get one that's really small wich is not worth it.
The next Upgrade costs 1000 Points aswell I believe, and the next one 1500 Points. Then you get a decent size 72 x 72 wich is not worth 3500 Points. Then the final size is 122 x 122, wich is 5000 FREAKING POINTS! Honestly! I mean yes, doubling the size of a decent plot should costs more but FIVE FREAKING THOUSAND! It takes so much time just to be able to collect all these points. The amount of points required should heavily be reduced.
- Remove this Diamonds System,
The Diamond System makes no sence. First of all, all Staff plots get in the first page. Yes Efcluke's plots are amazing and deserve the top 3 but let's take Rubik's Halloween Plot for example. It's very small, has a bit of parkour and is not detailed that much. Yet somehow it comes in the top page, why? Because he is staff. Then you also have 2 plots of Andyschofie wich are big but ALMOST have nothing on it. Yet somehow it's top rated because he's Staff.
Outside of the Staff Plots the most worthless plots gets top rated aswell. I mean the most builds are just parkour our EXTREMELY POURLY detailed plots wich don't even deserve to reach page 100. A while ago @Pegozo invited me to her plot, and for once I was legit impressed. She built a giant Mega Charizard Y, and it was legit one of the best FreeBuild builds I have seen out there! So Pegoze had been advertising this plot for around a week.
Back to the diamonds, the top player plot is just lame parkour wich has 3500 Diamonds if I'm right. A week of advertising for her amazing plot only got her 500 DIAMONDS! Crap parkour gets 7x more Diamonds while her plot had 50x more effort and detail. The Diamonds are just not balanced as only the bad plots receive top page.
- Host Building Competitions again,
Last Halloween Building Competition was fun, many people used FreeBuild to make awesome creations so they could build for a prize. But what happened with these competitions? I mean we didn't have a Christmas Building Competition! Why!? These things keep it alive and attract people to play FreeBuild.
- The complicated Friends system,
First of all, why do friends have to be online in order to add them? Also why does the plot shut down when you leave!? What if you want your friend to be able to continue building? I also think the system should be more easy to use, just add a /plot add command, no more struggles! This is the most easy way to fix this issue. Second of all, why can only friends be added to your plot? I mean why can't I add some strangers to my plot? Getting griefed is at your own risk so why not do it?

This was all for Creative, now let's move on to a small Sky- and EggWars suggestion.

Sky- EggWars:


- The Team Warning,

Like mentioned in Survival Games, the warning against teamers in Solo Gamemodes should be more obvious. Rather then a small line of red text add a clear warning like the MinerWare text, no excuses they ''didn't see the warning''.
- Rebalance the SkyWars Kits,
As for now only Swordsman and Iron Golem are the most used kits. Yet there are so many other kits that never get used. The kits NEED to be buffed, (with some exceptions).
As I rarely play EggWars I can't really give my opinion about those Kits.

With these small suggestions gone, back to bigger suggestions. MinerWare Time!


- Allow Donators to vote for the Boss Game,

With EULA so many things already got taken away from Donators. Voting / Modifiers make the game way more fun! But voting for what microgames will appear might be a bit meh... so why not allow Donators to vote only for Time and the Boss Game?
- Speaking of Boss Games,
As most of us might know the Maze Boss Game got removed due to it sometimes being impossible to complete. And I mean LITERALLY impossible, there was no exit! I'd love to see this Boss Game return as it was fun and requires no PVP.
- More Microgames,
I'd like it if there would be so many microgames no game would feel the same, very short but that's all I suggest for new microgames.
- The Golden Nuggets Minigame,
When you kill a zombie chances are pretty high only one person will receive all the nuggets with 2 people ending up winning by turning in 40+ nuggets. Rather then letting it drop, I suggest when you kill a zombie the nugget gets added to your inventory. If you helped damadging the zombie you won't receive a nugget, only the one dealing the final hit.
- Remove pushing effect in Parkour & Eat Cake,
When Parkouring to eat the cake it's impossible if you don't start the parkour in less then a second. Not to mention if you mess up the first time you're done for since the pushing effect doesn't allow you to properly retry the parkour.

With MinerWare out of the game, let's go to PVP shall we?


- Allow Punch / Knockback III, IV and V items in Custom Kits,

Why aren't we allowed to enchant any items with these enchantments? Why is II the max and can any other enchantment still go to V? I see no problem with it as most of the Custom Kits already are ruined with full diamond kits. Some kits can be made even more fun with Knockback / Punch III+ items.
- Add a Bounty System to FFA aswell,
I think the Assassins Bounty System is almost 100% succesfull. Why isn't it 100% succesfull? Because when you start with basic gear your bounty could be a full diamond person that has a team of 4 people. Yet in FFA everybody has equal gear and teams are less likely to appear. Adding a Bounty to FFA aswell can be fun, just running around looking for this one person in a server of 50 people. I think it should give 5 minutes for your bounty and after 5 minutes it will select a new one. You should receive 8 - 10 Points by killing a Bounty immediatly after killing him.

Another quick suggestion for a gamemode, now on to the last one BlockWars!


- The Summoner Kit needs a buff,

The Gear of the summoner kit is really bad, I mean even combined with it's mobs most kits can beat it. The kit needs to be balanced, example allow 2 mobs to be on the field, shorter cooldown or possibly summon 2 mobs at a time!
- Ninja Cloak Ability and Arrows,
In Core Mode Ninja Kit can be gamechanging when it's Sudden Death. Nobody can see you while you chip away at their core. BUT THEN!! You get hit by an arrow and this arrow takes minutes until it disappears making the Cloak Ability useless. Arrows should be removed from the Ninja kit ASAP when the Ninja gets shot otherwise it's a bad kit.
- What happened to the map ''The Bridge'',
In the last BlockWars Update, https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/blockwars-core-mode-and-more.133680/ , a new map was introduced: ''The Bridge''. Has ANYONE ever seen this or played on this map? Because I have never seen this map appear.

It took me about 40 minutes to write this entire thread and I would really appreciate it if I could receive some feedback from Higher Staff this time as most of the threads don't receive replies due to it being bad or Staff not having time for it. That's why I am going to tag @Mac @Efcluke94 and @Tacosbefriends wich I usually don't do.

I hope you guys and the community could give me feedback and actually implement some of these things.

- Jeroen
Yes this signature at the end of my thread was necesseary.

Despacito 2

Forum Professional
Dec 6, 2015
And that but it was ''unpopular'' and ''broken''. well yea without any update it becomes broken
But since there already are a lot of suggestions for Money Walls I decided to leave that one out.
Just going to put this here then:
Seriously though,
I do support most of them. These aren't the only problem with Cubecraft's gamemodes but it's good enough for now.
Arcade really needs an Update also the Upgrade/Buy plots at Freebuild need to be different I think they should allows us to begin with bigger plots.


Forum Expert
Jul 7, 2016
- What happened to the map ''The Bridge'',
In the last BlockWars Update, https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/blockwars-core-mode-and-more.133680/ , a new map was introduced: ''The Bridge''. Has ANYONE ever seen this or played on this map? Because I have never seen this map appear.
I asked Tacos about this map and he told me it was a bug in there, so that is the reason why this map is disabled.
I think it should be enabled again because this map was added months ago and it was enough time to fix it.

And about Kit Ninja, sorry but I disagree, the kit is actually OP, and arrows visibility is balanced :/
(At least for me)


I like the other ideas, I hope Administrators take them into consideration :p


Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2016
As someone who plays blockwars a lot..i've never seen the map bridge. I'm pretty sure @Jeff_Bllkth can confirm?
Moving onto survival games...the world events are broken. I think the only maps that have it are Jurassic and seasons which make you laggy as hell. Some kits are op as hell and need to be balanced out :/
Arcade as a whole needs a face lift.
and obviously bring back money walls :B


Forum Professional
May 1, 2014
Arendine Sink
- Add a Bounty System to FFA aswell,
I think the Assassins Bounty System is almost 100% succesfull. Why isn't it 100% succesfull? Because when you start with basic gear your bounty could be a full diamond person that has a team of 4 people. Yet in FFA everybody has equal gear and teams are less likely to appear. Adding a Bounty to FFA aswell can be fun, just running around looking for this one person in a server of 50 people. I think it should give 5 minutes for your bounty and after 5 minutes it will select a new one. You should receive 8 - 10 Points by killing a Bounty immediatly after killing him.
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Dedicated Member
Sep 1, 2016
The Wolf Kit,
This kit is pretty OP... The wolfs constantly hit and damadge you dealing (A LOT of) damadge making it impossible to properly fight. I believe this kit MUST be nerfed to having only 1 wolf. The wolfs should also die when the opponent dies as it happens every now and then I survive with a small amount of HP after a fight, just to get cleaned by the surviving Wolfs...
- Ninja Cloak Ability and Arrows,
In Core Mode Ninja Kit can be gamechanging when it's Sudden Death. Nobody can see you while you chip away at their core. BUT THEN!! You get hit by an arrow and this arrow takes minutes until it disappears making the Cloak Ability useless. Arrows should be removed from the Ninja kit ASAP when the Ninja gets shot otherwise it's a bad kit

Good suggestions! I agree with everything you said apart from these two points ^

-Dogs -
With many OP kits out there like Cannibal or the TNT kit, I don't think having 2 dogs by your side makes as big an impact. I've used this kit many times and honestly, the effect varies quite a lot. Sometimes the dogs attack but completely fail (only getting 1 or 2 hits) in a full fight, sometimes they only seem to do something after watching their master burn alive and sometimes they do actually attack and help you out. How well they perform is down to luck really.

I don't think you should remove a wolf from the kit as then it would be way too underpowered in my opinion. It's pretty easy to kill 2 wolves with an explosion, fire or just slapping them around a few times, and once they're dead your kit has has lost all its effectiveness. I do agree that the damage they deal should be nerfed a bit though. Also, one of the most satisfying feelings after being slaughtered is watching your dogs avenge you! I'd hate it if they somehow removed that xD

The ninja kit needs a flaw - having no armour and arrows screwing up the cloak is that flaw. Personally I like it the way it is, it makes you be more tactical as to when to activate the cloak. If you made the arrows dissappear almost instantly after being shot, that kit would be even more OP than it already is in my opinion xD

- - -

Anyways, good job forming all these ideas and a shoutout to Jordanzz too \O/


Forum Expert
Sep 2, 2016
In A Box In San Francisco
Okay So The Ones I Don't Respond To I Will Be Okay With Or I Like

- Remove / Balance Flint&Steel, TNT and Lava Buckets,
Again something Jordanzz mentioned I can 100% agree with, these 3 items are just really OP especially in Basic as it's already a pain in the ass to deal with in Normal Mode. Personally I'd like to see Lava and F&s to get added to OP only and keep it out of Normal and lower. TNT can also be ridiculously strong, but a bit less then fire imo, I either want this to get removed, moved to OP only aswell. Another thing I'm also ok with is adding Blast Protection Gear to the game as TNT just does so much damadge...
flint and steel is balanced for it's damage then lava can be put out and is LESS common
then TNT is rare

- Make the warning Teaming is not allowed more obvious,
I honestly get annoyed so much by teams in Solo Gamemodes. Do you really think everyone reads the buisy chat when playing? You barely notice the warning: ''Teaming in solo is not allowed''. Rather then having this warning make it pop up on your screen like in MinerWare, this way they can't say they ''didn't see the warning''.
i don't really understand how this would work
is it a command like @Dotsy has suggested before
when he kept bumping up a thread that was already on the main page

the problem with this is if they are teaming and they stop
but somebody is being mean they spam the command so that after they have been warned they can't see anything because their screen is being blocked by this
with that players can just spam it when they aren't even teaming but how would you ever know whom was spamming you if you tried to report them
- Add possible Vote Options / Modifiers to the Minigames,
Higher Staff should be able to be creative enough to make up Modifiers for some minigames as Arcade Games can get repetetive after some times.
i won't be arguing with this idea because i don't know what sort of modifiers you would be thinking about
like is an example to this speed or jump boost in TNT run or Spleef
- Rebalance the SkyWars Kits,
As for now only Swordsman and Iron Golem are the most used kits. Yet there are so many other kits that never get used. The kits NEED to be buffed, (with some exceptions).
there are other good kits and i see Iron Golem more rarely i do see the swordsman kit often though but nonetheless kits like bomber or pyromaniac are my favourites and they are VERY affective
- More Microgames,
I'd like it if there would be so many microgames no game would feel the same, very short but that's all I suggest for new microgames.
some examples here
- The Golden Nuggets Minigame,
When you kill a zombie chances are pretty high only one person will receive all the nuggets with 2 people ending up winning by turning in 40+ nuggets. Rather then letting it drop, I suggest when you kill a zombie the nugget gets added to your inventory. If you helped damadging the zombie you won't receive a nugget, only the one dealing the final hit.
this would just give players with damage indicators a huge advantage just stand on the little pad that is 1 block up and just search for kills
With MinerWare out of the game, let's go to PVP shall we?
do we HAVE to?
- Add a Bounty System to FFA aswell,
I think the Assassins Bounty System is almost 100% succesfull. Why isn't it 100% succesfull? Because when you start with basic gear your bounty could be a full diamond person that has a team of 4 people. Yet in FFA everybody has equal gear and teams are less likely to appear. Adding a Bounty to FFA aswell can be fun, just running around looking for this one person in a server of 50 people. I think it should give 5 minutes for your bounty and after 5 minutes it will select a new one. You should receive 8 - 10 Points by killing a Bounty immediatly after killing him.
this more just makes assassins worse when you can do everything the same BUT start out with wings and have a power 5 bow with 64 arrows
- What happened to the map ''The Bridge'',
In the last BlockWars Update, https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/blockwars-core-mode-and-more.133680/ , a new map was introduced: ''The Bridge''. Has ANYONE ever seen this or played on this map? Because I have never seen this map appear.
that is because it doesn't appear
it is in the cabin
with Jon
- Jeroen
Yes this signature at the end of my thread was necesseary.
no way it was NO WAY

as said before the rest i don't mind or i do like


Forum Veteran
Dec 6, 2015
the Netherlands
flint and steel is balanced for it's damage then lava can be put out and is LESS common
then TNT is rare
Even if TNT would be more rare, lava more uncommon or Flint and Steel balanced, I want to get these items to OP only. I'm not asking to make all items harder to find or to nerf them, I want them to be available in OP only.

i don't really understand how this would work
is it a command like @Dotsy has suggested before
when he kept bumping up a thread that was already on the main page

the problem with this is if they are teaming and they stop
but somebody is being mean they spam the command so that after they have been warned they can't see anything because their screen is being blocked by this
with that players can just spam it when they aren't even teaming but how would you ever know whom was spamming you if you tried to report them
How In the world can you not understand this?
When a Solo Game Starts the chat will say Teaming is not allowed, I want this warning to be more obvious, example:
In MinerWare the text constantly changes when a new microgame will start ''Avoid hot potato'' for example.
Rather then a sentence in chat when the game starts I want red text to pop out like in MinerWare saying Teaming is not allowed.
It has nothing to do with a command.

there are other good kits and i see Iron Golem more rarely i do see the swordsman kit often though but nonetheless kits like bomber or pyromaniac are my favourites and they are VERY affective
Bomber gets sometimes used now with people that like TNT Jumping, but that's it. Iron Golem is chosen way more then you will expect. I'd say the percentage between Swordsmen - Iron Golem is 60% - 40%. About the Pyro kit, you just mentioned YOU think the kit is very effective. But a lot of people don't seem to agree as I never, NEVER see this kit being used. Then we still have tons of other kits that never get used.

some examples here
You are not the one telling me if I should give examples. I decided to give no examples here as suggesting the Microgames wasn't my main goal this thread as it's pretty much guaranteed new Microgames will appear when a Update gets released. I was just pointing out I want there to be so much Microgames no game will feel the same.

this would just give players with damage indicators a huge advantage just stand on the little pad that is 1 block up and just search for kills
This would not give people with this Mod an advantage. Killing a Zombie with a Diamond Axe should take max. 2 swings if you don't spamclick. By the time the user with this Mod finally knows what zombie he should clean and gets there the chances the zombie is already dead is pretty high. I also doubt people using this Mod will gain an advantage in other games such as the Boss Game get the most kills.

this more just makes assassins worse when you can do everything the same BUT start out with wings and have a power 5 bow with 64 arrows
The Assassins Bounty System and the FFA Bounty System I suggested are completely different.
- Assassins:
You will have to return the head of the bounty to the bounty hunter to claim the reward.
You receive the Assassins Currency to buy new gear / potions / food.
You can buy a compass to find your bounty.
Bounties can have full diamond when you're just Chain Gear.
- FFA:
You will receive the reward immediatly when killing the bounty, you don't have to cross the entire map to return a head.
You have no FFA Currency, so you will receive Server Points, while Assassins gives Game Currency helping you to progress in the game.
You should in my opinion not be able to buy a compass for your bounty.
Everybody has equal gear giving you a chance to atleast kill the bounty.


Jan 14, 2017
a small but cosy bedroom
I agree there are many people who are unaware of the no teaming rule in solo games and it could be displayed a bit more obviously!
Also the skywars kits are very unique but balancing them would not be that hard I already have some ideas and will likely make a post about it soon. :)


Forum Expert
Sep 2, 2016
In A Box In San Francisco
Even if TNT would be more rare, lava more uncommon or Flint and Steel balanced, I want to get these items to OP only. I'm not asking to make all items harder to find or to nerf them, I want them to be available in OP only.

How In the world can you not understand this?
When a Solo Game Starts the chat will say Teaming is not allowed, I want this warning to be more obvious, example:
In MinerWare the text constantly changes when a new microgame will start ''Avoid hot potato'' for example.
Rather then a sentence in chat when the game starts I want red text to pop out like in MinerWare saying Teaming is not allowed.
It has nothing to do with a command.

Bomber gets sometimes used now with people that like TNT Jumping, but that's it. Iron Golem is chosen way more then you will expect. I'd say the percentage between Swordsmen - Iron Golem is 60% - 40%. About the Pyro kit, you just mentioned YOU think the kit is very effective. But a lot of people don't seem to agree as I never, NEVER see this kit being used. Then we still have tons of other kits that never get used.

You are not the one telling me if I should give examples. I decided to give no examples here as suggesting the Microgames wasn't my main goal this thread as it's pretty much guaranteed new Microgames will appear when a Update gets released. I was just pointing out I want there to be so much Microgames no game will feel the same.

This would not give people with this Mod an advantage. Killing a Zombie with a Diamond Axe should take max. 2 swings if you don't spamclick. By the time the user with this Mod finally knows what zombie he should clean and gets there the chances the zombie is already dead is pretty high. I also doubt people using this Mod will gain an advantage in other games such as the Boss Game get the most kills.

The Assassins Bounty System and the FFA Bounty System I suggested are completely different.
- Assassins:
You will have to return the head of the bounty to the bounty hunter to claim the reward.
You receive the Assassins Currency to buy new gear / potions / food.
You can buy a compass to find your bounty.
Bounties can have full diamond when you're just Chain Gear.
- FFA:
You will receive the reward immediatly when killing the bounty, you don't have to cross the entire map to return a head.
You have no FFA Currency, so you will receive Server Points, while Assassins gives Game Currency helping you to progress in the game.
You should in my opinion not be able to buy a compass for your bounty.
Everybody has equal gear giving you a chance to atleast kill the bounty.
okay i am pretty sure you aren't supposed to argue with players opinions
over what they think
you cannot read my mind so you can't change my opinions on some of these

also for the not 10 nuggets it does
that is what you do look for zombies with less health then spam you axe since it is a big bunched up army of players and zombies some with less health will i am not talking about when there is 3 seconds left also i didn't say it gave an exploit of an advantage to any other games
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