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Edit/remove the party chat filter

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General Kenobi

Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2018
Swear filter can stay but the soam filter needs to go, it gets annoying. I dont care about swearing much, it never effected me.


Forum Expert
Jun 10, 2016
A Pasture
Before I get to my actual thoughts, just want to give my responses to a few arguments or posts...
Please get off the internet
*Your opinion is different than mine so anything you say doesn’t matter* is basically what you are saying. So how you put it:
You aren’t the only one here, not everyone thinks the same way as you, and your opinions aren’t facts. He doesn’t like swearing, so get over yourself and stop thinking that people who don’t agree with you should leave.
people are finding more and more ways to bypass it as of now...
just because people are constantly breaking the rule doesn’t mean we should remove it. That’s like saying “cheaters just keep getting new alts and continue cheating so might as well allow it” or an real life example “people keep speeding so might as well allow it”. I know these are slightly more extreme examples, but same principle. Just because a rule keeps being broken does not mean it should just be allowed. If anything, it should mean stricter enforcement of said rule so people stop breaking it.

So my opinion. I think it should be a toggle in party chats only, global stays as normal as people have said. As for reports. It will remain reportable. All that happens is that the filter will not stop you if the party owner has disabled it. This means you will have to be sure everyone in the party has a mutual agreement to swear and not report each other. As for other filter posts, I fully support changing it so the messages tells you what is being blocked. It is so difficult to tell what is being blocked sometimes and it would be quite nice in general.


Dedicated Member
Aug 26, 2016
Before I get to my actual thoughts, just want to give my responses to a few arguments or posts...

*Your opinion is different than mine so anything you say doesn’t matter* is basically what you are saying. So how you put it:

You aren’t the only one here, not everyone thinks the same way as you, and your opinions aren’t facts. He doesn’t like swearing, so get over yourself and stop thinking that people who don’t agree with you should leave.

just because people are constantly breaking the rule doesn’t mean we should remove it. That’s like saying “cheaters just keep getting new alts and continue cheating so might as well allow it” or an real life example “people keep speeding so might as well allow it”. I know these are slightly more extreme examples, but same principle. Just because a rule keeps being broken does not mean it should just be allowed. If anything, it should mean stricter enforcement of said rule so people stop breaking it.

So my opinion. I think it should be a toggle in party chats only, global stays as normal as people have said. As for reports. It will remain reportable. All that happens is that the filter will not stop you if the party owner has disabled it. This means you will have to be sure everyone in the party has a mutual agreement to swear and not report each other. As for other filter posts, I fully support changing it so the messages tells you what is being blocked. It is so difficult to tell what is being blocked sometimes and it would be quite nice in general.
I dont agree with it been reportable. Unfortunately, people screenshot instances you have sworn and use it against you in the future


Forum Veteran
Oct 2, 2016
Texas, US
There are friends who take screenshots of the inappropriate language and use it later against their friends (if they get into a fight, or another reason).
That’s still being a wannabe ngl.

See the edit. All I meant is that players who are 15-18 years old are not kids.
So, if I’m 14, and I’m going into High School, I’m still just a “kid?” Your logic is just pathetic.

What’s your opinion on the chat filter? It seems as if you are literally married to the rules. Do you actually like the chat filter or not? Do YOU get offended by those little “bad” words?

General Kenobi

Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2018
That’s still being a wannabe ngl.

So, if I’m 14, and I’m going into High School, I’m still just a “kid?” Your logic is just pathetic.

What’s your opinion on the chat filter? It seems as if you are literally married to the rules. Do you actually like the chat filter or not? Do YOU get offended by those little “bad” words?
Its not a matter of getting “offended”. Some people have a more pleasant time not seeing swears everywhere.

But yes friends who report you for swearing are scum.


Dedicated Member
Oct 14, 2017
under your bed
Yaayy! chat filter debates! My favouurritte!! :D:D


Looks like a new season of it has already been released! Boy-o-boy do i wonder how many episodes we'll get this time! XD I hope we get to see the mighty king John Coles take action again! That was so epic last season! Or, or, what about the rebellion taking up arms again! That be super-duper cool!! That lasted like a near century last time. Boy what a spectacle that was! Honestly, i just caaaaaan't wait! to see how the plot will develop further from this point on! Will this perhaps be the finale??!?
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