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A pigeon

So im decent enough at writing and I can probs help you unworthy people get helper.
Just post a brief app down below and lwt me review it! I’ll rate its chances of getting accepted and suggest small changes to increase your chances.

Nah so now this is free for all discussion thread feel free to talk about anything blah blah you happy now sheep?
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A pigeon

Hi I are Remi and my are willing to became the new helper, becuz:
  • I are willing a range becuz I wanna vote.
  • I wanna bann evrybodi that kills my.
  • My wants fame.
  • My wants have to OP to give me friends da best stuff.
(I used a transletor to creator this applycaution, my hoping I will being accepted!)
No i mean like a legit app with flaws its for improving my composition skills
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A pigeon

Oh thas right they switched to their horrible new format. Anyone know how theor discord convo questions are?

A pigeon

Okay this thread turned out to be a failure. Instead I’ll rate everyone’s chances of getting helper if you want.

Here’re some tips to easily get helper.
First off, post some hot memes, its ok if its anti ccg too. It gives the impression that you’re genuine.

Next, try to get familiar with one or two staffs. You can easily impress a certain admin with obscure anime references.

Do lots of reports but dont ask anything about them in discord.

Provide links but necer ask for locks. I know that this is exactly what a helper wannabe wouldnt do, but this is the easiest way to get helper.

Make some nice suggestions. You done need fo make the best formats tbh, but try to be careful when answering to suggestions.

Try to observe and act like @Gainfullterror, its actually quite easy to do.

NEVER worship staffs that gives a clear indication that you’re wannabe-ing.

When you’re asked why you want helper on discord - reply “to help the server, things arent perfect rn and I’d love to help the server get better.” Dont be afraid to be casual during the interview.

Try to act like gainy ez helper rank


Forum Expert
Mar 16, 2016
dont ask anything about them in discord.
necer ask for locks.
be careful when answering to suggestions.
NEVER worship staffs that gives a clear indication that you’re wannabe-ing.
things arent perfect rn
Try to act like gainy ez helper rank
Wait, so to become a helper I am supposed NOT to act like a helper wannabe? :confused_animal_face:

What are my chances? I applied for moderator in early '16 and they denied me. Back then the application form was longer and I said I only wanted to be mod to ban hackers and not help players otherwise. I don't know any anime so that might become an issue. I did fanboy a staff member but he's gone now. I still don't actually want to help players, I guess I should lie about that in the discord interview?

A pigeon

Wait, so to become a helper I am supposed NOT to act like a helper wannabe? :confused_animal_face:

What are my chances? I applied for moderator in early '16 and they denied me. Back then the application form was longer and I said I only wanted to be mod to ban hackers and not help players otherwise. I don't know any anime so that might become an issue. I did fanboy a staff member but he's gone now. I still don't actually want to help players, I guess I should lie about that in the discord interview?

You must say you’d love to improve the server, help its playerbase ans do what you can to make it better.

That anime stuff is just a little bonus to get close to some particular mods. They begin to trust you a little.

Yeah lying in the discord interview works. They might ask you what you’d do in particular situations. I dont know anything about that. Just dont be too extreme.

They declined your app in 2016 because of the “I want to ban hackers and nothing else” thing. Essentially most mods dont help, they just ban. When you say you want to help the server it comes across as more trustworthy somehow

Shrek Trained Me

Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2017
North Korea
Hi i am Papa and i am the biggest helper wana.. server lover that exists.
I donated so much for this server and i gave my friends obsidian rank. I have spend like 1000 on this server.

This are the reasons why i should be helper.
I am rich
I can pay you
I can give you 12 robux AND vbucks a month
And i love you
Plz accept me and pay me so i can feed my hungry family.
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Forum Expert
Oct 18, 2015
deep inside my mind...
Hint: Don't become staff member. Being a staff member means you gotta be an ex-staff member too, and we all know how they are treated [Link].
You all act like all of the ex-staff are treated horribly. I was "ex-staff" for almost a year before being accepted again after my resignation in 2016. I wasn't treated that poorly. Sure, some people didn't like me, but meh... Who would like me after the rumors and assumptions that went around after I left.

Honestly, normal players only really see one side of everything that happens. That's not to say that I can speak about anything, because on some things... I just don't know anything.

So it would be wise to only speak about something, if you know the full story from both sides.
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