Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Novice Member
Jul 9, 2020
One thing I’ve been thinking about is, how does cubecraft average 30k-40k players each day but only TWO people have youtube rank that are fully committed to cubecraft.

If you do not know these youtubers are known as “Team Termite” and “InsaneOrbitzz”

Yes, it’s definitely possible to get the requirements of youtube rank which is 10K subscribers and 1K views per video but there is such a small youtube community that barely anyone can make it. Most of the youtubers that are somewhat known on the server have about 1K subscribers. Some less and some more. But the range from Team Termite subscriber count and the next highest youtuber subscriber count is SO FAR that it is honestly unfair to say that the YouTube rank requirements are fair.

I think that the requirement should be lower to give smaller youtubers a chance. It shouldn’t be so easy that anyone can get it but it shouldn’t be so far that it’s almost unreachable.

I hope the staff team can recognize this and give the credit to the smaller creators that they deserve!


Novice Member
Jun 8, 2020
I agree with this however in my opinion youtubers are special people and it should be special to see them in lobbys for example, thats why in my opinion it should go to 7k subs or something. maybe 5k if someone makes a lot of cubecraft content and gets a lot of vieuws on those videos.


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2020
The Netherlands
I dont know if this has something to do with this thread, but I would like to see a "The best of Cubecraft (Bedrock)" YouTube channel. People can send clips from all gamemodes to this channel, and they will make compilations of it and post them. The only problem is finding someone who will edit the vids ;)
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Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2020
As a content creator below 1k subscribers, I find most of the subscriber requirement fair. I've had many opinions on how youtube rank should work, and I would say 6k-10k subscribers would be very reasonable for cubecraft in its current state. I believe both of us 100% deserve youtube rank, but it wouldn't feel right if we were youtube rank as well as 10-20 other YouTubers. From ProfParzival's list, it seems like cubetubers are rising heavily! It came from just SlinkyGnu, into Team Termite, Nxrn, InsaneOrbitzz, Gamenight, and then into the 3rd wave of YouTubers such as myself, Swiftz, WaspBrain, FxVoidz, ProfParzival, and the list goes on and on up to a huge uprise towards a 4th wave such as DashingPrune, H4T MC, Yelsan1, VanHouten, &, etc. The first half of January ended up being a little bit inactive, but it looks like it has begun to rise throughout the end of the month. Last Saturday, I noticed over 15 different people were streaming that day and half of them are well known and averaged 30-50 viewers even with multiple people streaming at the same time. So far it's only been 8 days of February and I believe a lot of content creators can go full-on with their content, and youtube rank will start being handed out or changed in March. I already know how I'm going to do youtube this month, as well as a few other creators, and I strongly believe that someone will blow up out of nowhere, or someone will start gaining recognition after creating the highest quality of content. Our YouTube community is very small and it would be amazing to have a lot of YouTubers such as Swiftz, earning youtube rank. It may seem like the requirements are too high to achieve, but it will happen one day, and CubeCraft will dominate Bedrock and Minecraft content, just like how Hive is high up in their game right now. I know you have watched the video from InsaneOrbitzz, but I would recommend anyone seeing this, to watch it as well I'm very excited to see who will be the next player in the community to get youtube rank without any external servers. Idk if I was clear with what I said, or if anything I said made sense, so please feel free to ask questions, give feedback, and drop your opinions as well.

InsaneOrbitzz Video:
ProfParzival Youtuber List: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/youtubers-list-bedrock.275642/


Jun 4, 2020
One thing I’ve been thinking about is, how does cubecraft average 30k-40k players each day but only TWO people have youtube rank that are fully committed to cubecraft.

If you do not know these youtubers are known as “Team Termite” and “InsaneOrbitzz”

Yes, it’s definitely possible to get the requirements of youtube rank which is 10K subscribers and 1K views per video but there is such a small youtube community that barely anyone can make it. Most of the youtubers that are somewhat known on the server have about 1K subscribers. Some less and some more. But the range from Team Termite subscriber count and the next highest youtuber subscriber count is SO FAR that it is honestly unfair to say that the YouTube rank requirements are fair.

I think that the requirement should be lower to give smaller youtubers a chance. It shouldn’t be so easy that anyone can get it but it shouldn’t be so far that it’s almost unreachable.

I hope the staff team can recognize this and give the credit to the smaller creators that they deserve!
I couldn't agree more and it makes way more sense, Cube just reached 50k goal but the YouTubers in our community are still too little I can say how hard is the struggle to reach even 100 since I'm a YouTuber myself and it would make even more sense to lower the subscriber requirement since the bedrock youtube scene is still minimal with the biggest one getting 1 mil subs and then look at java scene 10 mil+, so our bedrock community is very tiny compared to the big leagues of java. anyway I wanted to share this with you guys and I do hope the staff team notice this

shameless plug here but if you like interviews with people of our community pls sub:
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Mar 30, 2020
I can 100% agree with this, right now cubecraft doesn’t have many youtube ranks, I think that cubecraft should make the sub requirement for youtube rank in between the range of 100-1k, it could really help cubecraft a lot because people will be attracted a server taht they’re favorite Youtuber plays
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Jun 4, 2020
I can 100% agree with this, right now cubecraft doesn’t have many youtube ranks, I think that cubecraft should make the sub requirement for youtube rank in between the range of 100-1k, it could really help cubecraft a lot because people will be attracted a server taht they’re favorite Youtuber plays
couldn't agree more I understand cube is a company as well and you need money and users to keep going but if you do this there is a chance that you can attract more users meaning more cash flow and exposure for you guys as a company and as us YouTubers who can also get attraction
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Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2019
As a content creator below 1k subscribers, I find most of the subscriber requirement fair. I've had many opinions on how youtube rank should work, and I would say 6k-10k subscribers would be very reasonable for cubecraft in its current state. I believe both of us 100% deserve youtube rank, but it wouldn't feel right if we were youtube rank as well as 10-20 other YouTubers. From ProfParzival's list, it seems like cubetubers are rising heavily! It came from just SlinkyGnu, into Team Termite, Nxrn, InsaneOrbitzz, Gamenight, and then into the 3rd wave of YouTubers such as myself, Swiftz, WaspBrain, FxVoidz, ProfParzival, and the list goes on and on up to a huge uprise towards a 4th wave such as DashingPrune, H4T MC, Yelsan1, VanHouten, &, etc. The first half of January ended up being a little bit inactive, but it looks like it has begun to rise throughout the end of the month. Last Saturday, I noticed over 15 different people were streaming that day and half of them are well known and averaged 30-50 viewers even with multiple people streaming at the same time. So far it's only been 8 days of February and I believe a lot of content creators can go full-on with their content, and youtube rank will start being handed out or changed in March. I already know how I'm going to do youtube this month, as well as a few other creators, and I strongly believe that someone will blow up out of nowhere, or someone will start gaining recognition after creating the highest quality of content. Our YouTube community is very small and it would be amazing to have a lot of YouTubers such as Swiftz, earning youtube rank. It may seem like the requirements are too high to achieve, but it will happen one day, and CubeCraft will dominate Bedrock and Minecraft content, just like how Hive is high up in their game right now. I know you have watched the video from InsaneOrbitzz, but I would recommend anyone seeing this, to watch it as well I'm very excited to see who will be the next player in the community to get youtube rank without any external servers. Idk if I was clear with what I said, or if anything I said made sense, so please feel free to ask questions, give feedback, and drop your opinions as well.

InsaneOrbitzz Video:
ProfParzival Youtuber List: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/youtubers-list-bedrock.275642/
Its nice to see how much of an impact one video can really make!
Sep 20, 2020
I agree it should be less but not too low because it wouldnt be good to go into a lobby and see 50 people with youtube rank 5-10k makes sense because 10k is a lot for so many people and some people with yt rank dont have 10k subs so 5k to 10k makes a lot of sense still difficult but not overly hard


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2019
What about exceptions?
Mainly Cubecraft Bedrock YouTubers can apply at 7k, people who don't make mainly cube content have to wait till 10k.

Once there's getting way too many creators u up the requirements and let whoever has it at that point keep it.

It happened for Team Termite at about 5k, would be very bias if it didn't happen for others.
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Novice Member
Jun 24, 2020
I dont know if this has something to do with this thread, but I would like to see a "The best of Cubecraft (Bedrock)" YouTube channel. People can send clips from all gamemodes to this channel, and they will make compilations of it and post them. The only problem is finding someone who will edit the vids ;)
that is already a thing


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2020
What about exceptions?
Mainly Cubecraft Bedrock YouTubers can apply at 7k, people who don't make mainly cube content have to wait till 10k.

Once there's getting way too many creators u up the requirements and let whoever has it at that point keep it.

It happened for Team Termite at about 5k, would be very bias if it didn't happen for others.
what's crazier is that he got it at 2.6k, which is half the amount of what you said.
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Novice Member
Jul 9, 2020
I can 100% agree with this, right now cubecraft doesn’t have many youtube ranks, I think that cubecraft should make the sub requirement for youtube rank in between the range of 100-1k, it could really help cubecraft a lot because people will be attracted a server taht they’re favorite Youtuber plays
2 people have youtube rank as mentioned in the post. And I disagree that it should be 100-1K that is way too low. Literally everyone would have it. YouTube rank is to show hard work and it should be something you have to work for like 2K or 2.5K

will be discussing this within the team uwu
:O pog


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2019
Hi there! First of all, thanks for your feedback -- it is very appreciated :)

I wanted to clear something up real quick. Having 10k subscribers is not a hard requirement but rather a guideline we use to weed out channels that might not be a good fit. If the sub/view count numbers change, it won't be a big change, but that doesn't mean anyone with less than 10k subs does not qualify for the rank.

Like InsaneOrbitzz mentioned, there are exceptions. If you think your content is of high quality and you are getting thousands of views consistently, then by all means apply! We could decide that despite not having 10k subscribers, your content and dedication to CubeCraft is enough for you to have the YouTube rank.

Even if you do not qualify for the rank, we may decide to give you a rank upgrade or a Bedrock rank so that you can access more features to make more videos and grow your audience. Just submit an application and you will automatically be considered for that if your channel qualifies. I know the wording on the website does not reflect this, but once we have the resources to do so, the site will receive a little revamp :)

Click Greatness

Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2021
Now I am a content creator myself and only have 500 subscribers. Personally let me say this. YouTube is rank is already OVERPOWERED as hell. You get literally EVERYTHING.

I feel a better solution would be 2 ranks. A YouTube and a YouTube+. YouTube plus can use the same or maybe even slightly stricter requirements yet still give everything cubecraft has to offer.

Youtube can allow for /fly and like VIP lvl 1. As well as pritority help and practically everything but cosmetics and ranks. Basically making content creation easier. It can have 3k subs and 300 views as the requirements.

To make it more fair I think this would be the best solution.


Aug 14, 2019
Honestly, I have to agree with everything talked about. As a content creator myself with merely 200 subscribers, it can honestly feel daunting that I have to reach 10K in order to get the ranks. And there are so many people like me, some smaller and some bigger who have youtube channels and represent the community, but only 2 of those people get the rank. I know for certain that I am a long way from getting this rank anyway, but as for other creators who have 600+ subscribers, they are big figures in the community who honestly deserve this rank.

Th biggest reason why the requirements need to be lowered is simply that there are too many creators who don't have it compared to who do. ProfParzival, another cubecraft youtube, made a list naming all the creators he found over 50 subs, and only 2 out of the 66 people have youtube rank. Something needs to change in order to have this rank be more accessible and fitting to the size of the cubecraft community.
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