Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

Despacito 2

Forum Professional
Dec 6, 2015
Generally speaking, helper applicants are judged a lot on their forum activity. Someone who is not known to the community will have very little chance of being accepted. People who have a record of helping out and being active on the forums will have a much greater chance.
Well it also depends on other factors.
But I can confirm that mostly positive and good quality posts can increase your chances into getting accepted.
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Forum Veteran
Mar 4, 2015
East-Flanders, Belgium
Im also not mature
Schermopname (7).png


Forum Expert
Sep 2, 2016
In A Box In San Francisco
40% of players hack.
that is WAY off unless you see 2 In Every 5 Players Hacking

For Some Reason I Doubt That.
a fast regen hacker (20% of players)
So 1 In Every 5 Players Is A Regen hacker
Why Do I Also Doubt That
10% have kill aura
I Don't Know What It Is But Something Leads Me To Believe That There Are More Hackers Who Use Kill Aura Then There Are Regen
and another 10% kill aura and criticals hack.
that literally means that half of these seeming 2 in 5 players who hack have regen yet half also have Kill aura &Yet Half Of The Players With Kill Aura Have Critical Hacks

Hmm... Let Me Do The Math... Okay According To You:
1/5 Players Have Regeneration
1/5 Other Players Have Kill Aura
& 1/2 Of The Players With Kill Aura Have Critical

Yet Some How None Of The Players With Regeneration Have Kill Aura

I Want You To Think About The Likelihood Of That Being True
This needs to be fixed.
Yes Because That Is Why We Have Sentinel Just To Say "You Wanted An Anti-cheat now you get one that does nothing" Why don't I believe that?
There is any report comand on the server?
If not I think we need to add it,
Remember I Said "Was" That Means They Had It But No Longer Do
Why Do You Think They Removed It?
Any Guesses Okay I Will Tell You It Was Abused
If a player gets too many reports, make something as a call to a mod to he comes and waches if this player is realy hacking.
Yes, Yes, What Could Possibly Go Wrong With This?
Who wants less hackers?
I Can Tell You Who Doesn't... The Hackers
I Can Also Tell You Who Does... You
A better game and begin to repair the server: to the server become again popular.
Yeah Because an average of around 15,000 players on a school day is not a popular server at all
All my friends stoped playing at cubecraft just because of cuantity of hackers,
that is their fault not anybody elses
we need more moderators
Wow How Could We Do This
Maybe That is why they have a helper application area
and perm-ban all hackers we see,
Tell me that when you get falsely banned for hacking
then when people starts to know that hacking=perm-ban they will stop doing it. :D
Yes because That Is how society works
Attila the Hun didn't just stop killing people when he was told it was wrong
There are many other examples of this but I don't want to get off topic
I would like to help the server with this.
This is very subtle *Wink* *Wink*
We can also add something just for fun and server promote on youtube: hacker trolling, add a server warp something at the principal spawn like a jail, dont ban hackers, just make that they dont have any comand permision and put them inside a big pvp enadled jail to other players wach at hackers... that can be soo fun and this can show to other hackers what will happen with them if they hack XD...
Whoa This Is Such A Full Proof Idea
It's Not At All Like They Can't Just Log Off Of The Server

This Is Way To Over Suggested & Thought Out To Be
They Have A Solid Way Already

Despacito 2

Forum Professional
Dec 6, 2015
We have Sentinel now so he should do about 45% of the work! I think Sentinel will help a lot!
Well Sentinel may detect a high amount of Hackers but it doesn't ban them daily. Not to mention that Sentinel also falsely bans some players. So definitely not a big improvement.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2017
My house
Well would you want more hackers or not? They designed Sentinel very well as it took them a long time to develop. It is better than nothing and will help a lot for Cube Craft. Think about Gwen, Mine Plex's anti-cheat system, it helps a lot! I've seen so much videos on it and i am pretty sure Sentinel would do a better job.


Novice Member
Feb 25, 2017
I have alredy aplied to that and just waiting 3weeks to be accepted...
If you apply, you have to wait, because other people apply too, so wait until your turn comes, also if you have been waiting for a whole month and you're still not accepted, it means you're denied, you might be denied because of grammar etc..

If you're denied you can always apply for helper again, but do not spam helper/builder application.

Thank you. :)

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thx reesle for the follow 1st 1 thank u!!
BicolourSine41 wrote on Hazard's profile.
Hi Hazerd!
Kinda late but thank you for the birthday wishes :p
i just joined and love cubecraft
Reesle wrote on sirpickle1966's profile.
Thank you for the follow! :D
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