Players experiencing the inability to eat or use a bow should unequip their shield from the offhand slot.
Crouching while equipped with a shield in the offhand slot prevents food from registering, prevents arrows from shooting, until you leave the dimension, until crouching again. The respective animations play but hunger only appears to increase but returns to its true value the moment it would update(decreases, takes damage, etc)
I believed this was a lag/server sync issue, i realized it only happens after crouching for the first time with a shield.
If any staff want to move this thread to bug reports or any player can reproduce it and submit it, i would appreciate it. I just want my fellow players to know why it is happening.
I don't have the required photo/video evidence to submit an official bug report.
Crouching while equipped with a shield in the offhand slot prevents food from registering, prevents arrows from shooting, until you leave the dimension, until crouching again. The respective animations play but hunger only appears to increase but returns to its true value the moment it would update(decreases, takes damage, etc)
I believed this was a lag/server sync issue, i realized it only happens after crouching for the first time with a shield.
If any staff want to move this thread to bug reports or any player can reproduce it and submit it, i would appreciate it. I just want my fellow players to know why it is happening.
I don't have the required photo/video evidence to submit an official bug report.