Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

Should we do this? (select answer that best matches you)

  • Yes, slashes should also be unblocked

    Votes: 17 89.5%
  • Yes

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No

    Votes: 2 10.5%

  • Total voters

Ellie Williams

Forum Veteran
Jan 6, 2016
University of Eastern Colorado
So, let's assume there's a new player on the server. And let's say that that player asks for the rules (shout out to you). Now, what would you do? You'd give him the rules (https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/updated-in-game-rules.134453/), right? Or maybe there's a new premium player who wants to see the thread on how to use chat colors. You'd give him the link as well. Except that there's only one problem: any URL's are blocked. Even those cubecraft links. Now that's just ridiculous. So my suggestion is to unblock cubecraft domains (cubecraft.net, ccgn.co, etc.) and any URL's within (https://www.cubecraft.net/forums/suggestions/create-thread, https://www.cubecraft.net/forums/suggestions, etc.) This certaintly does make sense, right?

Speaking of which, the chat should also unblock slashes ("a/b/c", "ice/poison/mage", etc.) unless it is preceeded by a non-cubecraft domain name.
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Yes! I support this. This would be great. Tons of new players ask me about applying for staff, buying a rank, reporting a player and it would be VERY useful if we could send a link to them in chat.


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2016
The Netherlands
100% agree with this
(random name)"where can I report a haxer"
JvwerMcGames (chat) Please don't say that!
JvwerMcGames: on the forums.........


Forum Veteran
Jul 28, 2015
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Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2016
Yes, I must agree that they do unblock this. The only reason it was blocked in the first place is because people post un-related CubeCraft links in public chat.


Forum Veteran
Sep 15, 2015
that meme will never die.
Yes, if we kill @telegamer

cbecrft.net/freeranks lel
But seriously, this could be usefull
So, let's assume there's a new player on the server. And let's say that that player asks for the rules (shout out to you). Now, what would you do? You'd give him the rules (https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/updated-in-game-rules.134453/), right? Or maybe there's a new premium player who wants to see the thread on how to use chat colors. You'd give him the link as well. Except that there's only one problem: any URL's are blocked. Even those cubecraft links. Now that's just ridiculous. So my suggestion is to unblock cubecraft domains (cubecraft.net, ccgn.co, etc.) and any URL's within (https://www.cubecraft.net/forums/suggestions/create-thread, https://www.cubecraft.net/forums/suggestions, etc.) This certaintly does make sense, right?

Speaking of which, the chat should also unblock slashes ("a/b/c", "ice/poison/mage", etc.) unless it is preceeded by a non-cubecraft domain name.
Totally agree


Forum Expert
Oct 20, 2015
Yes, I must agree that they do unblock this. The only reason it was blocked in the first place is because people post un-related CubeCraft links in public chat.
Would it be easier to just set up commands like /rules, /ranks, /rankcolours and so on that gave you the links to the threads.

That way unrelated links wouldn't be a thing and all you would have to do is tell the person the command to enter if they ask. It would also be a lot more convenient because it means you dont have to go looking for the the thread yourself and saves you a lot of time.


Forum Expert
Oct 20, 2015


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2016
In my house
I don't think so, they have sites that allow you to change urls to whatever you want. You could turn a porn site into cubecraft name or even phishing site into cubecraft. Definitely don't agree just because technology is too advanced.


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2016
Jon's house
Im going to just have to point this out: Everybody looks at after the Anti-Cheat comes outs some kind of CubeCraft utopia.
All hackers will be banned and the Dev's will implement all the new suggestions.
But, I'm sorry to say, it just won't happen.
The Devs are busy people, they don't have time to just implement suggestions like that.
After the Anti-Cheat they will move on to something else much more important than these suggestions.
Don't think I'm knocking your suggestion, I'm think this about my own suggestions as well.
What you could try to do is get a Jr Dev to add /rules, /rank, /helperapp that give you the links, as Jordanzz suggested above. They may do it for you, as it is their kind of job.
However, I have suggested a /colors command to show you all the colors in chat, and I think that would be more useful for that aspect of this suggestion.

Ellie Williams

Forum Veteran
Jan 6, 2016
University of Eastern Colorado
I don't think so, they have sites that allow you to change urls to whatever you want. You could turn a porn site into cubecraft name or even phishing site into cubecraft. Definitely don't agree just because technology is too advanced.
Please explain how one can turn google.com into cubecraft.net.

Again, it simply does not make sense for a company to hide their own domain.
Im going to just have to point this out: Everybody looks at after the Anti-Cheat comes outs some kind of CubeCraft utopia.
All hackers will be banned and the Dev's will implement all the new suggestions.
But, I'm sorry to say, it just won't happen.
The Devs are busy people, they don't have time to just implement suggestions like that.
After the Anti-Cheat they will move on to something else much more important than these suggestions.
Don't think I'm knocking your suggestion, I'm think this about my own suggestions as well.
What you could try to do is get a Jr Dev to add /rules, /rank, /helperapp that give you the links, as Jordanzz suggested above. They may do it for you, as it is their kind of job.
However, I have suggested a /colors command to show you all the colors in chat, and I think that would be more useful for that aspect of this suggestion.
Oh, there are definitely more reasons why you would want to paste cubecraft URL's.
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