Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net
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Mar 18, 2017
Lahaina, HI
I unfortunately witnessed this majorly biased targeted offense towards these two players, one was muted after "bullying" Staff member, and Staff member's friend came to their base and killed them both in anger, and bad intention. This wasn't just for fun and games, this person was out for blood (the staff member as well, although not involved in kills), and sadly the staff member was rude and accused them for "camping"... although after reading the rules of CubeCraft camping is when one is trapping or protecting themselves in a completely unreachable, unkillable position (ex: builds tower above everyone else, surrounds self with lava), when at the time the two players were on their eggwars island and did not make themselves unattainable (proven by the fact that the Staff Member's friend came and easily killed them, saying "too bad" and he wasn't targeting them at all; clearly he was, by the way he spoke to them and acted on his anger). I personally do NOT want mean, non-helpful, and defensive people running as our staff. Thank you for considering removing this Staff Member: Snodia, and his friend and non-staff member, Sentrix__.


You cannot do anything if you don't have video evidence, and even if Snodia did do this I'm pretty sure it would be a first, and she would get a warning everyone gets angry sometimes even staff so I don't think this staff should get demoted for doing one wrong thing I'm not choosing sides I would totally be on your side if this has happened many times in the past, but this has been one time, and we don't have video evidence of this.


Dedicated Member
Sep 12, 2016
You cannot do anything if you don't have video evidence, and even if Snodia did do this I'm pretty sure it would be a first, and she would get a warning everyone gets angry sometimes even staff so I don't think this staff should get demoted for doing one wrong thing I'm not choosing sides I would totally be on your side if this has happened many times in the past, but this has been one time, and we don't have video evidence of this.
Yeah i agree. He has no evidence and everyone gets mad sometimes, the staff should not be demoted.


Forum Veteran
Mar 2, 2016
Cat world
Hello there @Aubrey Lundgren , I would like to sincerely apologize for any inconvenience made that may have affected the game play.
Regarding the matter, I have spoken to Snodia multiple times and found her a wonderful person to converse with however, we take our players seriously so if you could please proceed to https://www.cubecraft.net/forums/staff-abuse.53/ and write what happened during your experience with evidence provided, they will look into the matter.

I will be locking this as it's not the appropriate place to discuss this or go on any further.
We set aside our personal feelings when dealing with rule breakers and such, I don't believe any of us would be bias and put someone ahead or favor a certain player otherwise we wouldn't be role models for the community.

Thank you for your feedback.
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