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A pigeon

How about you guys actually give threads that might do good for the server some well deserved attention instead of getting threads which are poorly thought out to 60+ messages? It is riduculous how dumb threads get more attention than threads that deserve them?

Get your priorities right.

A pigeon

"What is your fave game on cubecraft" not even a suggestion ahould be on everything else but got 8 messages in 5 mins.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2017
Lmao, I keep replying to people only when my suggestion gets to the second page. I got 500+ views :cool:


Dedicated Member
Apr 22, 2017
But we like to -1 the bad suggestions in favour of them getting rejected.
"What is your fave game on cubecraft" not even a suggestion ahould be on everything else but got 8 messages in 5 mins.
Juicy hypocrisy. You complained about a non-suggestion thread in the suggestions forum that someone else made in a non-suggestion thread in a suggestions forum that you made.
@Diogo plz move this thread.

A pigeon

But we like to -1 the bad suggestions in favour of them getting rejected.

Juicy hypocrisy. You complained about a non-suggestion thread in the suggestions forum that someone else made in a non-suggestion thread in a suggestions forum that you made.
@Diogo plz move this thread.
Nope. Its a suggestion meant for people

Thats just a sidr thing this thread was made because wring threads are getting attention


Dedicated Member
Apr 25, 2016
Capetown, South Africa
Is this thread a suggestion or a target to members of the community that do not know how to make good descriptive threads. Please do not call players of the community names (Plebs) It is not very nice, In my opinion, this thread is not relevant.

A pigeon

Is this thread a suggestion or a target to members of the community that do not know how to make good descriptive threads.
No , its to make sure good and mediocre threads get attention. When I say bad threads , I mean "remove eggwqrs" "add weed to eggwars" "give obsidian ranks full diamond every game " etc

iPlease do not call players of the community names (Plebs) It is not very nice, In my opinion, this thread is not relevant.

you think you're a mod or something?


Forum Professional
Mar 24, 2016
Breakfast for Dinner Club HQ
How about you guys actually give threads that might do good for the server some well deserved attention instead of getting threads which are poorly thought out to 60+ messages? It is riduculous how dumb threads get more attention than threads that deserve them?
It's quite simple really.
Well thought out (and mostly large) threads rarely get messages since people just like your post and vote on the poll without even reading all if it.
It saves them the effort of reading through the actual thread, meaning that they probably won't reply since they didn't even read all of it. I have to admit, some threads I just look at the comments and a few headers to determine what it's about, then vote on the poll, and then possibly like their thread. If someone else already said exactly what I wanted to say, I might give that post a like and move on.

On threads like "What's your favorite game", people basically get a ticket to a free message on their message count without even putting effort into their message. I myself, avoid these types of threads since my message would literally bring nothing to the table, but others still reply because free message. Even if there were a poll with all the listed games, people would still reply to the thread just to get that one extra message in even though it's as pointless as the next.
I honestly think that a great solution for this would be to not count media, artwork and other similar sections to your message count when replying there. I honestly want to see how big of an impact that makes on most message counts.

This is pretty much my take on what's going on when it comes to activity on the "wrong" threads. Correct me if you wish, this is just my theory.

Please do not call players of the community names (Plebs)
Pleb isn't an insult, nor should we be offended if the title refers to us as plebs. Heck, this title makes it more "click-bait" so people look at this thread. Pretty smart move considering the threads topic is activity on suggestions.


Forum Expert
Sep 2, 2016
In A Box In San Francisco
Art of clickbait my friend
As much as it single handily piss me off but you can't stop it
People with poorly made threads get more attention sure but in most cases it is negative attention
Also there is no way to stop this people just act how they do
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Dedicated Member
Apr 25, 2016
Capetown, South Africa
Art of clickbait my friend
As much as it single handily piss me off but you can't stop it
People with poorly made threads get more attention sure but in most cases it is negative attention
Also there is no way to stop this people just act how they do
It's quite simple really.
Well thought out (and mostly large) threads rarely get messages since people just like your post and vote on the poll without even reading all if it.
It saves them the effort of reading through the actual thread, meaning that they probably won't reply since they didn't even read all of it. I have to admit, some threads I just look at the comments and a few headers to determine what it's about, then vote on the poll, and then possibly like their thread. If someone else already said exactly what I wanted to say, I might give that post a like and move on.

On threads like "What's your favorite game", people basically get a ticket to a free message on their message count without even putting effort into their message. I myself, avoid these types of threads since my message would literally bring nothing to the table, but others still reply because free message. Even if there were a poll with all the listed games, people would still reply to the thread just to get that one extra message in even though it's as pointless as the next.
I honestly think that a great solution for this would be to not count media, artwork and other similar sections to your message count when replying there. I honestly want to see how big of an impact that makes on most message counts.

This is pretty much my take on what's going on when it comes to activity on the "wrong" threads. Correct me if you wish, this is just my theory.

Pleb isn't an insult, nor should we be offended if the title refers to us as plebs. Heck, this title makes it more "click-bait" so people look at this thread. Pretty smart move considering the threads topic is activity on suggestions.
No , its to make sure good and mediocre threads get attention. When I say bad threads , I mean "remove eggwqrs" "add weed to eggwars" "give obsidian ranks full diamond every game " etc

you think you're a mod or something?

Well, i can see I am wrong about it being offensive and yes about the bad posts being posted in your example. I think members should not make troll or ridiculous posts :). I miss understood, my apologies
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Thank you so mush for everything

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