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Forum Professional
Jan 30, 2014

Hello guys and gals, over the years I have created many thread contributions on the forums, these are normally things that are helpful to others- however I have never taken the time to create something personal like many of you do. Many of you share your builds, survival world, models, artwork or just something that happened to you that day, so I'd like to create my own by sharing one of my passions... movies.

This sounds extremely generic, but its a far cry from watching them for enjoyment, I enjoy delving into everything such as screenplays, cinematography, acting, stunts and my personal favourite; visual effects. To date I have watched 660 movies according to my IMDB. Some of you may recall that I also output this data into a Google spreadsheet and found some interesting statistics about what I watch that led me to finding even more cool movies.


The purpose of this thread is for me to share movies that I have watched recently and my thoughts on it in great detail, I hope that it can spark up discussion and encourage others to also do the same thing, one of my biggest hopes for this thread is introducing people to a great movie that they never even knew about or maybe they do the same for me!


Anyways, to start the thread off before I begin posting my regular new watches, I would like to share my favourite movie in every genre. Normally I would post a Top 10 but these are all extremely similar in genre and style.

Baby Driver (2017)

To start off the extremely vague and broad genre of 'action' I'm going to mention Baby Driver, for those of you who dont know already it's my favourite movie of all time by a landslide, prior to this I was a bit iffy on what was my favourite but after I saw this in the cinema it has always been my favourite and never fails to deliver.

Baby Driver is an action crime movie about a young getaway driver who is extremely good at driving and is so music-obsessed that he times his every move to the beat of a track, every beat, every moment in this movie is expertly timed to the background track playing that fits the moment, whether that be a high tempo rock song to a getaway scene or a slow-paced love song when he falls in love with a girl named Debra. The characters are all extremely likeable despite being presented as bad people, their personalities shine through in scenes that present themselves as just important to the main story but they supply so much more that is needed for the characters.

Whiplash (2014)

Whiplash was one of the early surprises to me as a young teenager, back when my idea of a fantastic movie was Disney or Superheroes, I watched The Shawshank Redemption which made me so emotionally uplifted, it gave me such intense feelings that I've never had watching a movie before and I was like "this is what a real good movie is" it opened the door for my movie obsession, it took me weeks of looking and I never thought I'd watch something as perfect as The Shawshank Redemption ever again. Then came Whiplash.

Whiplash is one of my favourite examples of a perfect movie, a movie that places its scenes and lines so intricately, every scene extends perfectly into the next with development after development leading into one of the greatest finales of a movie I have ever seen.

Don't Breathe (2016)

Horror was my least favourite genre for a long time and with good reason, the horror genre is ripe for some of the worst movies ever made, its very design promotes it. Bad horror movies make their money back every single year no matter what, because people love them, people love a good scare. However this ruins it for me, they become heavily jumpscare oriented and focus on the most generic villains possible whether that be an alien, ghost or demon.

So when you're watching a movie about three robbers breaking into the house of a blind helpless old guy, you think you know where its going, but then it turns out he is the villain, hes a trained veteran who can operate a firearm whilst blind. This movies main focus is the noise, it puts you into a thrilling ride between sight and sense, showing the challenges that the robbers must face by figuring out this guys weaknesses.

This trailer has a bit of implied violence, but they dont actually show it.

The World's End (2013)

The World's End is a movie directed by Edgar Wright who also did British Classics such as Hot Fuzz and Shaun of the Dead, these movies are known by everyone in the UK and are highly referenced, so to round off his trilogy; Edgar Wright finished on his Sci-Fi Comedy; The World's End.

I love this movie for a multitude of reasons above being funny, it has the most unique style of any movie I've ever seen and you genuinely uncover more and more about it every time you see it, it foreshadows everything that is about to happen in the movie going forward and you wont realise it till you watch it again and again. I wont talk at all about the plot because there's A LOT to spoil.

I highly recommend watching this movie without a trailer, do not watch the trailer if it sounds interesting. It is FAR more enjoyable.

Looper (2012)

Looper is a time travel movie set in the distant future about hitmen called 'loopers' who kill people sent from the future for execution, loopers are sent themselves from the future after their time is done- dooming their future forever. Joe is sent himself from the future however he manages to escape and fails to kill himself, resulting in a thrilling chase that leads the story around. This movie sounds absurdly confusing but it does a much better job explaining itself when watching it, and I highly recommend it, it is thrilling and extremely mind-blowing towards the end, lots of very unique and clever concepts brought into the time travel theme with this movie.

Okay that's all I can write for now, my hands hurt. However this thread will continue probably for a long time, I will reply regularly with new stuff I've watched and what I thought. Thanks for reading, if you did. Feel free to join in the discussion!


Forum Expert
Jun 11, 2017
The Netherlands
I've seen Looper myself and it indeed is a great movie. The fact that the movie is impossible (timetravelling) makes it even more interesting to me.


Forum Professional
Jan 30, 2014
I've seen Looper myself and it indeed is a great movie. The fact that the movie is impossible (timetravelling) makes it even more interesting to me.
Most movies are impossible, I think it should be said that time travel is actually closer to realism than most other movie concepts. Time Travel movies are great because you can rewatch them multiple times to uncover all the clever things they've done without you realising.


Forum Professional
Jul 6, 2015
Don't Breathe is, indeed, by far the best horror movie I have ever watched. Especially the story was interesting!

I'm not sure what category this movie would fall under, but I really recommend it!

Now, I know what you're thinking after watching the trailer. It seems like a typical thriller (especially the texts), but it's not. Throughout the movie, you'll hear a lot of backstory of the characters, and in the end, the movie has an interesting twist. Had me on edge!
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Forum Professional
Jan 30, 2014
Don't Breathe is, indeed, by far the best horror movie I have ever watched. Especially the story was interesting!

I'm not sure what category this movie would fall under, but I really recommend it!

Now, I know what you're thinking after watching the trailer. It seems like a typical thriller (especially the texts), but it's not. Throughout the movie, you'll hear a lot of backstory of the characters, and in the end, the movie has an interesting twist. Had me on edge!
I saw this one a while ago! Cant remembee much so might need to rewatch.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2019
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
You have a good movie taste, I loved 'Don't breathe.' Funny little story; I actually watched 4 avengers movies on a plane, but somehow managed to forget the story of all of them because I was so tired!

I love the effort in this thread, well done!
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Sep 27, 2019
Baby Driver is also directed by Edgar Wright, and I have seen the corneto trilogy and love all 3 films


Forum Professional
Jan 30, 2014
it's very good
I watched this when it came out, mainly because I was in a raging Time Travel phase of movies (I think watched every time travel movie up till that point because of it) and also Spotify kept playing advertisements of it. Its thoroughly surprising, I expected it to me extremely bad but it had its own unique style, at least 2 of the teenagers are likeable which keeps you invested, it also has this depressing time travel vibe of "we screwed everything up and can never fix it" which keeps you focused on whats gonna happen next. It was above average but still not as terrible as expected, had some great ideas.

I gave that a 6/10 when I rated it on 24 Jan 2016 (according to IMDB)


Forum Professional
Jan 30, 2014
Baby Driver is also directed by Edgar Wright, and I have seen the corneto trilogy and love all 3 films
Primarily the reason I saw Baby Driver in the first place, hes a real genius, hes in the rare species of Directors who have never made a bad movie, hes working on a comedy-horror right now I believe called Shadows.


Forum Professional
Jan 30, 2014
Time for the first official post, 2 romantic-drama-comedies.

Movie 656: Me and Earl and the Dying Girl - 8/10

In a world of a genre that has to appeal to the most generic audience possible to get viewers in the cinema, it creates a stream of movies no different than the next except the fresh coat of paint on the front. Then comes this. This movie is so drenched in style, and its not just a unique choice either, it actually relates to the main character, Greg- as he creates movies and stop-motion animations, so the movie constantly has these moments where they show animated scenes whilst the character narrates what hes thinking, both of these go hand-in-hand as it gives you a visual idea of what the character is thinking as not only is he speaking but he also created what you're seeing.

This movie surprisingly is not that much of a romance, nothing particularly romantic happens. It's definitely a story of friendship than anything else. However it still brings a new dynamic to the table in that you'll never see a character like Greg in a romance movie because he simply does not fit the part, hes a kid who doesnt talk to anyone, doesnt call anyone his friend and he makes movie spoofs of classic foreign cinema, he also cant go 10 seconds without saying something extremely sarcastic and he avoids women. There's too much to analyse to explain Greg as a character.

As for the comedy aspect; its also extremely unique. Most american comedies are riddled with random one-liners and complete lack of visual humour that's dropped randomly for no reason, however they nail it in this movie. Because for one; Greg actually is a comedic person, he makes creative movies with his friend so of course he knows how to make a good joke, in other movies they'd give the jokes to random characters- in real life, not everyone is funny, its not like everyone is coming up with jokes. They centralise this concept by giving the comedic parts to the two main characters, the movie makers. Greg loves to ramble and come up with extremely far-fetched situations and concepts in his head and just say them, he knows hes being funny, hes not stupid however his friend Earl likes to swear a lot and use sexual references to literally everything, he also acts as a support for Gregs humour.

Im not going to go on about it anymore or else I'd be here all day but I'll drop this video.


Movie 657:
Submarine - 8/10

This movie is pretty similar to Me and Earl and the Dying Girl however it approaches its situations in a more realistic and negative way, in that teenage romance will usually never last but what you learn through that experience is whats important- just because it wont last doesnt mean its pointless. They delve into many topics of romance with the lead character- Oliver. They have two dynamics in the story- the new, fresh teenage relationship of him and Jordana, and the old, failing relationship of his parents. They compare the two constantly, Oliver constantly tries to keep his parents relationship in tact, he deems this task more important than his relationship throughout the movie but then realises throughout that he is making the same mistakes as his parents, this understanding that is development is the prime perfect example on how to build a character.

The comedy of this movie is probably my favourite in a long time, the lead character is the only character who makes any comedy at all through his extremely creative narration where he shares his feelings, he also acts really strange to people; stuff that makes you think "wow hes a weird kid" then he narrates what hes thinking and it usually makes sense which can be a comedic reality check, he just does it in the most awkward way possible.

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Forum Professional
Jan 30, 2014
Movie 658: Midsommar - 4/10

Before I begin, this movie is extremely inappropriate so please do research before choosing to watch it, its worse than you think.

Where to start... this movie has been raving a lot more recently but its by far the worst movie I've seen in quite some time, its a difficult one because its not obviously bad like most movies, the visuals are amazing, costumes and setting are fantastic, but what's behind the curtains is what ruins it...

The most important factor of horror movies is the characters, above and beyond everything else, because in order for any 'horrific' scenes to even land correctly you have to care about the characters, because- you're not in danger, the characters are. This is why many modern horror movies are heavily jumpscare reliant, because you can spook people and get away with being a 'decent' horror movie that way, but to really get people on the edge of their seat in a moment of fear, that takes real skill and its one of the main focuses of a horror movie, Midsommar completely misses the mark by not developing any of its characters at all.

If you look at it from the perspective of a normal movie, you'll find that it still has too many plot holes, nothing makes much of any sense, things just move from moment to moment with no reasoning behind it, its stupidly predictable- the film writer must have thought what he was doing was really clever but instead its painfully obvious what's going to happen and nothing takes you by surprise. Anything unique this movie had going for it came directly from The Wicker Man; go watch that instead.


Pros: visual effects, sound design, costume design

Cons: characters, story, pacing, horror-factor, structure
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Forum Professional
May 29, 2015
Amersfoort, The Netherlands
Thank you for the very enjoyable and useful thread! I recently made a Netflix account and I’m actually quite enjoying it. Out of the movies you mentioned, I’ve only seen the World’s End, but you could say I’m a newcomer. I’d love to see al of them, except the horror one. I’ve only seen 1 horror movie before; Sinister. And it’s a no go for me. Although Don’t Breathe doesn’t seem so bad for a horror movie. Quite enjoyable that the roles have changed. And yeah, what hasn’t been said already about Shawshank Redemption?


Forum Professional
Jan 30, 2014
Movie 663: El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie - 9/10

Creating a movie sequel to the highest rated TV Series of all time is not exactly easy, you cant possibly build the same level of anticipation and hype that a 5 year long series does in 1 hour, and Vince Gilligan understands this. He keeps this movie focused. El Camino is NOT a traditional sequel, it acts like a spinoff movie, giving an extra missing story explanation to what happened to Jesse Pinkman after Breaking Bad, it doesnt expand the universe, it doesnt do anything a sequel does. It just focuses purely on what was missing from the TV series and it shows us in great detail. This movie has some fantastic moments in it, that even non BB fans can enjoy, moments that had me shouting and I loved it.

El Camino is a thrilling intense short story and I enjoyed every bit of it, but I recommend that everyone watches Breaking Bad first, you'll enjoy it way more.


Thank you for the very enjoyable and useful thread! I recently made a Netflix account and I’m actually quite enjoying it. Out of the movies you mentioned, I’ve only seen the World’s End, but you could say I’m a newcomer. I’d love to see al of them, except the horror one. I’ve only seen 1 horror movie before; Sinister. And it’s a no go for me. Although Don’t Breathe doesn’t seem so bad for a horror movie. Quite enjoyable that the roles have changed. And yeah, what hasn’t been said already about Shawshank Redemption?

I thought you were being sarcastic, not sure why.

Not all movies are for everyone, but if you're new to watching stuff especially in other genres then you should be watching random stuff and seeing what you like, then I can help you find good stuff you like.
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Forum Professional
Jul 6, 2015
'In The Tall Grass' was in my recommended on Netflix and it really is worth watching if you enjoy thriller and a touch of horror!

Trailer may be unsettling for some
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