Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


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Oct 17, 2016
I've recently been playing a ton of Skyblock and been loving it a lot! Just a few thingies here and there that'd I'd like to changed/added to make it more enjoyable. Since the update is now under development, sounds like the right moment. Perhaps not, but worth a try for sure!

  • More story investment
    • A few side quests have a story, it'd be nice to see a story throughout all/most quests! Stories really make the game fun
      • "One of your companions (or yourself in solo) isn't feeling too well (receives slowness). Invade the Swamplands in the far North in search for a cure! Be wary of the witches and slimes protecting their land!", instead of simply "Travel to the Swamplands".
    • Use silly story lines to justify the large quests.
      • "Uncle Jerry needs a new bridge, cut down 10 000 birch logs to help Jerry out!" Would make it a lot more enjoyable for me, who wouldn't want to help Jerry out :(
      • Newton isn't falling to the ground any more, harvest 50 apples to return gravity to the great inventor. "Flying villager"
        • If possible, make side quests appear as NPCs. This would cause a problem with immovable objects, but I'm sure a solution could be found. Example: Adding a more sophisticated move menu like with the Skyblock shops might be a possible solution
  • Sharing Skyblock coins within the same co-op
    • A bank system, this would make Skyblock coins immune to players dying. Which might not be favourable
    • A /share command as seen in Tower Defence (My preference)
  • Better profile management
    • Allow for Guest roll to visit each other islands. These players would
      • Be in adventure mode
      • Not interact with mobs
      • Not be able to break crops by jumping on them
      • Not lose health or hunger when moving or taking damage (Lava, fall damage)
    • Transferring co-op to solo and vice versa
    • Restarting a profile (With a lot of warnings before someone does it on accident)
  • Bigger co-op islands
    • I've come to the conclusion that 6 is enough if not everyone is actively player. You want to play with more different people, but don't want to constantly kick and inv player. Upping it to 10 might be quite nice
      • Problem is, for islands where everyone is playing, 10 might be way too much at the same time.
  • Particle system
    • With the recent Eggwars update, particle have been brought in use more. I'd like to have these be used here as well.
      • Red outline when trying to place or break something close to a villager (Breaking might be enough with a warning in chat, not sure how you'd do it with particles anyway)
      • Spawn area for spawners when in hand (As with structures)
        • I'd love an option to enable these permanently in the Skyblock menu. Would be handy when you're building a spawner
      • I'm not sure how fun this would be, but I'd love to be able to put trails on my armour/myself. So I could walk around with bunny ears in Skyblock :)
      • ... Any more fun ideas?
  • More collector items
    • Special Cookie (In game already)
    • Special Armour (Maybe set attributes, bunny armour gives jump boost)
    • Statues (Bedrock only, custom models)
    • ...
  • Better Stats
    • Per profile statistics (Not only time played) I want to know how many mobs I killed in that profile, not all of them :p
      • Also total playtime per profile (non overlapping, I'd like to know how long the profile has been played for)
    • More stats
      • Separate hostile and friendly mobs
      • Blocks broken
        • All generators
        • Trees
        • ....
      • Boosts applied
      • ...
  • Shop adjustments
    • Selling enchanted items should not be possible (Armour)
    • Option to sell items of a certain kind (I.e. all bones, but not the other sellable items)
    • Decorative blocks as reward for finishing side quests. So you're able to make pretty things :D (Think pretty, think colourful server is 1.12 now!)
  • Other
    • Warning for tool breaking starting at 10, 5 isn't enough for insta mine items 😭
I think this was most of what I thought of during playing the last couple of weeks.
I've added a poll, so you can vote for each thing individually, feel free to leave adjustments :D

Fesa xx
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Forum Professional
May 29, 2015
Amersfoort, The Netherlands
Sharing Skyblock coins within the same co-op
  • A bank system, this would make Skyblock coins immune to players dying. Which might not be favourable
  • A /share command as seen in Tower Defence (My preference)
Maybe have a 2% fee? Just like the greedy irl banks. Will still be a safe option, if you need to complete a dangerous quest. To see it as a sort of insurance.

Use silly story lines to justify the large quests
These are so cool and hilarious!


The shop adjustment I already suggested:


I have to admit, yours are on a higher level; both visually and well-structured. Great suggestions in general!

On top of that, you mentioned statues, but I would like to see a trophy room, where you can place your collectibles!
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Mar 31, 2021
The Netherlands
Use silly story lines to justify the large quests.
I personally would prefer more of an overarching long term story, what you're suggesting sounds more like you want all quests to have a single line to 'justify' them. I'd personally be more likely to play however if each quest was only a small part in what made up a fully worked out story, kind of how Magic & Mayhem did, although I doubt this would even be considered due to the large amount of work it would require. So your idea is a great alternative! :D

A /share command as seen in Tower Defence
This definitely has my preference over a bank system too, although if a bank system is chosen over this then I do like the idea of a fee. I don't think 2% is quite enough though, maybe go for 5% instead? (I'd tag to give credit but I'm scared I'll tag the wrong person.. Please change your profiles back soon ;-;)

Bigger co-op islands
As you yourself said if everyone is active 10 would be way too much, I'd say it's perfectly fine as it is currently, since I personally already think 6 is a bit much if everyone plays very actively.

On top of that, you mentioned statues, but I would like to see a trophy room, where you can place your collectibles!
I'm not sure if I'm misunderstanding but wouldn't you be able to build a trophy room yourself?
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Oct 17, 2016
These are so cool and hilarious!

On top of that, you mentioned statues, but I would like to see a trophy room, where you can place your collectibles!
Trophy rooms should indeed be build yourself like Goldy said, Bedrock has furniture and stuff as well which makes the game amazingly cool. I'd like to see statues added as side quest rewards. Harvested 50k glowstone? You receive the Claw of Archimedes for example.

I personally would prefer more of an overarching long term story
This would be my intention for the main quests, sorry if this was not worded clearly. We are already spoken to as the "adventurer", it'd be nicer to have a big story connect all of these quest throughout your adventure.
As in other games, side quests do not interfere too much with the main story. I'd like to keep it this way, not everyone does these quests in the right order, so the story would turn out to be a bit weird either way.
although I doubt this would even be considered due to the large amount of work it would require.
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Xavi | Goofy

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May 14, 2019
Saying LOVE this suggestion would be an understatement!

Having a storyline really brings more ✨ life✨ to skyblock, and would bring a lot more engagement from the players!

To make it more appealing for cube, a lot of this can be added to the skyblock rank/java ranks.

I really like you bringing up cosmetics. On bedrock you can already bring your buddy on your skyblock island. It would be very fun if this was also possible with other cosmetics such as trails. as well as miniatures on java. It might also be a nice idea to add cosmetics to the quest rewards. This doesn't have to be anything grand- just something to show off. A prefix called [endgame] when you've cleared all end quests (whenever that'll come out...) Or [Skyblocker+] reffering to the [skyblock] prefix which has been unlocked by having the rank.
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UncleSpect wrote on TnAdan_'s profile.
Happy birthday!
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Happy Birthday! 🎂
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BicolourSine41 wrote on TheOrderOfSapphire's profile.
Oh wow! 3k reaction score! Congrats! Same day as my 1k!
Yes! 1000 reaction score! Thanks to@Reesle for being my 1k reaction! Still did not get my trophy points...
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