Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net
Nov 17, 2022
I have lost 30+ levels and millions of coins to a glitch that has been happening in skyblock. I was building another mob farm. I was pillaring up, the game glitched, and it set me on the block next to it, which is air. I then fall to my death. Please fix or refund me on my coins and xp!
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Team CubeCraft
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May 13, 2021
The country of beer and chocolate
There is a channel for bug reports in the discord server. Heres the link: https://discord.gg/cubecraft Just enter the link, follow the instructions to enter the discord server, then enter the report channel. There you will have everything you need to make a bug report. You will probably need footage for evidence. Good luck with the report!
You can find a channel in the discord with all the information about where to report bugs, but the discord server isn’t the right place to report the bugs. You can fill out a form here
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small bob 294

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May 15, 2021
That’s not a bug. That is the internet delay between you placing the block on your device and that device telling cubecraft that the block is there. So if your internet is slow enough and you try to stack up, you will fall inside of the block before the servers know it exists, and it will push you to the side of the block in an effort to keep you outside of the block. (I’ve had this issue a lot and it’s unfixable, just an internet thing)
Nov 17, 2022
That’s not a bug. That is the internet delay between you placing the block on your device and that device telling cubecraft that the block is there. So if your internet is slow enough and you try to stack up, you will fall inside of the block before the servers know it exists, and it will push you to the side of the block in an effort to keep you outside of the block. (I’ve had this issue a lot and it’s unfixable, just an internet thing)
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