Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net
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Nov 12, 2016

First off, I had lost hope that cubecraft would bring us such an awesome update, but it turns out I was impatient, well done, I love the new tower upgrades and overall the balance is "almost" good. Now, here are some things I would like to discuss that may be an issue to balance...

1. Power Ups:
Well these little nether stars can really be helpful, so collect as many as you can, even if there are 3 next to each other, camp on them so you get them asap :)
However... it is not a good idea to allow enemies get a powerup on your side, thats just a cheap move,and still possible to do.
Bildschirmfoto 2017-08-13 um 15.20.03.png

Especially if you get this message while picking up a power up from the enemy area.

2. The Armageddon Mode:
Its cool that we get "random" set as default so we get some variations.
Altho heres another issue I encountered...
It is almost impossible to defeat the Mob pushing armageddon, its easier to defeat a wither or have the lightning round as these are defeatable. The mob push is very very strong.

3. Mob upgrades:

Zombie Pigmans dont give more exp/ upgrade exept upgrade 5 which gives 2 more per unit. When I spend my exp in something I want to see benefits.

Zombies are too strong. If your team does NOT place a mage at the beginning, then you lost already and will be pushed with more and more zombies quickly getting better armor so you cant keep up. More start coins or less zombie HP are needed to balance this, its just not fair
In my case I played 3 games in a row with this tactic and won 3 times. The first 20 seconds already decide between a win or a loss.


Aug 12, 2017
I think that the zombie thing is correct. Probably make them cost more exp so it's a bit harder to upgrade them at the start. The Horde Armageddon mode I think should stay however. Because of the update allowing other people to have all types of towers, it's easy to defend against it (If you play your cards right)
Remove older towers to make room for the upgraded ones, and when you can purchase the path 1 for Turret towers. A simple row of turret towers is a great way to farm money, and having 20 turret towers next to each other shooting kills everything. Easy? Maybe not. However, it's still possible and interesting to see what your team does.

I do agree with the zombie thing, and would like to add a little bit more:
First, I think that when the game starts, rather than saying "Random" it should choose something randomly and say that there so people know what's coming. Other thing I think should be changed is that turret tower thing. Not kidding when I say this, I played with a friend who sent me the money from his turret towers and when the game ended, I found out I had spent over a MILLION coins. Crazy right? Well, here's the shocker... our team LOST. Yup, other team was able to counter us despite having similar setups. We'll ignore that we sent out better troops too.

Things that need fixing (In my opinion):
Turret Tower Farming


Nov 12, 2016
its sad that you can only survive with placing a mage tower lvl 2 when the game starts.. I would like some more freedom.
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