Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Dedicated Member
Jan 10, 2018
Hi there!

I'm Nikoshka/Niko/Neeeeko/Nikolai. Some of you might recognise me, some of you might not. (If not, I was an ex-mod here back in 2016/2017 I think? idk at this point, it was a while ago). 5 years feels like forever ago (wow, I was 13 when I become a mod... jeez).

I popped onto Discord to say hi a few days ago and talked with @diogo and @Younisco and realised I actually have waayyyy too many memories of Cube which need unlocking. So much nostalgia from just one conversation! 😅

I've created this thread as I want to know the following:

1) If you recognise me, tell me! I'll try and see if I recognise you (sorry, I might have forgotten a few people or I might not have known you). Please be brutally honest, tell me what you thought of me back in the day 😂 (trust me, I won't be offended - I have a slight feeling a few people probably hated me a lot hahaha).

Tell me any inside jokes, memories, or anything that you remember :) Screenshots would be fricking amazing but I don't think anyone has any screenshots saved from that long ago haha. Any old threads which are worth remembering, send em my way :)))

ALSO ASK ME ANY QUESTIONS! Anything you have had on your mind about me or literally anything.

2) If I recognise you, I'll reply back with a 'TBH' about what I thought of you and try and dig out any memories we had from the deepest depths of my mind. I'll be honest within my TBHs (but please know that I probably don't feel the same way about you now as I did back then - bear in mind I was 12/13 years old. I'm now 17 - 18 in less than a month :o).

3) if you don't know who I am or don't recognise me, hi! introduce yourself. Tell me a bit about yourself :)

I hope I'll recognise some familiar faces!


Forum Expert
Feb 4, 2020
The Netherlands
I do not know you that well, but I've seen you a lot in your mod period. I was a stone rank back then and was way more on the background. That's why you do not know me. If you want to know a bit more about me, check out my reintroduction! :)
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Dedicated Member
Jan 10, 2018
I do not know you that well, but I've seen you a lot in your mod period. I was a stone rank back then and was way more on the background. That's why you do not know me. If you want to know a bit more about me, check out my reintroduction! :)

Hi Quis! Nice to meet you. Seems to be a lot of background "stone-ies" (is that a thing? imma make it a thing now) who recognise me haha.
Read through your introduction thread. Nice to see you're still going for staff! - determination is good :) How's that going?
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Dedicated Member
Jan 10, 2018
I think you were the first staff member I saw in-game, back when I had a Steve skin and a Stone rank! You were doing the parkour in the old Arcade lobby and I wondered how I could see you when I had players visibility disabled

meme dump locked

SPUUUUUUUUUUUUUUNI!! I remember you were pretty cool, I liked your presence on the forums. Awesome to see you as a mod now :) I'm not sure but were you a helper back when I was still staff or am I dreaming?

What ever happened to Quetzi?! Did he just leave? He defo hated me with a passion :facepalm:


Dedicated Member
Jan 10, 2018
Nope, but I was the biggest wannabe ever :) I got promoted in January 2020

He left the team in November 2019, before the Admin Team revamp

Ohhh yesss I rememeber you were a bit of a wannabe (sorry not sorry 😝!)

I found the infamous thread!
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Forum Professional
Dec 31, 2015
The Netherlands
Eyy Nikoo, I think you may remember me, we played a few times (or just once idk anymore) with SrKlompenstein, I think you'll have to remember me as iCheeetah. I was probably one of the biggest wannabes back then and well, I think you became a little toxic when you resigned 😂

If you remember me, give your honest opinion about me indeed and well if you don't, then nothing I guess 😂
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Dedicated Member
Jan 10, 2018




Some screenshots I found in our Discord DMs @Younisco. Honestly amazing to see these.

I also remember I was in one of JeromeASFs Eggwars videos (back when he was Cheeeesus). I need to go now but I'll try and dig it out later :))


Gameplay Engineer
Mar 18, 2017
the selfie area
I love to see old forum members and old screenshots, it's just amazing to see how Cube was before I joined

Pretty sure I barely missed you, I became active when you became inactive around June of 2017?
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Dedicated Member
Jan 10, 2018
Eyy Nikoo, I think you may remember me, we played a few times (or just once idk anymore) with SrKlompenstein, I think you'll have to remember me as iCheeetah. I was probably one of the biggest wannabes back then and well, I think you became a little toxic when you resigned 😂

If you remember me, give your honest opinion about me indeed and well if you don't, then nothing I guess 😂

Yesss I definitely remember you as iCheeeeetah. I defo remember playing some games together and also you being a wannabe hahahaha

You seemed pretty cool though, don't remember anything specifically positive/negative about you but yh.

I agree, I was a little toxic back then. Some of it probably Cube deserved a bit, however, I do agree sometimes I probably went over the top. It's all quite a blur to me so yeah, sorry if I can't "repent for my sins" hahaha 😂

report folk ftw :x

Report folk will forever have a special place in my heart. Will honestly never forget it 😅

So glad I could talk to you yesterday and experience a lot of nostalgia on Discord. Honestly blew my mind how many experiences I had that I've forgotten.

I love to see old forum members and old screenshots, it's just amazing to see how Cube was before I joined

Pretty sure I barely missed you, I became active when you became inactive around June of 2017?

I definitely recognise you! Not very well but your name is familiar.

I think I probably interacted with you on forums in 2018? Not sure! Good to see you're still here though!

I wasn’t really active in the community a few years ago, but I did find an old report you handled in 2017. View attachment 190688

Oh my god, that's amazing.
Love the little \o/ I put at the end of my report messages 😂

Ngl the most I remember from reports was absolutely feeling terrified when there was an appeal saying "I didn't hack". I wasn't the best at spotting hacks and sometimes a really good player can sometimes seem like they are hacking. Especially now with all these speedbridging tactics...

Modding for James together was pretty fun :3

Oh wow. I remember James being with giving out staff and just promoting anyone who wanted a promotion 😂. I probably ranted a lot to James about him doing that - so much that he got sick of me.


Forum Professional
Jul 2, 2015
I REMEMBER YOU AS MY HELPER MENTOR <3 You, Youn and Roro were for sure in my helper channel and you had the helper to mod introduction conversation with me. You've always been a great friend of mine and a constant factor in the staff team. Was so sad to see you leave! )':


Forum Professional
Jul 2, 2015


Dedicated Member
Jan 10, 2018
I REMEMBER YOU AS MY HELPER MENTOR <3 You, Youn and Roro were for sure in my helper channel and you had the helper to mod introduction conversation with me. You've always been a great friend of mine and a constant factor in the staff team. Was so sad to see you leave! )':

YESSS I loved doing the helper channels. Probably the only thing I enjoyed coming to the end of my staff journey at CCG 😅.

I definitely remember you and Animal were in my helper channel. 😝
You were defo a great staff member! Glad to see you're still here!
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