Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Dedicated Member
Aug 28, 2014
It seems like everyone is doing this and I think it is kind of fun to do :)
I called it Life/CCG story, because sometimes I just cant tell the difference between life and CCG
Anyway, I do not know how much I will remember, but I will try my best

My cousin Always plays the newest games. At Christmas, he came along at our house and he showed me and my brother the game 'Minecraft'. I did not really get it, but I wanted to give it a chance, so I started playing it. I really started to like the game, but it also started to get boring. Some of my friends had bought the game and they said that they could play online. I wanted to play online, so after about 2,5 years of playing offline, I decided to buy Minecraft. That was April 14th, the day before my Bday.

Now I could play online, but I didnt really know any servers. I asked a good friend of mine if he knew any good servers. Cubecraft, he said without even thinking. He told me the IP and we tried to play on CCG together. I say 'tried', because we didnt know that there were different lobbies, so we couldnt see eachother xD. So, I joined CCG in April, 2014 (Not entirely sure what date). This good friend who told me about CCG is btw @bestbuilders21 . He is not on that often, because he prefers playing World of Tanks now.

The CCG main lobby was kind of weird. You spawned on a little platform and behind you it'd say 'Welcome to Cubecraft <Playername>' (or something similar to that). To join games, you had to go to caves, built out of random materials and then you could click a sign. I spent most of my time jumping around on the 'Jump boost pressure plates' trying to get on the caves and parkour on them. I did not really meet anyone new.

When the new lobby came out, I found out there was a server called 'Creative'. I started to like this server, because I was a nub and I could not get killed there :) . At first I only talked Dutch, because my English was extremely bad xD. But one day an American player (I believe it's a girl) invited me to a building competition. This person was @DIGDUGDUCK (No forums). They were a nice person and we did lots of building contests. At one of the contests, a guy from Uruguay joined, @Valtrai (Not on forums either). We became good friends, but I never see them anymore, which is a shame.

I also met @Xycheth . I do not know how it exactly happened, but he added me to his plot and I helped him build. He was lapiz and he was together with another guy (I forgot his name sorry :( ). We built a Nether castle with 3 thrones inside. I was so happy that I found new friends and that they let me build on their plot :) . After we 'finished' the castle, I never saw them anymore. But this year, on Skyblock, I saw that Finn was online again :D . I had bought Iron and he was still Lapiz. Im so glad that I met him again :)

Another person on Creative I met, was @TheAdventurerMM . He was an iron donator (I was still a stone) and he showed me his ship. We talked in English, because I didnt know he was Dutch. He should've known that I was Dutch, because my name had Koning in it, which is Dutch xD. I found out later that he did this, because he didnt really like Dutch and he preferred to talk English. Because of him, I started to think about what I preferred. Dutch or English. I realised that the Dutch people on CCG were quite arrogant and they made thousands of grammar/spelling mistakes. Now I understood why Matt didnt like Dutch xD. Now he got mod and we're still friends :)

When I was talking to Matt about the Netherlands and the Dutch language, @Saradabaschi started to engage in the conversation. She said she was German and she told us that Dutch was not that bad.
I claimed that I liked German better than Dutch, based on the fact that those Dutch CCG players were annoying me with their language. I built a German themed house with a German flag and showed it to Sarah.
She liked the house and she asked me if I could build a Kiwi. I first built the bird, then realised she meant the fruit and I built the fruit also. Sarah's also the one who made me install Skype.
But that was something I did later. I was kind of shy and besides that, I did not have a mic.
@PIeguy780 was building a Desert Temple on Creative. He let me tpa and showed me the Temple. It was amazing! We became friends and he invited me to his Faction.
I had played Factions before, but I didnt really understand it. I was the first stone to join his Faction. Sarah was also part of his faction and through Factions I got to know more people :)
One of the persons I met in Factions was @noodles77 . I had seen him several times in Creative. A gold donator who always said goodbye, like 'toodles from noodles'. He had his own Faction, but he decided to join his brother's faction.
(Ye, pieguy is noodles's brother). Noodles introduced me to TeamSpeak, because he wanted me to hear his Chewbacca imitation. It was great xD. Today, I consider Soren my best In-Game friend :D
@SparklyWater99 ! yup lol was the second stone to join Kai's faction. He entered @allstarninja 's base, which made the ninja angry :p . Pie wasnt there and because I was an officer, allstar started talking to me.
He threathened that he would attack our base and that someone in our Faction would give him the cords. I panicked and kicked 3 random people out of the Faction xD
The next day @Younisco joined. He was already a member of the Faction, but this was the first time I saw him in game. I loved his skin; Nutella! Thats also the reason why I called him Nutella, obviously xD
Apparently, he was good friends with Allstarninja and he would give the cords. However, we did not have war, but we all became friends :D
Pieguy was rading other Factions, together with @AquaaXx . Aquaa was like a legend in Factions. Everybody feared him xD. I had a bad laptop and when Pie and Aquaa blew up a base, my game froze.
Aquaa thought I used anti-kb for a second and Kai messaged me 'TURN OF YOUR HAX, AQUAA IS GOING TO BAN YOU'. I panicked again and replied 'I DONT HAVE HACKS' xD. Eventually, Aquaa decided it was just the lag and I was not banned.
In Factions, I was desperate for Diamonds. I hated mining, but I did want them diamonds. @McMuqbil traded diamonds, so I started talking to him. He showed me a secret room at spawn and we became good friends.
Eventually @Cherrybless , his sister joined our faction and we became good friends too :) . I was really disappointed when they both quit Minecraft, but I think it was the right choice for them.
I had been talking to @TangoRaptor_ for a while. We were both stones and we became friends. One day, I was with Sarah on Factions and suddenly XSHIJOX appeared in our base. Sarah wanted to kill him.
But I said that it was okay, because XSHIJOX was my friend. I did not really pay attention to him, until Sarah messaged me 'Your friend is destroying our chests'. KillerKwile was also there and they started to attack us.
I panicked again and didnt know what to do. Im such a nub xD. I was so happy when Pieguy joined. Just at the right moment. He remained calm and fought the enemies.
XSHIJOX was attacking me. I got scared and clicked 'Save and Quit to title'. When I joined again, my stuff was gone. I lied to the rest and said XSHIJOX killed me. I didnt want to be a coward xD
I got really angry at Sarah, because someone tp'ed KillerKwile in our base and I knew it wasnt me. It must have been Sarah, I thought. She claimed that it wasnt her and I told her that she wasnt my friend anymore.
Nearly everybody in the Faction thought it was my fault. Pieguy and noodles kept hope :) . However, I forgave XSHIJOX and I believed Sarah. I still do not know who accepted the Tpa. I asked KillerKwile.
He said he tpa'ed to me and I accepted. I've never received a request, neither did I accept one :/
We started a new faction with @DunkyDan_xD (funkyman2689) and @Spizzer (No forum). Pieguy had to quit Minecraft for a while and I got bored. I started to play more on Creative again.
On Creative I met even more friends :) @Breezeblocks was one of these new friends, her name was Pizzaface132 when I met her. I do not know exactly how I met her, but I do remember that she was a really nice person :)
And she still is, by the way.
I also met @MorganPlayzMc . He had a Yoshi skin and he was building a huge tree. There was a sign, which said 'Leave a comment /p comment'. I left a comment and we became friends.
Another good friend I met on Creative, was @Driii (Sealgoesowowow). Again, I dont know how we became friends, but she's a great personality. She also managed to become a builder and mod :D
I dont know how I met @Exciting_pancake either, but I Always associated her with Pizzaface132. I think I did that, because they are both foods. I believe she was gold when I met her. An she, as well, became Mod, then Admin :)
It was October and there was a Halloween building competition. I was still a stone and my parents wouldnt let my buy a rank. I realised this was my chance to win a rank :D
I built a Zombie climbing out of his grave. I know this sounds cool, but the build was meh. I, the nub, thought the build was amazing! I was proud of myself. I asked @SSunny (SunshineChick) if I could win.
I still love it how she didnt want to discourage me and she said yes xD. I am sure she knew my odds to win were never in my favour (Hunger Games :O). Noodles also built a Halloween plot and he parcitipated for me.
Noodles is an extremely good builder and I still wonder how he didnt get builder. However, he did not win the competition. The winning builds were terrific.
It was around October, when I also got ts. This helped me to get more friends and to become better friends with the people I already knew. I was still kind of shy and my English wasnt that good yet, but Im glad I tried.
I met @JirdTheNird (Jordan), who was always arguing with @crossbow_hunter , the rage guy. Im not sure if I met @WingedBogan (oreomicfluffy) on Teamspeak or in game. She was on ts often, anyway.
Then I met @Cubss who is also a really good builder. That Notre Dame though :O . Then there was @Ts14eagles . I remember building Billy Mays with him xD .
I got to know @Achelois (Bethany409). I heard stories of her being rude and inappropriate, but she actually is a nice person. I met @Titanic07 when we were doing a Build Competition on noodles plot.
The theme was Ice age and we placed Efcluke heads all over the place xD. @Sccottyyy was also on Ts. I had met him before, when he was building with Pieguy.
I like to call Scotty the 'Master of Monologue', since he was always talking, even when everybody else had their mic muted. Another person I met on Ts was @Soph .
She never talked, but she always listened. Everytime someone raged, she simply wrote in chat 'is k'. She is mod now :)
@darkshaymin234 was also on Teamspeak and I first thought he was a bit rude to other people. However, he's got a lot of humour and he's a nice person :D
@Mattttttttttt and @Malll , with similar names. You are both awesome. I love to play Skywars with you, because you do not play the game like anyone else. We can think of the best strategies together :D
And, finally, @BrizzyTraps . She is a good, irl friend of Beth. Even though they are yelling at eachother at Ts sometimes, they are both funny xD. Oh, and it's Koening.
I was still a stone and I wanted a rank. Not really for the perks, but I wanted to be like my friends. And I wanted my friends to notice me. They were all donators after all.
I tried to build a nice Christmas plot, but that, erm, kind of went wrong. I decided to finish it, although it turned out to be kind of offensive.
@SGTkuzey came up with the idea to make a weed-smoking-alien-baby Jesus. He copied it and pasted it all over the plot. We built derpy people, a derpy donkey and some other derp stuff xD
Kuzey was the first Admin I met, who swore (on ts) xD
'Did you know that the netherlands are better at football than england?'. I still remember how @johnyestaloca wrote this on Soph's forum page. We laughed so hard on ts :p
Johny started to talk to me in game. He wanted to tpa, but I said I was working on a secret project, which was partly true. I was building a Mosque for Cherry and Muq, to remember them.
Eventually, we had a conversation and we became friends :D. I dont mind talking Dutch to him, since he always uses awesome words and he hardly makes mistakes :D
I also dont mind talking Dutch to @KemoGamer for the same reasons. He's also become a good friend :D
@Turtle is someone I met only a few months ago. However, I consider her a really good friend now :) . Even though her in game name is related to a song.
MayaPapaya. She keeps on denying that her name is related to the song Papaya, but I know it is.
I forgot to mention that I eventually bought Iron. I've got no idea when I bought it, but I know that I've been a stone for a long time.
I also do realise that I 'forgot' to mention some people. I will now mention people, who I also met, but I forgot when xD
@Sevenade78 , You're German, that's awesome. You are awesome xD. It was so funny when I finally realised your name was 7 8 7 8.
@King_FTW , I believe I met you on Ts. You are a fairly good builder and a very good Pvp-er. Even though you ruin my strategies sometimes, I love to play Skywars with you xD
@Aimee2323 , Do you wanna build a snowman? I think I got to know you on Forums. Everybody was talking about you being a Frozen fan
@SevereWarning , I still laugh about the picture of some plants and your comment 'This is me with my friends'
@Dai_Matsumoto , dwa
@Pingu_ , Oml, you can be so annoying sometimes xD. You are a good friend though :D
@superxsnap , I wil call you soup
I could mention all the mods, admins and the owners now, because I consider them my friends. I could also just thank them like this.
Thanks for CCG. I would have never met all these people without Cubecraft :D
ps. Im so so sorry if I forgot you, please tell me I forgot you and you think you should be in my CCG story ;-;


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2013
Hi Billy Mays here with Oxiclean, *insert stuff here*, for only 3 easy payments of $19.95 you can enjoy Oxiclean, but I'm not stopping there... actually yea I am. Anyway, Dang this must have taken you a while to type @KoningKiwi but im so glad that we built that billy mays statue, and i hope it still stands.
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Reesle wrote on bleedn's profile.
Hello! 👋

Cool skin btw!
Reesle wrote on Jedidiahh's profile.
Happy Birthday! 🧁🐕
News: Halloween Event 2024 has got an update on the Notion Board!
Changes: Ender is the Halloween Game (coming to both Java and Bedrock) and halloween lobby quests are also coming!
𝑷𝑹𝑶 𝑾𝑰𝑵𝑵𝑨𝑨𝑹 wrote on Pineapple's profile.
Happy bday 🎉
Mappoe wrote on Pineapple's profile.
hapy birday
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