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Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2016
Neutral Bay
(NOTE: THIS IS FOR SOLO NON-SPEED FOR 1.9+) So TriangleAttack has recently made a post about his two strategies for Eggwars. I personally never use the rushing strategy unless I want quick points, which I usually don't. This is, in my honest opinion, a terrible way to try to win. Sooner or later somebody will go to mid, collect all the resources, and you will be stuck facing a full iron armoured, punch-bow shooting, diamond sword wielding player about to defeat you.

The diamond strategy, on the other hand, is much better, although there are a few tweaks to it. Anyhoo, here is my main strategy for Eggwars that gets me a lot of wins...

Step One - The Beginning: Before the game even begins and you are in your pods, select the "Money Bags" kit. It costs 300 points and you can buy it by right-clicking the book in the Eggwars lobby. Always select this kit. Then, you want to immediately go to the trading villager and purchase a wooden sword and a full set of leather armour, which will cost 9 iron ingots in total, then get about 8-15 carrots, 32-64 sandstone blocks depending on how close mid is on that map, and an iron pickaxe for 3 gold. DO NOT, and I repeat DO NOT get a stone pickaxe for 10 iron. It just wastes iron and therefore time, when you could just get a quicker pickaxe for shorter time and resource. Finally, look at the islands to the left and right of you, if you are being rushed, quickly block up your egg with sandstone, and eliminate that team. If not, just build to mid.

Step Two: Your First Encounter with Mid: I want to say a few things before we begin this step. The first thing: chain and iron helmets do the same amount of protection as each other, so get your choice accordingly depending on the gens at mid on that map. The second thing: chain and leather boots do the same amount of protection, so there is really no point in getting chain boots. Ok, so you first want to focus on diamonds. It is 49 diamonds for a diamond sword, punch bow, full iron but chain helmet (which you'll need 10 gold for), and an Efficiency 3 diamond pickaxe. 54 diamonds do the exact same but that is for an iron helmet and does not require any gold. You will not need to buy a shield unless somebody is camping with a punch bow, and that would be late-game if it even happens at all. If it is a mid with little gold, focus on getting just a few arrows for your bow and slowly save up for obsidian. If it is a map with much or average gold, get at least 50 gold for a full layer of obsidian (if your egg has not already been destroyed.

Then save the rest for normal arrows for your bow. Then get back to your island and trade all of this for items accordingly.

Step Three - Eliminating Others: First, put your bow in your offhand, that way you can shoot, and hit extremely quickly, which would be very useful if you encounter another full-geared player. You want to eliminate the teams right next to your on your left and your right if they have not been eliminated yet, by building to their island/base from your island/base if you have your egg still, then do this strategy that I will say in a second. If you don't have your egg, follow this strategy now.

Go to mid, and work from there eliminating teams. Kill any players at mid that are there currently, and work through each island by building to them from mid. Regularly check back on mid to see if there is anybody there. If so, focus all your energy onto killing them. The last thing you want is another full-geared guy fighting you. If the person has obsidian around their egg then kill them first, block yourself in next to the obsidian so that they can't respawn and punch you to death, break their egg, then kill them. If they don't have their egg obsidian-ified then break their egg first, then kill them. If anybody has good gear, definitely kill them first, try to sneak up and bow-spam them off before trying to engage in close-combat.

Just keep doing this until you win! :)

I hope you found my tutorial helpful, please give feedback on your thoughts.
-Thanks, ThatCringeCalledIggleboz.


Dedicated Member
Mar 10, 2016
(NOTE: THIS IS FOR SOLO NON-SPEED FOR 1.9+) So TriangleAttack has recently made a post about his two strategies for Eggwars. I personally never use the rushing strategy unless I want quick points, which I usually don't. This is, in my honest opinion, a terrible way to try to win. Sooner or later somebody will go to mid, collect all the resources, and you will be stuck facing a full iron armoured, punch-bow shooting, diamond sword wielding player about to defeat you.

The diamond strategy, on the other hand, is much better, although there are a few tweaks to it. Anyhoo, here is my main strategy for Eggwars that gets me a lot of wins...

Step One - The Beginning: Before the game even begins and you are in your pods, select the "Money Bags" kit. It costs 300 points and you can buy it by right-clicking the book in the Eggwars lobby. Always select this kit. Then, you want to immediately go to the trading villager and purchase a wooden sword and a full set of leather armour, which will cost 9 iron ingots in total, then get about 8-15 carrots, 32-64 sandstone blocks depending on how close mid is on that map, and an iron pickaxe for 3 gold. DO NOT, and I repeat DO NOT get a stone pickaxe for 10 iron. It just wastes iron and therefore time, when you could just get a quicker pickaxe for shorter time and resource. Finally, look at the islands to the left and right of you, if you are being rushed, quickly block up your egg with sandstone, and eliminate that team. If not, just build to mid.

Step Two: Your First Encounter with Mid: I want to say a few things before we begin this step. The first thing: chain and iron helmets do the same amount of protection as each other, so get your choice accordingly depending on the gens at mid on that map. The second thing: chain and leather boots do the same amount of protection, so there is really no point in getting chain boots. Ok, so you first want to focus on diamonds. It is 49 diamonds for a diamond sword, punch bow, full iron but chain helmet (which you'll need 10 gold for), and an Efficiency 3 diamond pickaxe. 54 diamonds do the exact same but that is for an iron helmet and does not require any gold. You will not need to buy a shield unless somebody is camping with a punch bow, and that would be late-game if it even happens at all. If it is a mid with little gold, focus on getting just a few arrows for your bow and slowly save up for obsidian. If it is a map with much or average gold, get at least 50 gold for a full layer of obsidian (if your egg has not already been destroyed.

Then save the rest for normal arrows for your bow. Then get back to your island and trade all of this for items accordingly.

Step Three - Eliminating Others: First, put your bow in your offhand, that way you can shoot, and hit extremely quickly, which would be very useful if you encounter another full-geared player. You want to eliminate the teams right next to your on your left and your right if they have not been eliminated yet, by building to their island/base from your island/base if you have your egg still, then do this strategy that I will say in a second. If you don't have your egg, follow this strategy now.

Go to mid, and work from there eliminating teams. Kill any players at mid that are there currently, and work through each island by building to them from mid. Regularly check back on mid to see if there is anybody there. If so, focus all your energy onto killing them. The last thing you want is another full-geared guy fighting you. If the person has obsidian around their egg then kill them first, block yourself in next to the obsidian so that they can't respawn and punch you to death, break their egg, then kill them. If they don't have their egg obsidian-ified then break their egg first, then kill them. If anybody has good gear, definitely kill them first, try to sneak up and bow-spam them off before trying to engage in close-combat.

Just keep doing this until you win! :)

I hope you found my tutorial helpful, please give feedback on your thoughts.
-Thanks, ThatCringeCalledIggleboz.
I like this guide, although I do not use this strat and I always win. That just means that their are many different strats that all work. It just depends on you.
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Happy Birthday, cool partner!
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Happy birthday 🎈
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