Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


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(im not shure if i post this in the wrong thread, if yes sorry)
im trying to become mod and have been trying to complete all requirements, but the "report 10 players" requirement is just impossible to do for me, i havent come across a single cheater in the past few months and if i did, the player was alredy banned. the question im asking is: can i get moderator if i meet all the requirements exept for the "report all players" one?
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Forum Expert
Feb 23, 2020
Sweden ♡
Hi! To become a Moderator you do first have to become a Helper and thereafter be promoted to Moderator.
Sadly you will not be able to move forward in the Helper application without meeting all the general requirements, so you need to have 10 successful reports as well.
Keep in mind that you can also report players that breaks other server rules, so it doesn't have to be cheaters. You can find the server rules here -> https://www.cubecraft.net/rules
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Well-Known Member
Hi! To become a Moderator you do first have to become a Helper and thereafter be promoted to Moderator.
Sadly you will not be able to move forward in the Helper application without meeting all the general requirements, so you need to have 10 successful reports as well.
Keep in mind that you can also report players that breaks other server rules, so it doesn't have to be cheaters. You can find the server rules here -> https://www.cubecraft.net/rules
oh well, thought i could ask. also thank you for replying so quick
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