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Dedicated Member
Dec 23, 2015
Beyond The Wall


You've gotta ask yourself one question, "Do I feel lucky?"


Lucky Islands, similar to SkyWars but with a sprinkle of luck (and death)!

How to play

  • Lucky Islands can be played in a Solo or Team mode.
  • The gameplay is very similar to SkyWars except for the fact that there are Lucky Blocks littered around the map!
  • Lucky Blocks are mystery blocks which when broken could give the player a positive or negative outcome. This could be an item, a mob, a potion effect, a friend, a deadly trap, a magical wand and/or so much more.
  • Including Lucky Blocks, there are also special wands and events that make every game crazier than normal.
  • The goal is to be the last man or team surviving.


Lucky Block Outcomes


"AWW YE" outcomes

Swords: Player is given a sword which could be a Diamond Sword, Wooden Sword, or a Stone Sword (Sharp 1-3).

Diamond Pickaxe: Player is given a Diamond Pickaxe.

Blocks: Player is given 20-40 Stone, Dirt or Sandstone.

ARMOUR Stand: Equipped with random types of armour.

Enchant Set: Enchantment Table is spawned including Lapis, and a few auto falling EXP potions.

Toolbox: Player is given a Pickaxe, Shovel and an Axe which could be in a set of Stone or Iron.

Potion Set: Player is given 4-5 Potions which could include: Splash Potion of Instant Damage 2, Splash Potion of 45-second Poison, Lingering Potion of Regeneration, Potion of Instant Health 2, and a Lingering Potion of Speed 2.

Sonic Potion: Splash Potion of Speed x 40 + normal 2 min Speed.

Villager Tower: A towering travelling group of villager merchants stacked ontop of each other. (CAUTION/FUN FACT: Will suffocate if spawned in a roof).

Pig Rider: Spawned Pig including a Saddle and a Carrot on a Stick.

Hot Potato: Not an edible food item, instead, it’s a throwable item that explodes after a few seconds thrown.

Knockback Sword: A wooden sword with Knockback x.

Player Tracker: The Player Tracker from the SG, SkyWars and EggWars gamemodes.

Man’s Best Friend: Tamed Wolf including 2 bones and a nametag.

Explosive Bow: 6-Use Bow with Power 1 and Exploding 1.

Tipped Bow: Bow including 6 Spectral arrows and 6 Slowness arrows.

Bow and Arrows: Bow including 12 arrows.

Food Outcomes: Player receives 1-5 carrots, bread or apples.

Shield: Uh, yeah, just a Shield.

Enderpearls: 3 Enderpearls for your leisurely teleporting.

Cake: A delicious homemade cake made just for you (@CARDAN16)!

"Aw.. Ye...?" outcomes

Scarecrow: Explosion of Hay surrounding a “Scarecrow” (armour stand) that comes equipped with leather armour and a Pumpkin on it’s head. It has a chance to spawn a luckyblock, it will either get a pumpkin or a luckyblock.

Iron Lightning: Lightning Strike followed by a falling Iron Block where the Lucky Block was.

Elemental Block: A block of Water or Lava is spawned where the Lucky Block was.

Chicken Coop: 9 Chicken are spawned in a 3x3 formation. There may be an easter egg that 1/100 chance, 1 chicken will be called 'Dinnerbone' and be upsidedown. (Not confirmed.)

Fire Dispenser: Player is given 1 Dispenser, 1 Lever and 10 Fire Charge.

Mob Spawn Eggs: 1-3 random Mob Spawn eggs.

Frosty The Snowman: A snowman named Frosty is spawned as well as a stone shovel. Frosty shuffles around leaving a disappearing snow trail behind.

Enderman With a Chest: Passive Aggressive Enderman equipped with a chest which will drop when dead, what riches could be inside?

Dirty Harry Pressure Plate: Ya feeling lucky, punk? Step on it and you will be given one positive or negative outcome of any of the Lucky Block outcomes.

Mystery Chest: Chest that could either be trapped (which explodes upon opening) or filled (which is full of goodies!), your choice!

Obsidian Explosion: An explosion of Obsidian blocks!

Zombie Knight: A Zombie equipped with random armour and weapon.

"OH SH-" outcomes

Cage Fight: A Glass cage surrounds you and a zombie is spawned in for a fight to the death!

Exploding Squid: An Explosive Squid that detonates in 5 seconds blinding any nearby players for 15 seconds if hit.

Meteor Strike: WATCH OUT! A deadly meteor falls from the sky damaging anything in it’s impact.

Suddenly You Feel Ill: Player is given Nausea 4 for 8 seconds.

Hole-y %&$#: Visual animation followed by a 3x3 quickly vanishing where the Lucky Block was.

Bat-Witch: A Witch flying on a bat surrounded by bats. Bats?

Blaze: A normal Blaze that when killed will drop a Fire Aspect 1 Blaze Rod.




250 points

3 Potions of Speed

400 points
Leather Helmet, Leggings, Boots + Chain Chestplate

450 points
10 TNT

300 points
Diamond Block

Egg Farmer

250 points

16 Eggs


350 points
Bow, 12 Arrows

450 points
Lucky Block

250 points
3 Potions of Instant Health

350 points
Enchanting Table, 32 Lapis Lazuli, Bottle o’ Enchanting

150 points
12 Apples, 3 Golden Apples

250 points
Diamond Pickaxe


250 points
8 Obsidian


600 points
Random Wand




Events can also be outcomes of Lucky Blocks however, their impact on the game is far larger and usually affects all players whether for worse or the better.
  • All players are notified by an Event via a message in chat or a sound alert.
  • Events can be temporary or permanent.
  • Events happen randomly, and may not occur in every game.
  • Multiple Events can happen simultaneously.

"I am the most powerful Jedi ever!" events

Money Rain (Temporary) Riches beyond your wildest dreams rain from the sky including Iron, Gold, Diamonds, and XP. Check your roofs!

Lucky Charm (Temporary): As an individual player, you are given a higher chance of getting good loot from Lucky Blocks for 30 seconds!

"I'm dead aren't I?" events

Dragon (Permanent): One poor soul minding their own business mining a block might find themselves mining a Dragon Egg instead. The Egg will quickly hatch, unleashing a deadly Dragon aiming to kill off any and every player still standing.

Corruption (Permanent): From a random spot in the map, the land is transformed into a Nether Hell littered with fire, lava, obsidian, netherrack and deadly mobs of the nether. It slowly spreads until a large portion of the map is corrupted. Corruption will also make all lucky blocks in it’s area 100% unlucky.

Meteor Shower (Temporary): Meteors fall from the sky dealing massive damage to the map for about a minute.




Wands are a unique feature and are also outcomes of Lucky Blocks.

  • Each wand has a different ability, and its cooldown is based on the strength of that ability.
  • Cooldowns do not reset if dropped by another player.
  • Wands glow once the cooldown is up notifying you can use them again.
  • You are able to have an unlimited amount of wands.

Shield Wand: Creates and encases player in a small sphere of stained glass.
Cooldown: 60 seconds

Slime Wand: Launches 1-3 varied sizes of Slimes in pointed direction.
Cooldown: 30 seconds

TNT Wand: Launches freshly lit TNT in pointed direction.
Cooldown: 40 seconds

Regeneration Wand: Grants Regeneration 2 for 3 seconds.
Cooldown: 30 seconds

Dragonbreath Wand: Launches a ranged spray of fire in pointed direction.
Cooldown: 30 seconds

Invisibility Wand: Makes player invisible for 7 seconds.
Cooldown: 30 seconds

(Slime Wand Easter Egg - There is an easter egg that 1/100 chance it will shoot a stacked slime (5 slimes on top of eachother).


Good LUCK warriors, you will need it

Check out my other guides below!
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Dedicated Member
Dec 23, 2015
Beyond The Wall


Dedicated Member
Mar 10, 2016

You've gotta ask yourself one question, "Do I feel lucky?"


Lucky Islands, similar to SkyWars but with a sprinkle of luck (and death)!

How to play

  • Lucky Islands can be played in a Solo or Team mode.
  • The gameplay is very similar to SkyWars except for the fact that there are Lucky Blocks littered around the map!
  • Lucky Blocks are mystery blocks which when broken could give the player a positive or negative outcome. This could be an item, a mob, a potion effect, a friend, a deadly trap, a magical wand and/or so much more.
  • Including Lucky Blocks, there are also special wands and events that make every game crazier than normal.
  • The goal is to be the last man or team surviving.


Lucky Block Outcomes


"AWW YE" outcomes

Swords: Player is given a sword which could be a Diamond Sword, Wooden Sword, or a Stone Sword (Sharp 1-3).

Diamond Pickaxe: Player is given a Diamond Pickaxe.

Blocks: Player is given 20-40 Stone, Dirt or Sandstone.

ARMOUR Stand: Equipped with random types of armour.

Enchant Set: Enchantment Table is spawned including Lapis, and a few auto falling EXP potions.

Toolbox: Player is given a Pickaxe, Shovel and an Axe which could be in a set of Stone or Iron.

Potion Set: Player is given 4-5 Potions which could include: Splash Potion of Instant Damage 2, Splash Potion of 45-second Poison, Lingering Potion of Regeneration, Potion of Instant Health 2, and a Lingering Potion of Speed 2.

Sonic Potion: Splash Potion of Speed x 40 + normal 2 min Speed.

Pig Rider: Spawned Pig including a Saddle and a Carrot on a Stick.

Hot Potato: Not an edible food item, instead, it’s a throwable item that explodes after a few seconds thrown.

Knockback Sword: A wooden sword with Knockback x.

Player Tracker: The Player Tracker from the SG, SkyWars and EggWars gamemodes.

Man’s Best Friend: Tamed Wolf including 2 bones and a nametag.

Explosive Bow: 6-Use Bow with Power 1 and Exploding 1.

Tipped Bow: Bow including 6 Spectral arrows and 6 Slowness arrows.

Bow and Arrows: Bow including 12 arrows.

Food Outcomes: Player receives 1-5 carrots, bread or apples.

Shield: Uh, yeah, just a Shield.

Enderpearls: 3 Enderpearls for your leisurely teleporting.

Cake: A delicious homemade cake made just for you (@CARDAN16)!

"Aw.. Ye...?" outcomes

Scarecrow: Explosion of Hay surrounding a “Scarecrow” (armour stand) that comes equipped with leather armour and a Lucky Block on it’s head.

Iron Lightning: Lightning Strike followed by a falling Iron Block where the Lucky Block was.

Elemental Block: A block of Water or Lava is spawned where the Lucky Block was.

Chicken Coop: 9 Chicken are spawned in a 3x3 formation.

Fire Dispenser: Player is given 1 Dispenser, 1 Lever and 10 Fire Charge.

Mob Spawn Eggs: 1-3 random Mob Spawn eggs.

Frosty The Snowman: A snowman named Frosty is spawned as well as a stone shovel. Frosty shuffles around leaving a disappearing snow trail behind.

Enderman With a Chest: Passive Aggressive Enderman equipped with a chest which will drop when dead, what riches could be inside?

Dirty Harry Pressure Plate: Ya feeling lucky, punk? Step on it and you will be given one positive or negative outcome of any of the Lucky Block outcomes.

Mystery Chest: Chest that could either be trapped (which explodes upon opening) or filled (which is full of goodies!), your choice!

Obsidian Explosion: An explosion of Obsidian blocks!

Zombie Knight: A Zombie equipped with random armour and weapon.

"OH SH-" outcomes

Cage Fight: A Glass cage surrounds you and a zombie is spawned in for a fight to the death!

Exploding Squid: An Explosive Squid that detonates in 5 seconds blinding any nearby players for 15 seconds if hit.

Meteor Strike: WATCH OUT! A deadly meteor falls from the sky damaging anything in it’s impact.

Suddenly You Feel Ill: Player is given Nausea 4 for 8 seconds.

Hole-y %&$#: Visual animation followed by a 3x3 quickly vanishing where the Lucky Block was.

Bat-Witch: A Witch flying on a bat surrounded by bats. Bats?

Blaze: A normal Blaze that when killed will drop a Fire Aspect 1 Blaze Rod.




250 points

3 Potions of Speed

400 points
Leather Helmet, Leggings, Boots + Chain Chestplate

450 points
10 TNT

300 points
Diamond Block

Egg Farmer

250 points

16 Eggs


350 points
Bow, 12 Arrows

450 points
Lucky Block

250 points
3 Potions of Instant Health

350 points
Enchanting Table, 32 Lapis Lazuli, Bottle o’ Enchanting

150 points
12 Apples, 3 Golden Apples

250 points
Diamond Pickaxe


250 points
8 Obsidian


600 points
Random Wand




Events can also be outcomes of Lucky Blocks however, their impact on the game is far larger and usually affects all players whether for worse or the better.
  • All players are notified by an Event via a message in chat or a sound alert.
  • Events can be temporary or permanent.
  • Events happen randomly, and may not occur in every game.
  • Multiple Events can happen simultaneously.

"I am the most powerful Jedi ever!" events

Money Rain (Temporary) Riches beyond your wildest dreams rain from the sky including Iron, Gold, Diamonds, and XP. Check your roofs!

Lucky Charm (Temporary): As an individual player, you are given a higher chance of getting good loot from Lucky Blocks for 30 seconds!

"I'm dead aren't I?" events

Dragon (Permanent): One poor soul minding their own business mining a block might find themselves mining a Dragon Egg instead. The Egg will quickly hatch, unleashing a deadly Dragon aiming to kill off any and every player still standing.

Corruption (Permanent): From a random spot in the map, the land is transformed into a Nether Hell littered with fire, lava, obsidian, netherrack and deadly mobs of the nether. It slowly spreads until a large portion of the map is corrupted.

Meteor Shower (Temporary): Meteors fall from the sky dealing massive damage to the map for about a minute.




Wands are a unique feature and are also outcomes of Lucky Blocks.

  • Each wand has a different ability, and its cooldown is based on the strength of that ability.
  • Cooldowns do not reset if dropped by another player.
  • You are able to have an unlimited amount of wands.

Shield Wand: Creates and encases player in a small sphere of stained glass.
Cooldown: 60 seconds

Slime Wand: Launches 1-2 varied sizes of Slimes in pointed direction.
Cooldown: 30 seconds

TNT Wand: Launches freshly lit TNT in pointed direction.
Cooldown: 40 seconds

Regeneration Wand: Regenerates 2 your health for 3 seconds.
Cooldown: 30 seconds

Dragonbreath Wand: Launches a ranged spray of fire in pointed direction.
Cooldown: 30 seconds

Invisibility Wand: Makes player invisible for 7 seconds.
Cooldown: 30 seconds


Good LUCK warriors, you will need it

Check out my other guides below!
This is a beautiful thread! I love this cheez!


Dedicated Member
Dec 23, 2015
Beyond The Wall


Dedicated Member
Dec 23, 2015
Beyond The Wall
Always good to have an official guide roll around to give new players an idea how to play!

Some of the neutral and harmful outcomes can actually be beneficial (e.g. explosive chest) or witches (applies pressure on the opponent if it locks onto him/her first).
Thanks! Oh yeah, in the whole scheme of things that is entirely possible but I was just categorizing it by an individual players own expense.
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betty's oldies

Forum Expert
Thanks! Oh yeah, in the whole scheme of things that is entirely possible but I was just categorizing it by an individual players own expense.
Pretty much it's skywars but with lucky blocks instead of chests. Same starting approach but expand to the other islands a lot faster.

EDIT: What happened to villagers? They were a possible outcome in the old lucky islands. Were they removed for being "too OP"? I remember if you got a blacksmith, then you could get a sword (weapon smith), armor (armorer), or extra tools. It saved a lot of crafting materials especially if you had to craft one.
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Dedicated Member
Dec 23, 2015
Beyond The Wall
Pretty much it's skywars but with lucky blocks instead of chests. Same starting approach but expand to the other islands a lot faster.

EDIT: What happened to villagers? They were a possible outcome in the old lucky islands. Were they removed for being "too OP"? I remember if you got a blacksmith, then you could get a sword (weapon smith), armor (armorer), or extra tools. It saved a lot of crafting materials especially if you had to craft one.
I knew I was forgetting something, thanks added!
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