Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Forum Professional
May 29, 2015
Amersfoort, The Netherlands
You're probably not going to see me make a thread like this again, because I think this update is absolutely amazing, basically all changes are based on the community. There's literally only ONE thing I don't agree with:

''Made knockback and punch enchantments more valuable by limiting enchant levels to I and require higher exp level enchantment. You can now get knockback with enchantments above level 15 and punch with enchantments above level 20

I feel like the other aspects of this update basically already ruined the Knockback strategy. With enchanted swords/ bows, it's really hard to get Knockback on your swords/ bows. Not to mention that almost nobody used this strategy. I know, knockback is really OP. However, to pull that off, you need a lot of time and besides for having a Knockback weapon, you're very far behind. Also, who the heck is going to wait for enchantment lvl 15? The same goes for Punch (lvl 20 or above). I enjoyed this strategy a lot, by the time before the update before this update, you could get a diamond sword with Knockback I. I've never really been into Punch, but lvl 20 is just insane. I hope this could be set back or at least be tweaked again.

(At last but not least, I like this update so much, because I was very bored with the old concept, and this gives a lot of new opportunities, and I'm not going to discuss about the fact that it's copied from Memepixel or not, because they copied Skywars from Cubecraft.)


Forum Expert
Mar 16, 2016
I didn't even notice this change, but I think it's a good thing. I know some people that would always use the enchanter and anvil kit on team maps to get knockback 2 sharpness swords. You don't really need much time. On trees they would usually have full diamond and the swords by the time any other team arrived. In my opinion knockback 2 makes games even less enjoyable than enchanted golden apples. Not only can you not kill a player, but they can also throw you off the map.
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Super cool summer name Warz!:D
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