Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2016
Here are my suggestions for Infected, I'll make it quick and snappy:

New Modes: I agree with the other players in that new modes would be a cool future idea for Infected. Who knows how these would go? Maybe it could have Overpowered and Hardcore, like Eggwars. Maybe it could have it's own gamemodes. My idea would be a new mode where players have to try and protect the king from the Infected players.

Tree Camping: Yes, everyone hates it. I don't think tree camping should be prevented, it should just be made harder. The main issue is that players have many blocks, and can collect more. Most infected groups barely have any blocks, and they cannot pick up blocks they mine. I think infected should be able to pick up blocks aswell, to ease the problem.

Kits: Yes, Infected already has "kits". I'm talking about human kits. I feel like humans should have kits aswell, things like (Armorer - Starts with chain chestplate and legs) or (Miner - Starts with iron pickaxe and 8 wood).

Infected Timer: One thing that doesn't feel right to me is infected spawning instantly. Many players get killed in the first 20 seconds of the game because they were the unlucky first target of the infected. I feel like infected should spawn 15 or 20 seconds late, so the humans can at least get food and wood.

Leave your thoughts if you like.

AFreakingCookie (Hank)

Dedicated Member
Apr 3, 2016
Yea, it will start to get boring if we just do the same mode over and over. I would like it if they had kits for the humans, but that is what the ores are for.
Also no Infection timer please, when people get infected, they just leave the game but the fact that if you die and you would have to wait 15-20 seconds would be so boring and it would make the game dead


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2016
I agree with you. By the way, when I said 15-20 seconds I meant at the beginning of the game only, not on respawns.


Forum Professional
Dec 31, 2015
The Netherlands
New Modes: I agree with the other players in that new modes would be a cool future idea for Infected. Who knows how these would go? Maybe it could have Overpowered and Hardcore, like Eggwars. Maybe it could have it's own gamemodes. My idea would be a new mode where players have to try and protect the king from the Infected players.
I agree with this idea. If there are more modes in Infected, more people will play it and it will be more fun.

Tree Camping: Yes, everyone hates it. I don't think tree camping should be prevented, it should just be made harder. The main issue is that players have many blocks, and can collect more. Most infected groups barely have any blocks, and they cannot pick up blocks they mine. I think infected should be able to pick up blocks aswell, to ease the problem.
This has been suggested before and I actually don't understand why infected people aren't able to pick up block they break. I agree with this one as well.

Kits: Yes, Infected already has "kits". I'm talking about human kits. I feel like humans should have kits aswell, things like (Armorer - Starts with chain chestplate and legs) or (Miner - Starts with iron pickaxe and 8 wood).
I don't really know. If the timer for the infected people gets added, you don't really need to have these kits as you can mine ores and make better armour without having infected people in your back.

Infected Timer: One thing that doesn't feel right to me is infected spawning instantly. Many players get killed in the first 20 seconds of the game because they were the unlucky first target of the infected. I feel like infected should spawn 15 or 20 seconds late, so the humans can at least get food and wood.
I really like this one. It just gives the humans more time to become a bit more stronger and to protect themselves against the infected.

Overall, nice suggestions!
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