Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net
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Release Manager/Team Ops 🏳️‍🌈
Team CubeCraft
💙 Admin Team
Jul 23, 2015
If something isn't right, if you feel unsafe or uncomfortable you should speak to a trusted adult in person (e.g a parent, teacher or carer). Explain the situation, show them this page and explain what CubeCraft is about. Not all adults are comfortable with technology, so try to be as clear as you can for them to understand.

This is a very serious and important page. If you don't understand anything on here, please speak to a trusted adult and ask them to take you through it. You can also reach out to our moderation team.

If another user is harassing you, you should take the following actions:
  1. Talk to a trusted adult and explain to them what's happening.
  2. Read our article on how to stay safe on CubeCraft for tips on how to protect yourself.
  3. Report the user to the platform (Bedrock, Discord, forums, etc.) it happened on.
  4. In extreme cases, start a thread in the Player Safety sub forum with as much information as possible.
Anyone found to be taking part in extreme harassment, bullying, discrimination or hate speech could receive a permanent network ban and have their details handed over to the police.

Harmful files and links
Never open an unknown file or link sent by someone else online. You never know what their intentions are.
If someone sends you or another user harmful files or links, you should take the following actions:
  1. Talk to a trusted adult and explain to them what's happening.
  2. Report the user to the platform (Bedrock, Discord, forums, etc.) it happened on.
  3. Start a thread in the Player Safety sub forum with as much information and evidence as possible.
Anyone found to be spreading harmful files or links could receive a permanent network ban and have their details handed over to the police.

DoS and DDoS Attacks
If your internet is (repeatedly) taken offline, someone might have your computer address and use it to hit you with DoS or DDoS attacks. There are several ways users can get hold of your computer address, such as tricking you into opening bad websites, or simply by getting you to join their private Minecraft server.

If someone is striking you with a DoS or DDoS attack, you should take the following actions:
  1. Talk to a trusted adult and explain to them what's happening.
  2. Read this article by Imperva (specialised in cyber security) for more information on DoS and DDoS attacks and how to protect yourself in the future.
  3. Start a thread in the Player Safety sub forum with as much information and evidence as possible.
Anyone found to be taking part in cyberattacks/DDoS attacks could receive a permanent network ban and have their details handed over to the police.

Never share personal information with others online. Make sure that your nicknames and email addresses do not contain personal information either.

If your private information is being shared, you should take the following actions:
  1. Talk to a trusted adult and explain to them what's happening.
  2. Read this article by Crash Override Network (resource center for online abuse) for more information on doxing and tips on how you should react to it.
  3. If appropriate, report the incident to your local police.
  4. Report the user to the platform (Bedrock, Discord, forums, etc.) it happened on.
  5. Start a thread in the Player Safety sub forum with as much information and evidence as possible.
Anyone found to be taking part in cyberattacks/dox attacks could receive a permanent network ban and have their details handed over to the police.

Sexting and explicit content
Never share images of yourself with others online. Creation or viewing of explicit content may be illegal in your country, depending on your age. If someone is asking for images of you, say no, and talk to a trusted adult.

If you've shared images of yourself, are having images of yourself shared, are receiving unwanted images/messages, or are being asked to share images/messages:
  1. Talk to a trusted adult and explain to them what's happening.
  2. Read this article by Childline for tips on how to deal with sexting gone wrong.
  3. If appropriate, report the incident to your local police.
  4. Start a thread in the Player Safety sub forum with as much information and evidence as possible. Please do not send us any explicit images.
Anyone found to be taking part in sexting, distribution of explicit images or other inappropriate messaging could receive a permanent network ban and have their details handed over to the police.

Other unwanted/illegal activities
If you or a user you know is involved in other unwanted/illegal activities that aren't mentioned in this thread, please start a thread in the Player Safety sub forum with as much information and evidence as possible and we will help you further there.

Anyone found to be not following our Community Standards and rules could receive a permanent network ban and, where appropriate, have their details handed over to the police.

Team CubeCraft
For any concerns regarding team members, please start a thread in the team feedback sub forum. If you have seen one of our team members behave improperly, either inside or outside of the network, please report it to us immediately.

We hold our team to an incredibly high standard and any team member found to not be following our Community Standards and rules could receive a permanent network ban and, where appropriate, have their details handed over to the police.

Check out our community resources and safety here.
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Reesle wrote on TnAdan_'s profile.
Happy Birthday! 🎂
lorilambthecoolgamer wrote on luminance69's profile.
BicolourSine41 wrote on TheOrderOfSapphire's profile.
Oh wow! 3k reaction score! Congrats! Same day as my 1k!
Yes! 1000 reaction score! Thanks to@Reesle for being my 1k reaction! Still did not get my trophy points...
Im so close to 1000 reaction score!
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