Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Forum Expert
Sep 15, 2018
Hello! ^-^

I recently reached 1,000 likes here on the forums. For some people, the likes mean a lot, while others don’t care. For me, the likes themself don’t mean so much, but I’d like to take the opportunity to thank some people who made it possible. Btw, I’m planning on introducing myself a bit more. I felt like my introduction was a bit short and I’d like to tell you a bit more about myself. Though I don’t have the time to do it right now, it should be someday in the near future (at least that’s what I hope). To do that, I’d like to get your help! Ask me whatever you want to know (if it’s not inappropriate) and I’ll try to give my answer. I’ve made a google form if you want to be anonymous: https://forms.gle/7QFxU8z3iDVSHMPA6

I think we all know that life can be like a rollercoaster. Sometimes it goes up and down without any control. In those situations, having people who care about you, or just make your days better, means more than you think. Here are some special mentions of people who really stand out! If I missed someone, please let me know!

@AnimalTamer1 - I have to admit, when I sent my first message to you, I was a bit scared. When I got to know you a bit better, I have no idea why I was scared. What I really love about you is how you really care about us. Trust me, having an admin who cares about you, means more than you think. Just because you’re a higher role, you never overstep us. You’re always so nice and friendly and I’d love to talk more to you! Your love spreads across the team! I wish everyone had such a lovely admin <3

@Capitan - I have to give you a big thank you for explaining to me how stuff works. I’ve been learning stuff almost every day thanks to you! Being left in confusion really makes you demotivated, but I’ve never been in that situation. You’re always there to answer my questions. I have to admit that you have a sense of humour. You gave me a good laugh when I asked for opinions on the name “suicide_tomato” and you answered with ketchup xD

@Cynamooo - Sadly, I haven’t talked to you so much, so I don’t really know you. Though you clearly deserve to be on this list for being one of my mentors. I can’t leak anything, so I’m gonna write this shortly. I think most of you know that helper is a learning process where you can learn new stuff every day if you want. You deserve a huge thank you for teaching me new stuff and motivating me to learn even more!

@Ducky - When I first met you, helping you to gather information to your EggWars guide, I thought you just were a random member in the community (sorry for that). Now, afterwards, I’m asking myself why I never talked to you earlier. Wow… thinking back on those translation calls… Those were one of the best times in my CubeCraft life. Yes, people were shipping us *cough* Onik… but it’s hard to not like someone who’s amazing and cares about you. You’re always so honest and I can trust you to 100%. Apart from that, you’re so organized, mature and helpful. I can go to you whenever and ask about an issue. What I really love about you is that you can be serious if it’s needed and at the same time, be joking a moment later. I don’t know what more to say… Also, congrats to pink juice! You really deserved it and I still don’t understand why you kept talking about "if". I told you it was "when" all the time and I was right!

@Dutudy - This brings back some memories… I couldn’t find the screenshots from the Lucky Island games together with the owners of Svenska LuckyIslanders, but I still remember it. It started with me complaining about DM groups and then we made a server (that might be dead now) for the Swedish community. I remember when we played 3v3 and spit up in the different voice channels xD Talking about now, congrats to the pink role! I know you’ve wanted it for so long and now you’re there! Congratulations!

@Elenahh - Wow just wow… What should I write? There is too much I have to thank you for. When you first invited me to the translation team, I was a bit unsure. Now, almost a year later, I’ve never regretted it a single time! The translation team really was a way to show my interest for the server and most importantly, meet new people. I met most people on this list thanks to you. I don’t even know what I should’ve done if it wasn’t for you bringing me directly into the amazing team! Every time I see the translations, I’m thinking about how amazing you and the team are. In the team, you’re a great manager. Always so structured and motivated, writing long guides to get everything to work. Just the effort itself is enough to impress me and many others. But the fact that you’re always so kind and listening to everyone’s opinions and feelings is truly amazing! You have a team with the power of translation ~ Eli. I’m just waiting to see where you will be in the future <3

@Eli - You’re one of the most mature persons I’ve ever met (and calvo of course :p). Thanks for being my friend! Time zones aren't only bad for your ping, but it also makes it hard for us to find a good time to play. You’re always honest and genuine, saying your opinion. Sometimes, I wish we could roll back the time to those old good translation calls… Those games and those laughs were one of the best times in my CubeCraft life. Our DM conversation is pretty empty, but I’d like to change that and get to know you better! I know I only know a part of the amazing person you are.

@Grodizzz - We’re not playing/talking anymore, so I’m not can’t mention anything about what has happened recently. I can just say “things change over time”, which isn’t always good. Though you still deserve to be on the list for the things you have done a year or two ago. You really gave me some good laughs (and anger). Have you fixed your Swedish grammar yet? I haven’t texted you in a while, so idk... I remember when you blamed your microphone every time you promised us to talk…

@iLxgend - I don’t remember when we first met, but I think Bee brought me over to your team. As far as I know, you’re the only one with an account here, but of course, everyone deserves a thank you. I just did the daily challenges and met a person who knew how to play the game! We got into a party and played some games together. A few days later, he played with you and your friends. I’m happy I got the chance to join and meet you. You’re just joking around, having fun and getting wins. Thanks for teaching a noob how to play the game! I didn’t expect it to be that fun and non-toxic! Those days when we played TD for hours were really fun. As I’ve mentioned above, the time zones are the problem... You clearly opened the door for me to start playing TD.

@KWDAT - We’ve known each other for soooo long I can’t even remember. Before we started to play Minecraft, we played Mario on the Nintendo DS. I’m not sure if we played on any other servers than CubeCraft, but I’m not gonna mention that anyway. I’m sure you also remember those calls in “ägare röst” when we played LI together. I think you’re the person who's been in my friend list the longest. Do you remember those speed EggWars games where we just noobed around? xD If you have any screenshots of it, please send them to me! Thanks for being my irl friend for very long. You should start playing on CubeCraft again!

@Kloska - I remember when I saw you for the first time in the Lucky Islands lobby and thought it was cool when you answered xD It was like “OMG the highest level player on the network answered me”. I remember wanting a screenshot with you xD When you joined my team I was also like “OMG”... Though I have to thank you for inspiring me to become staff on the server. You gave me some tips that helped me on the way. I also have to thank you for being one of my mentors and teaching me new stuff :)

@Kozimobo - Hoi Mr. Squirrel! This is completely off-topic, but I think your profile picture is cute. I remember when I first met you on the community games and I just thought “oh that’s a new random guy”. Well.. you were a new guy, but not a random one. When I talked to you on discord and got to know you a bit better, you weren’t just a random guy. You were nice, honest and loved the community. Hosting two big forum games is just proof of that. I’d like to talk more with you and get to know you even better!

@Livvv - I have to start off by saying sorry to you. Your message to me really made me think more than once. You were clearly right about what you said and I regret not talking to you earlier. You’re such an amazing person! I didn’t really expect this, but your motivation is over the roof, sometimes a bit no-life xD What I want to say is that I’m sorry for what I did and I really regret it. To everyone else I want to say: don’t judge a person from what you’ve heard! I’m really glad you sent that message to me. Having a nice (and crazy motivated person) as a friend is great! You really deserve the pink rank and I’m sure you’ll continue tryharding reports ^-^

@MJ010101 - Hi blue penguin, I’m the yellow penguin. We also got to know each other via Svenska LuckyIslanders. I think I’ve talked enough about that, so I’m gonna talk about when you disappeared from CubeCraft for a while. I’m not sure who got the idea, but it was extremely funny! All those penguin skins just to bring you back to cube. We actually did it! I still have a few screenshots left. It feels like that was yesterday, or maybe a few months ago… It was over a year ago… Time flies by and I barely remember what has happened… I just remember us playing as usual and building on a map. Remind me if I’ve missed anything! Thanks for being my friend, even though we’ve lost contact a bit. You’re always trying to do what’s the best for others ^-^

@pigglet - Hola Pigglet! You’re talking so fast xD As with most of the people on this list, we got to know each other via the translation team. Thanks for having some good fun on the server, especially late on weekends, when nobody else is online. You’re one of the people who made the translation calls funny and therefore you belong in this list! Thanks!

@TheSadPotato_ - Hej UwU! Thanks for messaging me daily and saying nice stuff! Yes, I might’ve ignored you a few times, but it wasn’t my intention. Sorry for that :( A message like that really makes me happy and more motivated! You have to carry me a bit more when SG becomes featured again. Thanks once again for being very nice to me :)

@Puffin - Å HERREGUD KÄRRING! Det blir kanske lite svårt att berätta om alla citat och så med ett vårdat språk, men det får bli som det blir. Kommer dock inte nämna något om varför vi lärde känna varandra. Om jag ska vara ärlig tror jag att du är den person som har fått mig att skratta mest. Kommer aldrig glömma den gången vi frågade om grodan hade en man. DET VAR ETT ÄKTA GARV! Vi satt seriöst och grät xDD Asså… våra citat… är ju inte alltid helt lämpliga och när jag kollar tillbaka på dem vet jag inte riktigt vad jag ska säga… Det är ganska självklart att du måste nämnas här. Vi har fortfarande inte kollat på de där bilderna…

@RickDeKlomp - It’s been a while since I talked to you, but congrats to the pink role! Surprisingly, I met you on the translation team too xD Jokes aside, I have to thank you for being there, playing with us and bring even more fun to the team! You’re one of the people who got the games way funnier. I’m missing those calls so hard… Those were seriously one of the funniest things ever. When I saw you in the voice channel, I wanted to do my stuff as quickly as possible to then join xD I remember talking to you about helper stuff. We both got here! Congratulations! Thanks once again for making my days funnier!

@SanCookie - HejSan! DU ÄR EN JORDGUBBE! IK BEN EEN AARDBEI! Kan du Svenska? Kan jag få en kaka? I’ll write the rest in English, so don’t worry. When I first talked to you, we were playing feast together with some other people. What I really love about you is that you’re not taking the games seriously. I can be a noob and joke around all the time without disappointing you. You can do so much with TNT. Playing with it is one of the funniest things you can do. I’ll never forget when we tried to cover a map in cakes xD Thanks for bringing some great fun!

@ShapelessArchery - Hello! You’re just bullying noobs in solo Lucky Islands :( We should play a bit more! Thanks for being alive and bringing some joy. You’re also one of those translation people I really have to thank for making my days better! I wanna see you as a designer soon ;) Tbh, I don’t really know you as well as I thought. I just know you have a cat and like to bully noobs in solo Lucky Islands.

@Skyfire_swe - Will you ever read this? That’s the first question. If you do, I want to thank you for being my friend and finding some other friends. Kloska was the person who brought me over to your youtube channel. When I saw you in the lobby, I thought it was cool xD We started to chat a bit and you added me to your friend list. You’re still there! Sadly, you stopped playing Minecraft, but I hope you come back to cube someday… Though I have to thank you for the time before you stopped playing Minecraft!

@Spuuuni - I haven’t talked to you so much, though your probably one of the staff members I’ve talked the most to. Thanks for helping and giving me tips in the helper process! Also, you’re the real report tryhard here! You’re just so nice, friendly and funny. Sorry for not being so personal, but I don’t really know you. We had some great fun when trying to find places, where you can get onto the roof on the map canals xD, Have anyone heard your voice? :eek:

@Wqsknijper - UwU uwuuwu uwu xD Hejsan Klädnypa! You’re also one of the people from the translation team who make my days better! I know you’re a bit younger than me, but I can’t tell if you’re less or more mature. You really help the server with your reports and I want to see you pink soon so you can get orange juice! I will teach you more Swedish if you teach me more Dutch. Deal? I’d love to talk more with you as well :)

I also want to give away a big thank you to the staff team and the entire community! Without you, I wouldn’t have been where I am today. With this, I’m not referring to my orange rank, but to CubeCraft. The community is one of the things that makes CubeCraft really stand out. Many big servers (without mentioning any names) are lacking an amazing community. I can’t even imagine how cube would look like without the community. Playing/talking/chatting with the players in the community is always great fun! Moving on to the staff team, I really want to give a BIG THANK YOU to every staff member! You’re the ones who make the server running and working. Thanks for all the effort you’ve put into this server. The effort itself deserves a huge thank you. Before I became staff, it was always great to see one of my reports handled. That made me even more motivated to help you in the future!

I know there are amazing persons who aren’t on the list, but these are the ones who I’ve talked to the most. Yes, I could’ve easily mentioned a lot more people without thanking them personally, but I feel like that would look like I’m farming likes, more than actually thanking people. So if you’re on the list, you can feel extra special :) If you’re not, it’s basically because I’ve not talked to you enough, but let’s change that! With this, I want to say, don’t be shy! Meeting these people made my CubeCraft live a thousand times better! If you have any concerns or just want to talk with me, feel free to shoot me a DM on discord or here. My DMs are open. I’d love to meet more amazing people!

~ Fisktratt


Forum Expert
Sep 17, 2017
Im not in the list but im sure im in ''ALL'' so.
congratz you deserved it, i expected no less from you, 1000 still a low number for you:)
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Pineapplerator - Daily Quotes
Team CubeCraft
🔨 Moderator
Mar 27, 2017
Swedish noodles
Du är för gullig du! Är så tacksam för vår vänskap och att jobba tillsammans med dig i staffteamet är grymt!❤︎
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Forum Veteran
Dec 22, 2016
Sweden ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
This brings back some memories… I couldn’t find the screenshots from the Lucky Island games together with the owners of Svenska LuckyIslanders, but I still remember it. It started with me complaining about DM groups and then we made a server (that might be dead now) for the Swedish community. I remember when we played 3v3 and spit up in the different voice channels xD Talking about now, congrats to the pink role! I know you’ve wanted it for so long and now you’re there! Congratulations
ah yessss those times, sometimes they were great and sometimes quite annoying, and thank you FiskFunnel (:
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Deleted member 377664

no worries idm getting ignored, just gotta keep messaging yk. oh and I'm not really looking at the featured games, so u have to let me know when its featured again :3


Dedicated Member
Nov 3, 2019
@pigglet - Hola Pigglet! You’re talking so fast xD As with most of the people on this list, we got to know each other via the translation team. Thanks for having some good fun on the server, especially late on weekends, when nobody else is online. You’re one of the people who made the translation calls funny and therefore you belong in this list! Thanks!

I really appreciate that kind words <3, It's really fun be with you in call because you're a fantastic person, I knew that you were going to be a amazing staff member, thanks for everything!

(elivat speaks faster than me >:c)
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Gameplay Engineer
Mar 18, 2017
the selfie area
@SanCookie - HejSan! DU ÄR EN JORDGUBBE! IK BEN EEN AARDBEI! Kan du Svenska? Kan jag få en kaka? I’ll write the rest in English, so don’t worry. When I first talked to you, we were playing feast together with some other people. What I really love about you is that you’re not taking the games seriously. I can be a noob and joke around all the time without disappointing you. You can do so much with TNT. Playing with it is one of the funniest things you can do. I’ll never forget when we tried to cover a map in cakes xD Thanks for bringing some great fun!
Hahaha ja jag kan mycket Svenska! Min svenska är mer bra att din svenska c; I remember the feast calls, I loved the calls so much, the games didn't matter that much as long as the calls were enjoyable! And TnT and me are two hands on one belly (I really hope that that's a proverb in English because I literally translated it from Dutch lmao)
It's always good to have a jordgubbe around on the forums. Good luck with your mod carreer as well, it was a pleasant surprise ;p


Forum Veteran
Aug 26, 2015
With pleasure girl! We don't really talk a lot indeed, but know that if there's anything, you can always hit me up and count on me!

(you can also just call me to play :3)
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Dedicated Member
Mar 17, 2017
Nice messages to people that you love and appreciate! And like what other people said you earn to be on the team.
Keep up the good work <3
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Forum Expert
Jun 11, 2017
The Netherlands
Hello! ^-^

@RickDeKlomp - It’s been a while since I talked to you, but congrats to the pink role! Surprisingly, I met you on the translation team too xD Jokes aside, I have to thank you for being there, playing with us and bring even more fun to the team! You’re one of the people who got the games way funnier. I’m missing those calls so hard… Those were seriously one of the funniest things ever. When I saw you in the voice channel, I wanted to do my stuff as quickly as possible to then join xD I remember talking to you about helper stuff. We both got here! Congratulations! Thanks once again for making my days funnier!
It has indeed been a while. And I also miss all those good old calls. The translation team has changed a lot xd You're welcome, and you're an amazing person yourself!
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Novice Member
Jan 19, 2020
What should I say... You literally introduced me as the bullying one...
My cat is purring on my legs with his claws in my skin, and when I look at him I preatty much see you...
Little cute thing that can smash my face with a wooden sword like if it was just an egg...

I'm really looking forward to doing some more maps with you, and maybe finally taking a revange on skywars!
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Forum Professional
Dec 31, 2015
The Netherlands
@Ducky - When I first met you, helping you to gather information to your EggWars guide, I thought you just were a random member in the community (sorry for that). Now, afterwards, I’m asking myself why I never talked to you earlier. Wow… thinking back on those translation calls… Those were one of the best times in my CubeCraft life. Yes, people were shipping us *cough* Onik… but it’s hard to not like someone who’s amazing and cares about you. You’re always so honest and I can trust you to 100%. Apart from that, you’re so organized, mature and helpful. I can go to you whenever and ask about an issue. What I really love about you is that you can be serious if it’s needed and at the same time, be joking a moment later. I don’t know what more to say… Also, congrats to pink juice! You really deserved it and I still don’t understand why you kept talking about "if". I told you it was "when" all the time and I was right!
Awee thanks! Same counts for you, I mean you're such an amazing person and I don't know why I didn't talk with you before. Thank you for all the sweet compliments, means a lot and I am happy to be that person :) Hope so spend way more time with you and go back to those old Translation Team calls xD Thanks a lot for mentioning me and you're an amazing person (:.
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Dedicated Member
UwU! Thanks for your kind words, Fisk. Pink knijper soon? Maybe, but for now, I'll stay playing CubeCraft and helping the server with my reports. Even though this is a weird time, I still have to do homework and don't have much time to talk with you or to make all those helping reports. We'll see each other soon.

- Knijper
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Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2017
Dog's Land
Honestly, I did not know that facet of the staff team, with this post, apart from seeing a little more how you are, I have also known what the rest of the members I work with are the translation team and the staffs themselves. The staffs inspire me a little respect, it does not bring me much confidence to speak with a staff member because for me, a staff is there for what it is, to help, sanction and make cubecraft the place it deserves. , without becoming very attached to the members. Now I have seen that this is not really the case and you have the opportunity to be attached to a staff like any other person you know I loved the post, thank you very much for uploading it, it has changed the way I see you all.


Dedicated Member
Jul 23, 2017
Gallia Belgica
Thank you so much for these kind words Fisk! It really puts a smile on my face to read it :)

You have thanked so many people, but you also deserve a million thanks.
Thank you for being an awesome staff member and making the team a better place. Thank you for tryharding our Skyblock Profile while nobody is active (sorry :( ). Thank you for being serious when needed and funny at all other times. Thank you for being so nice and helpful to everyone and interacting with the Translation Team, Discord Server and CubeCraft Community. Just a huge thanks from me. You are awesome and it's amazing that I've met you. I'm so lucky to know you.

We should indeed talk a bit more in the future. I'm already looking forward to that!


Sep 24, 2018
Ö-vik, Sweden
@Grodizzz - We’re not playing/talking anymore, so I’m not can’t mention anything about what has happened recently. I can just say “things change over time”, which isn’t always good. Though you still deserve to be on the list for the things you have done a year or two ago. You really gave me some good laughs (and anger). Have you fixed your Swedish grammar yet? I haven’t texted you in a while, so idk... I remember when you blamed your microphone every time you promised us to talk…

Heey tratt! What a nice tread you made and thank you for the mention.

You are the first person I got to know and I'm so grateful for that, and you are probably the reason I got stuck in this game, for better or worse depending on whom you ask xD

It's a shame we kinda lost contact and I don't really have a good answer for that, but I guess its never to late to pick that up. The status of my microphone is still to this day very unsure, hahaha.

Thank you for beeing a awesome person and I'm sure you will make a huge impact as a staff in this community, I can't even think of a more hardworking and dedicated person then just you @Fisktratt

PS yea my grammer still sucks and I blame it on my northern heritage xD
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