Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

Deleted member 469419

Through the trap is the best way on.

I remember I trapped few months ago a Hacker (It was a noob trap, but worked out) Unimaginable the satisfaction I felt in that moment xD.


Apr 8, 2020

DISCLAIMER: Don’t take this post as a how-to (works every time) thing. Because this won’t work every time but it’s the best bet to try and kill a hacker.

Anyways, I’ve encountered many hackers throughout my gameplay. Most common and hardest kind of hackers to beat is killaura and force field hackers since you can‘t hit them and they have ridiculous reach. I’ve lost many games to these hackers but I’ve also won a few battles. So here’s one pro tip on how to win agains a killaura/force field hacker (WORKS 60% OF THE TIME ((NOT CLICKBAIT!!!1!!)))

alright. So let’s use our BIG BRAINS and come up with a solution. So killaura/force field basically is reach so you can’t hit the hacker while the hacker never misses a hit. You’re supposed to take enough knock back that you won’t be able to hit in return. We need a way to use a “No U” card. One way is to huddle your back against a wall so you take no knock back. Only issue is the hacker can still distance himself from you to make sure only the he/she can hit you. What if we put a wall behind the hacker? Basically be surrounded in a dome with minimal space so the hacker can’t have the reach advantage. That’s good... but what if the hacker can fly :( ? Well, this means you need to be in an enclosed small space so he cannot fly out, run away, or use the reach ability. So what areas are like this? Best things to fight hackers in are caves in maps or hidden rooms. Minimal space, and very little room to move. This is the best idea I’ve come up with and I’ve killed a few of these hackers using this method.

In summary (TL : DR)

Try to get a hacker in an enclosed space with minimal area to so he/she can’t use his reach ability or fly/scaffold/run away. Try to use the caves in maps that have them or hidden rooms in some other maps. I’ve killed multiple hackers by leading them to a cave/small room.

Edit: I will show you a video using this method tomorrow. It’s late now. Good night haha.

This is such a big brain move.
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Apr 13, 2020

DISCLAIMER: Don’t take this post as a how-to (works every time) thing. Because this won’t work every time but it’s the best bet to try and kill a hacker.

Anyways, I’ve encountered many hackers throughout my gameplay. Most common and hardest kind of hackers to beat is killaura and force field hackers since you can‘t hit them and they have ridiculous reach. I’ve lost many games to these hackers but I’ve also won a few battles. So here’s one pro tip on how to win agains a killaura/force field hacker (WORKS 60% OF THE TIME ((NOT CLICKBAIT!!!1!!)))

alright. So let’s use our BIG BRAINS and come up with a solution. So killaura/force field basically is reach so you can’t hit the hacker while the hacker never misses a hit. You’re supposed to take enough knock back that you won’t be able to hit in return. We need a way to use a “No U” card. One way is to huddle your back against a wall so you take no knock back. Only issue is the hacker can still distance himself from you to make sure only the he/she can hit you. What if we put a wall behind the hacker? Basically be surrounded in a dome with minimal space so the hacker can’t have the reach advantage. That’s good... but what if the hacker can fly :( ? Well, this means you need to be in an enclosed small space so he cannot fly out, run away, or use the reach ability. So what areas are like this? Best things to fight hackers in are caves in maps or hidden rooms. Minimal space, and very little room to move. This is the best idea I’ve come up with and I’ve killed a few of these hackers using this method.

In summary (TL : DR)

Try to get a hacker in an enclosed space with minimal area to so he/she can’t use his reach ability or fly/scaffold/run away. Try to use the caves in maps that have them or hidden rooms in some other maps. I’ve killed multiple hackers by leading them to a cave/small room.

Edit: I will show you a video using this method tomorrow. It’s late now. Good night haha.

Mm yes. Just casually box in the hacker as he is flying/teleporting around with forcefield. From my experiences it is best to bow the fly hacker from a distance because you aren’t in range of their reach and it tends to glitch them out.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2019
When I meet a hacker, I just report them, And then when its just me and them, I trap them with blocks or take them to places that they can't reach on, So We'll be closer to each other So I can hit them. It doesn't work everytime as you said but its good


Apr 16, 2020
Usually what I would do is build a bridge 3 blocks over my head because 3 is the max reach distance you can get. Also, this is beneficial for crit hitting out the hacker. Also, I would make sure to put blocks on the side of you so he can't hit you on the side. Make sure that there is no way the hacker can knock you off. Doing this won't guarantee you a win against a hacker, but if done right it will make your chances improve.


Forum Expert
Apr 21, 2020

DISCLAIMER: Don’t take this post as a how-to (works every time) thing. Because this won’t work every time but it’s the best bet to try and kill a hacker.

Anyways, I’ve encountered many hackers throughout my gameplay. Most common and hardest kind of hackers to beat is killaura and force field hackers since you can‘t hit them and they have ridiculous reach. I’ve lost many games to these hackers but I’ve also won a few battles. So here’s one pro tip on how to win agains a killaura/force field hacker (WORKS 60% OF THE TIME ((NOT CLICKBAIT!!!1!!)))

alright. So let’s use our BIG BRAINS and come up with a solution. So killaura/force field basically is reach so you can’t hit the hacker while the hacker never misses a hit. You’re supposed to take enough knock back that you won’t be able to hit in return. We need a way to use a “No U” card. One way is to huddle your back against a wall so you take no knock back. Only issue is the hacker can still distance himself from you to make sure only the he/she can hit you. What if we put a wall behind the hacker? Basically be surrounded in a dome with minimal space so the hacker can’t have the reach advantage. That’s good... but what if the hacker can fly :( ? Well, this means you need to be in an enclosed small space so he cannot fly out, run away, or use the reach ability. So what areas are like this? Best things to fight hackers in are caves in maps or hidden rooms. Minimal space, and very little room to move. This is the best idea I’ve come up with and I’ve killed a few of these hackers using this method.

In summary (TL : DR)

Try to get a hacker in an enclosed space with minimal area to so he/she can’t use his reach ability or fly/scaffold/run away. Try to use the caves in maps that have them or hidden rooms in some other maps. I’ve killed multiple hackers by leading them to a cave/small room.

Edit: I will show you a video using this method tomorrow. It’s late now. Good night haha.
The best thing to do though is probably just record them and submit to the reports website
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