Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net
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Oct 3, 2020
[QUOTE = "Tak_bedrock, postagem: 1248569, membro: 562011"]
Esta é a minha abóbora, ele é uma abóbora mágica, que tem muitos poderes e ele é capaz de gerar zumbis para lutar com ele ... bem, é um chefe, lmao, a barra vermelha no topo é o HP.
discórdia: apenas eu # 9515
Ign bedrock: Tak6295
vip: nenhum?!
View attachment 178412


Forum Expert
Aug 18, 2019
Submission 1:
Java IGN: SpookyEnd3r
Might do another one later but im pretty happy with this


Novice Member
May 15, 2020
You know, after seeing so many submissions with luscious backgrounds, maybe I should've put more than black concrete...

Deleted member 294498

Hi, this took me a while but I've made something :)
Make sure to watch the whole video

Everything is made by myself :)
My ingame name is Lioneah

herobrine model.png
Just realised the head is a bit weird

#Thunder :)
summon minecraft:lightning_bolt -98 225 56
summon minecraft:lightning_bolt -101 225.2 50
summon minecraft:lightning_bolt -98 225.2 56
summon minecraft:lightning_bolt -95 225.2 55

#Skeleton clone
clone -106 204 55 -95 206 30 -112 224 29

#white creepy pumpkin
fill -96 227 43 -94 227 43 minecraft:orange_terracotta
setblock -97 228 43 minecraft:orange_terracotta
setblock -93 228 43 minecraft:orange_terracotta

#more setblock and fill...
fill -89 223 45 -100 234 33 white_terracotta replace minecraft:orange_terracotta

fill -96 226 43 -94 226 43 minecraft:redstone_block
setblock -97 227 43 minecraft:redstone_block
setblock -93 227 43 minecraft:redstone_block
setblock -98 230 43 minecraft:black_wool
setblock -97 231 43 minecraft:black_wool
setblock -93 231 43 minecraft:black_wool
setblock -92 230 43 minecraft:black_wool
setblock -97 230 43 redstone_block
setblock -93 230 43 redstone_block
fill -90 231 40 -90 227 36 white_terracotta replace minecraft:black_wool
fill -100 227 36 -100 231 40 white_terracotta replace minecraft:black_wool

fill -100 232 38 -100 233 38 air
fill -99 233 38 -99 235 38 air
setblock -98 235 38 air
fill -98 236 38 -96 236 38 air
fill -94 236 38 -92 236 38 air
fill -92 235 38 -91 235 38 air
fill -91 234 38 -91 233 38 air
fill -90 233 38 -90 232 38 air
setblock -95 229 44 air

setblock -95 224 55 nether_brick_fence
setblock -98 224 56 nether_brick_fence
setblock -101 224 50 nether_brick_fence
setblock -98 224 48 nether_brick_fence

time set midnight

fill -83 223 63 -112 223 24 blackstone replace grass_block
fill -83 223 63 -112 223 24 lava replace water

setblock -98 225 56 minecraft:player_head[rotation=7]{display:{Name:"{\"text\":\"Scary Clown\"}"},SkullOwner:{Id:[I;-778738409,-1706212835,-2042155628,231097624],Properties:{textures:[{Value:"eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvODZkYmMxZGViYzU3NDM4YTVkZTRiYTkxNTE1MTM4MmFiYzNkOGYxMzE4ZTJhMzVlNzhkZmIzMGYwNGJjNDY3In19fQ=="}]}}}
setblock -95 225 55 minecraft:player_head[rotation=8]{display:{Name:"{\"text\":\"Scary Clown\"}"},SkullOwner:{Id:[I;-778738409,-1706212835,-2042155628,231097624],Properties:{textures:[{Value:"eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvODZkYmMxZGViYzU3NDM4YTVkZTRiYTkxNTE1MTM4MmFiYzNkOGYxMzE4ZTJhMzVlNzhkZmIzMGYwNGJjNDY3In19fQ=="}]}}}
setblock -98 225 48 minecraft:player_head[rotation=7]{display:{Name:"{\"text\":\"Scary Clown\"}"},SkullOwner:{Id:[I;-778738409,-1706212835,-2042155628,231097624],Properties:{textures:[{Value:"eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvODZkYmMxZGViYzU3NDM4YTVkZTRiYTkxNTE1MTM4MmFiYzNkOGYxMzE4ZTJhMzVlNzhkZmIzMGYwNGJjNDY3In19fQ=="}]}}}
setblock -101 225 50 minecraft:player_head[rotation=8]{display:{Name:"{\"text\":\"Scary Clown\"}"},SkullOwner:{Id:[I;-778738409,-1706212835,-2042155628,231097624],Properties:{textures:[{Value:"eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvODZkYmMxZGViYzU3NDM4YTVkZTRiYTkxNTE1MTM4MmFiYzNkOGYxMzE4ZTJhMzVlNzhkZmIzMGYwNGJjNDY3In19fQ=="}]}}}

particle minecraft:cloud -98 225.7 56
particle minecraft:cloud -95 225.7 55
particle minecraft:cloud -98 225.7 48
particle minecraft:cloud -101 225.7 50

clone -99 215 61 -107 215 53 -95 224 48
fill -89 230 39 -89 228 37 black_wool

setblock -95 224 55 nether_brick_fence

fill -101 230 37 -101 228 39 air
fill -89 230 39 -89 228 37 air

kill @e[type=item]

setblock -95 224 52 minecraft:jack_o_lantern[facing=south]
setblock -99 224 57 minecraft:jack_o_lantern[facing=south]

setblock -97 225 53 gold_block
setblock -99 225 56 gold_block

replaceitem entity @a hotbar.0 iron_block

say Reloaded
scoreboard objectives add creepy dummy

particle minecraft:flame -95 225.2 55
particle minecraft:flame -98 225.2 56
particle minecraft:flame -101 225.2 50
particle minecraft:flame -98 225.2 48
scoreboard players add Lioneah creepy 1

execute as @p[scores={creepy=600}] run

execute as @p[scores={creepy=700}] run function starter:dafuq
execute as @p[scores={creepy=810}] run function starter:reset
execute as @p[scores={creepy=780}] run fill -89 223 45 -100 224 33 orange_terracotta replace minecraft:white_terracotta
execute as @p[scores={creepy=785}] run fill -89 225 45 -100 226 33 orange_terracotta replace minecraft:white_terracotta
execute as @p[scores={creepy=790}] run fill -89 227 45 -100 228 33 orange_terracotta replace minecraft:white_terracotta
execute as @p[scores={creepy=795}] run fill -89 229 45 -100 230 33 orange_terracotta replace minecraft:white_terracotta
execute as @p[scores={creepy=800}] run fill -89 231 45 -100 233 33 orange_terracotta replace minecraft:white_terracotta
execute as @p[scores={creepy=805}] run fill -89 233 45 -100 234 33 orange_terracotta replace minecraft:white_terracotta
execute as @p[scores={creepy=810}] run scoreboard players reset @a

execute as @p[scores={creepy=730}] run replaceitem entity @a hotbar.0 air

execute as @p[scores={creepy=10}] run title @a times 20 100 20
execute as @p[scores={creepy=10}] run title @a subtitle {"text":"By: Lioneah"}
execute as @p[scores={creepy=10}] run title @a title ["",{"text":"I","bold":true,"color":"#86FFFF"},{"text":" \u2764","bold":true,"color":"red"},{"text":" Cube","bold":true,"color":"aqua"},{"text":"Craft","bold":true,"color":"#2EEEEE"},{"text":" Games","bold":true,"color":"#27D0DD"}]

#CLONE SKELETON /clone -106 204 55 -95 206 30 -112 224 29

fill -112 226 54 -101 224 29 air

fill -95 224 56 -87 224 48 air replace blackstone_slab

fill -89 223 45 -100 234 33 orange_terracotta replace minecraft:white_terracotta
setblock -96 230 43 black_wool
setblock -94 230 43 black_wool
fill -94 227 43 -96 227 43 black_wool
setblock -93 228 43 black_wool
setblock -95 229 44 black_wool
setblock -97 228 43 black_wool
setblock -97 230 43 white_wool
setblock -93 230 43 white_wool
fill -95 235 39 -95 235 36 minecraft:green_terracotta
fill -94 235 37 -96 235 38 minecraft:green_terracotta
setblock -95 236 38 minecraft:green_terracotta
setblock -95 236 37 minecraft:green_terracotta
setblock -95 237 37 minecraft:green_terracotta
fill -96 226 43 -94 226 43 minecraft:orange_terracotta
setblock -97 227 43 minecraft:orange_terracotta
setblock -93 227 43 minecraft:orange_terracotta
setblock -98 230 43 minecraft:orange_terracotta
setblock -97 231 43 minecraft:orange_terracotta
setblock -93 231 43 minecraft:orange_terracotta
setblock -92 230 43 minecraft:orange_terracotta
setblock -97 230 43 white_wool
setblock -93 230 43 white_wool

fill -96 227 43 -94 227 43 minecraft:black_wool
fill -90 231 40 -90 227 36 black_wool replace minecraft:orange_terracotta
fill -100 227 36 -100 231 40 black_wool replace minecraft:orange_terracotta

fill -100 232 38 -100 233 38 black_wool
fill -99 233 38 -99 235 38 black_wool
setblock -98 235 38 black_wool
fill -98 236 38 -96 236 38 black_wool
fill -94 236 38 -92 236 38 black_wool
fill -92 235 38 -91 235 38 black_wool
fill -91 234 38 -91 233 38 black_wool
fill -90 233 38 -90 232 38 black_wool

fill -101 230 39 -101 228 37 black_wool
fill -89 230 39 -89 228 37 black_wool

setblock -98 225 56 air
setblock -95 225 55 air
setblock -98 225 48 air
setblock -101 225 50 air

fill -83 223 63 -112 223 24 grass_block replace blackstone
fill -83 223 63 -112 223 24 water replace lava
fill -83 223 63 -112 223 24 water replace obsidian
time set day
setblock -95 224 55 oak_fence
setblock -98 224 56 oak_fence
setblock -101 224 50 oak_fence
setblock -98 224 48 oak_fence

setblock -88 224 59 minecraft:red_tulip
setblock -92 224 62 poppy
setblock -106 224 61 dandelion
setblock -110 224 60 minecraft:allium
setblock -106 224 57 minecraft:blue_orchid
setblock -110 224 52 poppy
setblock -104 224 52 red_tulip
setblock -111 224 46 minecraft:dandelion
setblock -106 224 45 minecraft:allium
setblock -104 224 40 minecraft:blue_orchid
setblock -110 224 36 red_tulip
setblock -111 224 30 poppy
setblock -109 224 26 poppy
setblock -105 224 32 minecraft:blue_orchid
setblock -102 224 26 minecraft:dandelion
setblock -99 224 31 minecraft:allium
setblock -89 224 31 red_tulip
setblock -87 224 25 minecraft:allium
setblock -85 224 29 minecraft:blue_orchid
setblock -84 224 37 minecraft:poppy
setblock -87 224 41 minecraft:allium
setblock -85 224 48 minecraft:poppy
setblock -84 224 53 minecraft:dandelion
setblock -90 224 50 minecraft:blue_orchid
setblock -93 224 56 minecraft:allium
setblock -96 224 51 minecraft:red_tulip
setblock -101 224 56 poppy

setblock -95 224 52 minecraft:air
setblock -99 224 57 minecraft:air

setblock -97 225 53 air
setblock -99 225 56 air
Yes, I could have used /clone more, but that would lag a bit more on my pc (Loading big structures)
Last edited by a moderator:


Novice Member
May 15, 2020
Ok, second submission (for the roughly -5 people that check past the first page)

Video again, because only a still image cannot encapsulate the raw and utter beauty of this build.
(the whole thing took roughly 5 or 6 hours of work to build. Pls no buli)

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TheOrderOfSapphire wrote on ii6xxq's profile.
welcome to the forums! I hope you will have a nice stay here:D
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The moon has moonquakes, which are kind of like the earthquakes on the Earth, but weaker.
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Favourite how to tame a dragon movie, shoot.
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