Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Forum Expert
Jul 12, 2021

Hey there,
When you go to the Battle Zone NPC and you click on it, it shows you a menu that forces you to install the Resource pack of the game.

The problem is that you're forced to install this resource pack, you don't have any option for playing wihout any resource pack.
Basically, if you don't install the resource pack, you can't play Battle Zone (using the NPC)

This is a bit strange and annoying especially for people who don't have a good computer.
Also, in the rest of games that requires a resource pack (Lucky Islands and Among Slimes), you have an option for playing wihout resource pack and it's really userful.

🌄 Here is a screenshot of how this menu looks right now:

Battle Zone 1.png

In the description of the only option you have for select, it says 'This game comes with an optional resource pack' but this is not true since it does not let you select another option.

I think you shouldn't be forced to install a resource pack to play Battle Zone and the solution would be to add an option to play without the resource pack like in the rest of the games.

✅ This is how it would look with my suggestion:
(same as Lucky Islands and Among Slimes)

Resource pack menu.png

Have a nice weekend!♥️

Thanks for reading my suggestion and please react with :agree: if you agree, :unsure: if you are not sure (I'll appreciate if you explain me why) and :disagree: if you disagree (I'll appreciate if you explain me why too)
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