Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2019
With a new update comes a new issue.

So this isn't what this thread is about but I'm going to give my input on the new kb really quickly.

So the new knockback is 100% a lot better than the last. I mean I do feel its still quite broken, I have clips where people still wont take knockback when on the edge of a block. But I do still see an improvement. I would have rather a fix for the old kb rather than a whole new one but its good nether the less.

So back to the thread.

I left a bug report about how when you die on eggwars, when you respawn you simply respawn with less food. That was a bug so I reported it as a bug, but there is something else regarding that I classify as broken rather than a bug.

So I spawn on an eggwars island, theres an island to the right of me and one to the left. I bridge to the right, I kill the right, I havent lost any saturation which is fine.

I then get more blocks and head to the left island, they hit me once, I lose a food bar, they've done nothing (so dont lose hunger) therefor beat me. Even then fights are really broken because when I run off to eat steak again, I lose hunger instantly, Its like eggwars is on hard settings.

Also when in fights (I left a clip below) I'm hitting someone at double the hits than me and they arent loosing any hearts but I die rapidly.

Once again I dont know if this happens on other gamemodes but I think eggwars is severally broken right now.

My fix:
On the hive you dont lose saturation that quickly, so simply reduce the speed you lose hunger, I feel like it would make fights a bunch better anyways.

I am a massive fan of this server, and even with its problems ill still play it, I just want one day where I can play without finding an issue.
If you experience the same issue I am having (watch the video also) lemme know down below.



Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2020
The JOJOLands
With a new update comes a new issue.

So this isn't what this thread is about but I'm going to give my input on the new kb really quickly.

So the new knockback is 100% a lot better than the last. I mean I do feel its still quite broken, I have clips where people still wont take knockback when on the edge of a block. But I do still see an improvement. I would have rather a fix for the old kb rather than a whole new one but its good nether the less.

So back to the thread.

I left a bug report about how when you die on eggwars, when you respawn you simply respawn with less food. That was a bug so I reported it as a bug, but there is something else regarding that I classify as broken rather than a bug.

So I spawn on an eggwars island, theres an island to the right of me and one to the left. I bridge to the right, I kill the right, I havent lost any saturation which is fine.

I then get more blocks and head to the left island, they hit me once, I lose a food bar, they've done nothing (so dont lose hunger) therefor beat me. Even then fights are really broken because when I run off to eat steak again, I lose hunger instantly, Its like eggwars is on hard settings.

Also when in fights (I left a clip below) I'm hitting someone at double the hits than me and they arent loosing any hearts but I die rapidly.

Once again I dont know if this happens on other gamemodes but I think eggwars is severally broken right now.

My fix:
On the hive you dont lose saturation that quickly, so simply reduce the speed you lose hunger, I feel like it would make fights a bunch better anyways.

I am a massive fan of this server, and even with its problems ill still play it, I just want one day where I can play without finding an issue.
If you experience the same issue I am having (watch the video also) lemme know down below.

me too yesterday, just after kb on all network and when i want to eat steak, it's infinite

Void Krun

Novice Member
Jul 2, 2020
In the void
With a new update comes a new issue.

So this isn't what this thread is about but I'm going to give my input on the new kb really quickly.

So the new knockback is 100% a lot better than the last. I mean I do feel its still quite broken, I have clips where people still wont take knockback when on the edge of a block. But I do still see an improvement. I would have rather a fix for the old kb rather than a whole new one but its good nether the less.

So back to the thread.

I left a bug report about how when you die on eggwars, when you respawn you simply respawn with less food. That was a bug so I reported it as a bug, but there is something else regarding that I classify as broken rather than a bug.

So I spawn on an eggwars island, theres an island to the right of me and one to the left. I bridge to the right, I kill the right, I havent lost any saturation which is fine.

I then get more blocks and head to the left island, they hit me once, I lose a food bar, they've done nothing (so dont lose hunger) therefor beat me. Even then fights are really broken because when I run off to eat steak again, I lose hunger instantly, Its like eggwars is on hard settings.

Also when in fights (I left a clip below) I'm hitting someone at double the hits than me and they arent loosing any hearts but I die rapidly.

Once again I dont know if this happens on other gamemodes but I think eggwars is severally broken right now.

My fix:
On the hive you dont lose saturation that quickly, so simply reduce the speed you lose hunger, I feel like it would make fights a bunch better anyways.

I am a massive fan of this server, and even with its problems ill still play it, I just want one day where I can play without finding an issue.
If you experience the same issue I am having (watch the video also) lemme know down below.

Its a visual bug. Once your hunger actually goes down it fixes itself.
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Heya, after a good while years having not appreciated sleep a lot, have I learned things. I have most of the times seen it as a hindrance to things such as relations and projects. But after years I realised that you need to sleep to be well. Both physically and mentally. When I also realized that I could work better and more efficiently, did I try to get more sleep. That reminds me, I need to sleep now hah XD
Eli wrote on marshduck11's profile.
I like your profile picture
Mr Jii Gamer wrote on Egg🥚's profile.
Thank you so mush for everything

I know i am late bc i didn't realize that you have left the team sadly we see the better one go ..
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Reesle wrote on Cloudiefly's profile.
Happy Birthday! 🎂 ☁️
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