Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net
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Forum Professional
Sep 18, 2016
The Netherlands
Hey there, it's been a while since I wrote a thread, but here I am again! Let's get straight into the reason why I've written this thread: I think there are too many translators with the translator rank on the network (you know, the people with the red name), compared to what they actually do.

Disclaimer: I do not know what happens behind the scenes but couldn't imagine they are vital parts of the server in such way that the server wouldn't function properly if we wouldn't have users with this rank 'working' on it.

To be fair, I think this role on the staff team is utterly redundant considering the responsibilities imposed on a translator aren't very heavy duties compared to the responsibilities imposed on staff members like moderators. I know these are different roles on the team meaning that I can't really make a comparison - so I won't - but what I can say is that basically, the only duty a translator must carry out is answering questions in game, on the forums and in staff help, and monitor the forums for good suggestions/ideas regarding to the translations team and its processes. They also assist moderators with translations of appeals and other stuff they need help with regarding to translations, which I think is the only decent reason for actually keeping this role. (Aside from the fact that the translation team has a channel fully dedicated to translating things that people don't understand, with people replying as fast as a lightning bolt making its way to the ground.)

Another thing you could consider the responsibility of a translator is communicating with people as it spreads the team's publicity across the network, but I think this is questionable as there's in game announcements and I am not sure whether you'd need such a lot of translators for that (if any at all).
Anyhow, I didn't necessarily come here to question whether the addition of the translator rank was a good decision or not, I came here to question the number of translators that have become member of the staff team. There are currently 19 translators (excluding those who have a higher staff rank than translator) who don't have the same responsibilities as others due to some being part of the management team of the translation team (people who I think should keep the rank) whilst others are 'just' proofreaders or translators.
I repeat, I do not know what happens behind the scenes, but I do know about the things that are 'visible' to me and that is the fact that translators don't get asked real important questions; in fact, it's mostly just 'hey adm- uh translator what language do u speak' or 'how to become a translator' (referring to the shiny rank they've just discovered), while it rarely occurs that crucial questions get asked. It's mostly about the rank itself instead of the stuff that the translators were recruited for. Let's be honest though: You could have seen that coming, right?

In what way are questions regarding to translations so important and hard to answer that a moderator couldn't answer them and you'd need 19 people - let alone an entire new branch in the staff team - to deal with those questions and translations? Quite frankly, it looks like you're recruiting the translators to reward them for their work on the translations team and obtain the precious number of 100 staff members instead of actually needing them.
I don't see the necessity in having staff members on the network who have no actual use.

Another disclaimer to the current translators on the staff team: I didn't write this thread out of jealousy and I am happy for you because of the role you have, so no offense to you guys. I just don't see the use in it.

Hope you'll do something with this thread!
Have a great evening,
- Remmie


Forum Professional
Jan 30, 2014
Designers dont need their rank to do anything either, but they still have it to acknowledge that they contribute to the server and are a part of the staff team.

The Translator rank is fundamentally the same in every way, these players have contributed massive amounts of their time and are outstanding in the Translation Team and have contributed a lot, so they receive a rank and are part of the staff team.


Forum Veteran
Mar 12, 2017
het land van kroketten, frikandellen
But what is the problem with there being a lot of translators? They probably did a lot to get the rank, and I think it's a good thing to have so people have a reward to work for. If those people could help out with questions here and there that's only a good thing in my eyes. It's also not like they are always online on the forums/discord outnumbering the other staff members in the 'team online' tab or something like that, I personally really don't mind it.
Of course there is no need for so many translators, but it's also more like a reward for the most dedicated members of the translation team.


Forum Professional
Sep 18, 2016
The Netherlands
Designers dont need their rank to do anything either, but they still have it to acknowledge that they contribute to the server and are a part of the staff team.

The Translator rank is fundamentally the same in every way, these players have contributed massive amounts of their time and are outstanding in the Translation Team and have contributed a lot, so they receive a rank and are part of the staff team.
I think the statement you made about the translator rank being fundamentally the same is false as designers are (mostly, don't know for sure) paid staff members on the network who indeed dedicate a lot of time to creating skins, building maps, etc, but get monitary rewards in return. Do translators earn money for answering questions in staff-help/in game? Don't think so, or I must be terribly wrong at this.
Basically, reading the last part of your text, you're implying that the translator rank is a reward, right? If this would be the only valid reason you could give for keeping the role, then let's remove it altogether this instant.

EDIT: Just read Marijn's comment, the last part also goes for you. If having this role would be for rewarding people, then why not add a reporter role as well? People are doing a lot for the server, but might not make it to helper. It's completely different but doesn't really make sense either in this context with the reasons you provided.


Dedicated Member
Oct 4, 2016
Ye, I understand your point but this is one of the biggest motivation of the translation team in my opinion.
And to add on that, people worked hard (I know that for sure as a member of the team) to get these roles and even I would like to be at least a bit recognizes as a translator.


Forum Professional
Jan 30, 2014
I think the statement you made about the translator rank being fundamentally the same is false as designers are (mostly, don't know for sure) paid staff members on the network who indeed dedicate a lot of time to creating skins, building maps, etc, but get monitary rewards in return. Do translators earn money for answering questions in staff-help/in game? Don't think so, or I must be terribly wrong at this.
Basically, reading the last part of your text, you're implying that the translator rank is a reward, right? If this would be the only valid reason you could give for keeping the role, then let's remove it altogether this instant.

EDIT: Just read Marijn's comment, the last part also goes for you. If having this role would be for rewarding people, then why not add a reporter role as well? People are doing a lot for the server, but might not make it to helper. It's completely different but doesn't really make sense either in this context with the reasons you provided.
Why does a role have to be paid in order to be considered rank-worthy? Builder used to be voluntary, I was a voluntary Designer for a long time as well.


Forum Professional
Sep 18, 2016
The Netherlands
Ye, I understand your point but this is one of the biggest motivation of the translation team in my opinion.
And to add on that, people worked hard (I know that for sure as a member of the team) to get these roles and even I would like to be at least a bit recognizes as a translator.
If your biggest motivation on becoming a member of the translations team was getting the translator rank, then your entire motivation is in the wrong place. People are there to provide the server with quality translations, the main objective shouldn't be getting your hands on that shiny rank.


Dedicated Member
Oct 4, 2016
If your biggest motivation on becoming a member of the translations team was getting the translator rank, then your entire motivation is in the wrong place. People are there to provide the server with quality translations, the main objective shouldn't be getting your hands on that shiny rank.
I did not, at the time I joined, there was no translator rank at all. I joined for the fun and that it was a good opportunity for me to meet new people and learn new things.


Forum Professional
Sep 18, 2016
The Netherlands
Why does a role have to be paid in order to be considered rank-worthy? Builder used to be voluntary, I was a voluntary Designer for a long time as well.
That's not what I'm saying, I was replying to your statement which said that the translator rank and the designer rank were fundamentally the same in every way. I replied by providing my message with arguments that indicated that the translator and designer rank are not fundamentally the same, that's it.


Forum Professional
Jan 30, 2014
That's not what I'm saying, I was replying to your statement which said that the translator rank and the designer rank were fundamentally the same in every way. I replied by providing my message with arguments that indicated that the translator and designer rank are not fundamentally the same, that's it.
There is a reason I used the word "fundamentally the same". They are the same in essence, they both provide work for the server, both of their ranks are unnecessary and if anything- Designers being paid makes them less entitled to the rank because they already receive something anyways.

I'm mainly pointing towards the bias that many people have towards Designers because it's much easier to see their work than Translators, most of the people that make this Translator rank argument always start by saying that they dont understand the "behind the scenes" of Translator, which usually explains a lot.

I originally had your argument as well, I thought it was a pointless rank at first, I changed my mind quite drastically when I got involved and looked at it more, as well as compared it to Designer. Bringing Translators onto a rank formalizes them as part of the team, it's evidence of their contribution, it's less of a reward of more of an acknowledgement of what they've already done for us. Sure it has stuff that comes with it, but that's just a bonus, same as any staff rank.


Dedicated Member
Oct 4, 2016
So once again, let me put it straight.

Translator applications are not as strict as helper/mod applications because more translators are required.
You can easily become a member of a translation team, unlike moderator.

Once you are a member of the translation and you want to get the translator rank, you like a normal cube craft member applying for the mod.
You have to be active, dedicated and provide good translations.
The translator rank just requires an external step to obtain it.

In your opinion, there are too many people currently having the rank, but look at the team, there are a lot of people that are putting hours and hours to translating and managing the team that just deserve to be rewarded, even though that the reward comes with some duties.

Hope I made it at least a bit understandable


Forum Professional
Sep 18, 2016
The Netherlands
There is a reason I used the word "fundamentally the same". They are the same in essence, they both provide work for the server, both of their ranks are unnecessary and if anything- Designers being paid makes them less entitled to the rank because they already receive something anyways.

I'm mainly pointing towards the bias that many people have towards Designers because it's much easier to see their work than Translators, most of the people that make this Translator rank argument always start by saying that they dont understand the "behind the scenes" of Translator, which usually explains a lot.

I originally had your argument as well, I thought it was a pointless rank at first, I changed my mind quite drastically when I got involved and looked at it more, as well as compared it to Designer. Bringing Translators onto a rank formalizes them as part of the team, it's evidence of their contribution, it's less of a reward of more of an acknowledgement of what they've already done for us. Sure it has stuff that comes with it, but that's just a bonus, same as any staff rank.
I see your point here, I have had a discussion about this same topic with someone else and it turned out to be quite interesting to read someone else's view on the fundamental differences between the ranks. I think thinking that translators (I repeat: The people with the role) provide the server with work is wrong, because the designer role entitles the user to creating for CubeCraft. However, the Translator does not entitle you to providing work for the server, you get entitled to answering a small amount of questions and help moderators with translations. Anyhow, it might be the best to drop the discussion about the fundamental differences between translators and designers for now as I don't think our opinions will be the same very soon.

No, I don't work behind the scenes, but I doubt that the things that translators do behind the scenes is so important. The roles they have on the translations team indicate what kind of work the translators do, while the translator rank is essentially, like you said, an acknowledgement, while I don't think this is necessary in the slightest. The star system was created specifically for rewarding and giving the translators some kind of acknowledgement, people do work for the translations team and they get to purchase in game stuff with the stars they receive. I don't feel like certain users should get another form of acknowledgement in the form of a rank.


Forum Professional
Jan 30, 2014
However, the Translator does not entitle you to providing work for the server, you get entitled to answering a small amount of questions and help moderators with translations
There are many Designers who work without the rank on Slack, so this isn't really true. The rank isn't the gateway.

No, I don't work behind the scenes, but I doubt that the things that translators do behind the scenes is so important. The roles they have on the translations team indicate what kind of work the translators do, while the translator rank is essentially, like you said, an acknowledgement, while I don't think this is necessary in the slightest. The star system was created specifically for rewarding and giving the translators some kind of acknowledgement, people do work for the translations team and they get to purchase in game stuff with the stars they receive. I don't feel like certain users should get another form of acknowledgement in the form of a rank.
I don't see how stars are acknowledgement? those are literally rewards. You aren't recognized as staff by redeeming stars for stuff.


Forum Professional
Sep 18, 2016
The Netherlands
So what exactly is the suggestion? I'm bit confused

I would have thought that after your long-term services to the Translation Team, you'd know better.
Yes, it's feedback and didn't know where else to put it, so here I am.
My long-term services at the team do change my opinion, because it makes me look at things that used to be but aren't anymore. I could bring up a lot of things about the translations team but I won't especially due to the contents of the update. Anyhow, I'd love to hear some reasoning behind why you think I should know better for having an opinion on the translator rank.


Dedicated Member
Oct 4, 2016
So, after all, what do you suggest to fix this issues?
That is the 101 of constructive critics to come up with a solution.
Sorry if you have already written it down but I have not found it.


Forum Professional
Sep 18, 2016
The Netherlands
So, after all, what do you suggest to fix this issues?
That is the 101 of constructive critics to come up with a solution.
Sorry if you have already written it down but I have not found it.
Don't hire translators if you don't need them or remove the entire role, which is probably even more controversial. However, I feel like the management team is more than capable of coming up with a fix as well.


Forum Professional
Jul 6, 2015
Yes, it's feedback and didn't know where else to put it, so here I am.
My long-term services at the team do change my opinion, because it makes me look at things that used to be but aren't anymore. I could bring up a lot of things about the translations team but I won't especially due to the contents of the update.

Anyhow, I'd love to hear some reasoning behind why you think I should know better for having an opinion on the translator rank.
I did not say you should be all for the Translator rank just because you'd been on the Translation Team- but claiming that they have no actual use and their rank is thereby pointless? Sorry, but that's just disrespecting the team as a whole as well as all the work they do.
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