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Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2014
47º Interestellar Turian Fleet.
(I want first to say i dont speak english so good,english is a dead language)
Can a straight jacket change a man?, an psyco?, a murder?.
A man can't run from his fate, or his reality; A man can change it.
13 years ago our people were betrayed by us. We betrayed us. We were forced to leave our planet, our home, our Earth.
Caused by the pollution, toxic air, acid rains, most of people arround the world died; we decided this. We had a chance to change that. All of this started 119 years ago,in 1947, the second world war, with the big research of the nukes, plus the pollution, waste of water we were forced to leave and roam in space. 13 years roaming in space, looking for a new home, we havent find something like Earth. Our food, our water and fuel is running out. If we dont find a new place, the human race will die. All of us, will die, like if we never ever have been there. We, as human race, are dieing. This is 2066, we havent reach the way to clean the air, or how to make water. Today my child asked me why all of this happened, i had to lie, i didnt want to say it was our fault,human race fault. Now i must go, this is probably my last entry. If any other race finds this, i dont want you to do our same fault. Save water, please. Take care of you nature,now i must leave. This is our last day alive. This is the last day that Earth's killers are alive. I miss you Earth…


Forum Expert
Oct 21, 2014
Um, what? First off, you do realize that there are rocks outside of our solar system that contain frozen water, just like the water we have here on Earth. Second, we can just cleanse the water from the oceans, the only problem would be the price. If we really got desperate for water, we only need hydrogen and oxygen, which isn't an Earth material only. I'm not saying we should waste water, but I don't think we would leave Earth for it. And even if we did, we could find those rocks outside the solar system.


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2014
47º Interestellar Turian Fleet.
Well,if we keep as we are going now,the ocean water will be contaminated in a irreversible way,making acid rain,Acid rain plus the wood cuting the trees will eventually die,causing less oxygen in the worl,that will make people became stupid (Proven by a lot of experiments,with astronauts and pilots) ;The fusion of H2+O2/1 AH= +68,3 Kcal,as you see with that will result with 18 g/ce,with the needed energy of 68,3 Kcal,more energy than a normal person waste in 25 days,or 68,3°,plus the water made by an CE is more pure than any Mol of water in the world,making it really spencive,also dangerous to drink it.
Also,stars as sun have an "Live area",the sun is about 0.80 ua to 1.25;Mercury (the planet with water as your "rocks") has ~0.39 ua,making not able to get there as human,and a Robot as "Messenger" are more spencive than buying 67 private jets,so we better just take care about the water


Dedicated Member
Feb 3, 2014
My Laptop
Don't trust atoms, they make up everything.

How about the chemical workers… are they unionized?

Two chemists go into a bar. The first one says "I think I'll have an H2O." The second one says "I think I'll have an H2O too" — and he died.

The optimist sees the glass half full. The pessimist sees the glass half empty. The chemist sees the glass completely full, half with liquid and half with air.

A photon checks into a hotel and is asked if he needs any help with his luggage. He says, "No, I'm traveling light."

Am I doing this right?


Forum Professional
Jan 13, 2014
Breakfast for Dinner Club HQ
13 years roaming in space, looking for a new home, we havent find something like Earth.
It took the Voyager 1 probe over 30 years just to get out of the solar system. Gliese 581-d is the nearest known habitable planet. It's 20.2 light years away. Even at light speed, it would take longer than 13 years to get to another Earth-like planet.

All of this started 119 years ago,in 1947, the second world war, with the big research of the nukes, plus the pollution, waste of water we were forced to leave and roam in space.
The Manhattan Project (invention of the atomic bomb) began in 1941 and the Germans discovered the power of splitting a uranium atom in 1939. The first atomic bomb wasn't dropped until 1945. 1947 is a little late.

Our food, our water and fuel is running out.
Assuming they have the same and/or superior technology of the modern-day ISS, recycling water should be no problem and fuel should not be consumed unless they're planning to re-adjust their flight direction or escape a gravitational field (land somewhere.) Food's probably long gone after 13 years though. Time to go all Hannibal on your friends.
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