Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net
This discussion focuses on EggWars, try to stay on topic!


Forum Professional
Jul 23, 2016
Chicago, Illinois
Hey guys! I got Luke's go-ahead to make this thread! The information you provide will help the build team with future maps or even little improvements to our current maps from your feedback. Make sure to detail your response and be very specific!

What we are looking for:
  • Favorite Maps (Explain why: Details, Concept, etc.)
  • Least Favorite Maps (Explain why)
  • Map Suggestions (Including redesign, variations, skins, etc.)
  • Maps to possibly bring back

My response/example:

Quick and exciting gameplay, great generator levels, pretty map!
Powerlines: Slower gameplay (My favorite), Big space, Unique and detailed map.

Least favorites:
Half-Middle is a pain to build and PvP on, the player island is small and annoying especially with stairs, diamonds are not as plentiful as I would hope for.
Space: Very easy to camp with long-distance, small areas to PVP, easy to hide and abuse areas, the overall gameplay is not fun except middle is nice, (potential use for another map concept?)
Technology: Small islands (except middle), Easy to the camp middle, PvP difficult do to big or small size, annoying hole in the main island.
Pizza: Due to the removal of the Level 3 Diamond Gen at the middle, I feel like the diamond gens at half middle need to be upgraded. I have noticed it is much difficult to get diamonds now.

Map suggestions/redesign/skins
Star Wars Map: Ajan Kloss, Crait, etc?
Snowy: Another version called Spring? Where the snow has melted and plants and wildlife begin returning.
Weather Conditions: Perhaps a map where there is an intense snowfall or thunderstorm?

Maps that need to return:
Area 51: Make the bottom of the middle at the same level as the player islands, keep the ship but make it hard to camp on the beams.

Need a reference? Use this thread: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/eggwars-guide-on-cubecraft-java-bedrock.222904/
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Forum Expert
Jun 11, 2017
The Netherlands
Hi, I play Team EggWars a lot. But I wanna tell you that this is the perspective of a rusher (I'd even say tryhard). I care more about playstyle than looks.


City: Great map. The streets make it easy to rush people, yet it's also easy to defend. The islands being higher than the (sub)middle do make you stuck without blocks sometimes, but this is easily preventable. Map looks cool and simple.
Forest: Awesome map. Distance between islands is good. Distance to mid is good aswell. The trees could be used to camp in, but I've usually finished the game by the time people camp. The big middle tree does make it easy to rush bow-spamming campers. Islands itself are perfect size. Map looks clean aswell.
Kong: Great map. There are two ways to rush people which makes it harder to defend, which is something I like. It's also easy to block the only way to the egg, which I like as a rusher, but others might not like this. Map looks fine.
Pizza: I love this map. The islands are close to the sub-mid, which makes it possible to eliminate one team in under a minute. Once on mid (if you're first) you can get 50+ gold and 10 diamonds by just looting every generator. This already makes you win the game. I personally think this is too OP. Map looks funny.
Toys: Great map. Distance between islands is perfect. Distance to mid is even better. There are however some spots to camp in. You can hide under the train for example. Isn't that big of a deal. Map looks cool.
Western: Awesome map. Easy to rush people, your team can split up and elimate two teams in under three minutes. The bridge is perfect to kill whole teams by yourself, no matter what their armor is. Awesome for rushers like me!
Orc: Great map. I do think there are too few iron generators. I'm in 2/5 games not able to get iron from a generator. This could be fixed by giving the iron generators a higher level (like in Rome). Map is good gameplay wise.
Mansion: Great map. Enough iron generators. This map gives one big battle on mid, whoever wins that, wins the game (since both teams rush mid). The side sub-middles give another way to rush the enemy. Cool, but barely used. Map looks fine.
Rome: Great map. Iron generators are level 4, which gives everyone enough iron. Middle is slightly annoying. The floor is made out of slabs for 70%, which makes building annoying, and makes blocking paths when low way too easy. There are some camp spots, like in the roof above the gold generator. This was kinda fixed by replacing sandstone blocks by terracotta, but it's still a great camping spot. However most people who play Rome, know of it.

Least favourite maps:
Beach: Looks cool, but terrible gameplay wise. Since you have a working gold generator, everyone camps until they have full obsidian. Also, whoever's first on the middle, has 15 diamonds and 50+ gold (just like on Pizza). This is too OP imo.
TeaParty: Way too big. Everyone camps with bows. When you knock someone off the map, they might still survive since there's a cloud(?) under the table. Map looks awesome. Not a map for me.
Mushrooms: Way too big. Better than TeaParty though. Fire mushrooms are annoying.
Space: Looks cool, terrible gameplay wise. No space to PvP, everyone has full obsidian before they go to mid. Also the other planets are just annoying. It supports camping. People bow spam a lot on top of the space shuttle. One punch shot can knock you off the map, annoying.
Under da Sea: Well... terrible. Everyone camps, has 10000 layers of obsidian to protect their egg. The entire shell is full of obsidian sometimes.
Storm, Dwarven: Snow makes it annoying to place blocks. Ice is even worse.

Map suggestions:
Beach: Disable the gold generator. This will make everyone go mid, which gives better gameplay.
Orc: Make the iron generators a higher level.
Storm: The middle should be closer to the islands.

Magic: Remove the ring underneath the island. People camp on it.

Maps that need to return:

This map (forgot the name):
Again, this is the perspective of a rusher! I don't play Solo EggWars at all, so I didn't include those maps, since don't have any experience on them.



Forum Professional
Jul 23, 2016
Chicago, Illinois
Hi, I play Team EggWars a lot. But I wanna tell you that this is the perspective of a rusher (I'd even say tryhard). I care more about playstyle than looks.


City: Great map. The streets make it easy to rush people, yet it's also easy to defend. The islands being higher than the (sub)middle do make you stuck without blocks sometimes, but this is easily preventable. Map looks cool and simple. +1
Forest: Awesome map. Distance between islands is good. Distance to mid is good aswell. The trees could be used to camp in, but I've usually finished the game by the time people camp. The big middle tree does make it easy to rush bow-spamming campers. Islands itself are perfect size. Map looks clean aswell. +1
Kong: Great map. There are two ways to rush people which makes it harder to defend, which is something I like. It's also easy to block the only way to the egg, which I like as a rusher, but others might not like this. Map looks fine. Personally not a fan of the map but you make good points. +1
Pizza: I love this map. The islands are close to the sub-mid, which makes it possible to eliminate one team in under a minute. Once on mid (if you're first) you can get 50+ gold and 10 diamonds by just looting every generator. This already makes you win the game. I personally think this is too OP. Map looks funny. +1
Toys: Great map. Distance between islands is perfect. Distance to mid is even better. There are however some spots to camp in. You can hide under the train for example. Isn't that big of a deal. Map looks cool. +1
Western: Awesome map. Easy to rush people, your team can split up and elimate two teams in under three minutes. The bridge is perfect to kill whole teams by yourself, no matter what their armor is. Awesome for rushers like me! +1
Orc: Great map. I do think there are too few iron generators. I'm in 2/5 games not able to get iron from a generator. This could be fixed by giving the iron generators a higher level (like in Rome). Map is good gameplay wise. +1
Mansion: Great map. Enough iron generators. This map gives one big battle on mid, whoever wins that, wins the game (since both teams rush mid). The side sub-middles give another way to rush the enemy. Cool, but barely used. Map looks fine. +I'd like it more if the iron gens were a higher level, I also am sad they removed the berry bushes in the courtyard. Sometimes I was actually able to kill a runner because they got stuck in it. +1
Rome: Great map. Iron generators are level 4, which gives everyone enough iron. Middle is slightly annoying. The floor is made out of slabs for 70%, which makes building annoying, and makes blocking paths when low way too easy. There are some camp spots, like in the roof above the gold generator. This was kinda fixed by replacing sandstone blocks by terracotta, but it's still a great camping spot. However most people who play Rome, know of it. Yeah, this map needs to be updated a bit.

Least favourite maps:
Beach: Looks cool, but terrible gameplay wise. Since you have a working gold generator, everyone camps until they have full obsidian. Also, whoever's first on the middle, has 15 diamonds and 50+ gold (just like on Pizza). This is too OP imo.

I agree, maybe the gold generator should be broken so people have to risk going to mid.

TeaParty: Way too big. Everyone camps with bows. When you knock someone off the map, they might still survive since there's a cloud(?) under the table. Map looks awesome. Not a map for me.

The cloud is annoying but a way to improve it is to make a big hole in it as X-mas party has.

Mushrooms: Way too big. Better than TeaParty though. Fire mushrooms are annoying.

I honestly love the map as it suits my gameplay style but ye the fire mushroom is annoying however I want the KB mushroom to come back.

Space: Looks cool, terrible gameplay wise. No space to PvP, everyone has full obsidian before they go to mid. Also the other planets are just annoying. It supports camping. People bow spam a lot on top of the space shuttle. One punch shot can knock you off the map, annoying.

I just want it to be removed or get a full revamp. I love the middle but that's it. The middle is amazing but everything else is just awful.

Under da Sea: Well... terrible. Everyone camps, has 10000 layers of obsidian to protect their egg. The entire shell is full of obsidian sometimes.

I also love this map as well because of my gameplay style, but I understand your frustration.

Storm, Dwarven: Snow makes it annoying to place blocks. Ice is even worse.

For sure! I like Dwarven a bit better because of it's unique layout but Storm is just a pain to play on.

Map suggestions:
Beach: Disable the gold generator. This will make everyone go mid, which gives better gameplay. +1
Orc: Make the iron generators a higher level. +1
Storm: The middle should be closer to the islands. +1
Magic: Remove the ring underneath the island. People camp on it. +1

Maps that need to return:

This map (forgot the name):

This is port! I love all the speed maps and I would love all of them to return!

Again, this is the perspective of a rusher! I don't play Solo EggWars at all, so I didn't include those maps, since don't have any experience on them.
(I responded to your opinions inside the quote. :p)
Thanks for your feedback! It is greatly appreciated! <3
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Forum Expert
Oct 7, 2017
Western Finland
Yeah, I play 1.8 team eggwars 90% of the time I play on cube.

Mansion: 10v10, fills up fast usually, sometimes unfair 10v2 games. Easy for farming / getting fast wins. Good built map, easy to rush or gear up if needed to, enough iron generators and two diamond generators at very near each other and level 3.
Rome: Maybe takes a bit longer than mansion, fills up as fast as mansion, rushing with full team is faster because the map has many level 4 iron generators, getting obsidian is fast because there are 2 gold generators, level 2 and level 1. Mostly got obsidian on egg before the enemy team gets to our base.
Orc: Fast games too, 9v9. Fills up as fast as any other big map, rush is maybe a bit slower since there aren't that many iron generators as in mansion or rome. distance to enemy island is also longer, usually longer games than rome or mansion, I get those games with 4 players remaining on both teams, other players have quited or just nobody joined. Everyone is geared, I like wins, I don't like 1.5 hours long bow fighting games.
Modern: At first didn't like, but now I think it's the best 2v2 map, it's fast, rush distance is short. Games never get too long. Much space to fight on islands, not too much, could be more. Knocking off is too easy tho.
Waterfall: Also didn't like this map at first, now it's a good 4v4 map. Distance between islands isn't that long, makes rush fast and you always to get enemy islands before they got obsidian by any chance. I think both or at least one iron generator in base should be level 2.
Space: I love it. Fast games most of the time for me, sometimes games get long, but it is quite easy to get the enemy teams egg after all, you have the sun and the earth to use. Mid could have other diamond generator too as level 2, in base the other iron generator should be opened too or the already open one could be level 2. Knocking people off at the egg is way too easy. It's quite annoying to get knocked off every time while trying to get the enemy's egg before they have obsidian. Good map after all.
Western: Fast map for farming wins / playing fast games. 5v5 so it's not that big. Fast rush and easy to get to enemies eggs. Also it's easy to blockclutch if you get knocked off the bridge. Mid is flat enough for pvp and has good amount of generators. Spawn is too easy to block, there could be two ways out for example the other one could be on the other side of the tent, not as wide as the front exit, 1-2 blocks wide and 2 blocks tall exit.
Garden: I don't think many people really like this map but I enjoy it. built really well, looks really good. rush is fast, egg is on good place. Iron generators next to each other is a good thing. It's good that both of them are opened. Rush to mid is fast. One level 3 diamond generator, one level 2. Under them two level 3 gold generators. Sometimes games get long but it fits in the map. The map has a vibe of a long game to me.

Least favourite maps:
Shipwreck: Games take usually long. I prefer farming wins or just playing faster games.
Under da sea: Looks good, but games take LOOOOONNNNNGGGGGG. Literally ages. I haven't played the map in months unless my party wanted to play it. I don't prefer playing maps which have island really far away from each other or just take ages.
Aztec: Just doesn't look good to me. Fast games usually yeah, but still some 2/5 games are long. For example there could be all iron generators level 2 or 1 or 2 generators level 3 and others 1.
Treehouse: Too easy to hide. Fast rush yeah, but mostly the games end up taking 30min, because the last player who has no egg has decided to camp at mid on level 3 diamond generator and get diamond gear.

Maps that should return:
Vegetables: I liked it. Good and fast rush, good looking map, could be more flat islands but they were fine to me to be honest.
Every easter map: I know they are special maps. I just love them.
Nightmare: The halloween map, FAAAAST games. Really fast. I know it's a special map too. (This halloween again pls)

This is a long post, didnt mention all the maps i like. 1.15am and i want to play eggwars.


Forum Professional
Jul 23, 2016
Chicago, Illinois
Yeah, I play 1.8 team eggwars 90% of the time I play on cube.

Mansion: 10v10, fills up fast usually, sometimes unfair 10v2 games. Easy for farming / getting fast wins. Good built map, easy to rush or gear up if needed to, enough iron generators and two diamond generators at very near each other and level 3.
Rome: Maybe takes a bit longer than mansion, fills up as fast as mansion, rushing with full team is faster because the map has many level 4 iron generators, getting obsidian is fast because there are 2 gold generators, level 2 and level 1. Mostly got obsidian on egg before the enemy team gets to our base. It's certainly a different spin on the rush style, I still really like it though.
Orc: Fast games too, 9v9. Fills up as fast as any other big map, rush is maybe a bit slower since there aren't that many iron generators as in mansion or rome. distance to enemy island is also longer, usually longer games than rome or mansion, I get those games with 4 players remaining on both teams, other players have quited or just nobody joined. Everyone is geared, I like wins, I don't like 1.5 hours long bow fighting games. +1
Modern: At first didn't like, but now I think it's the best 2v2 map, it's fast, rush distance is short. Games never get too long. Much space to fight on islands, not too much, could be more. Knocking off is too easy tho. +1
Waterfall: Also didn't like this map at first, now it's a good 4v4 map. Distance between islands isn't that long, makes rush fast and you always to get enemy islands before they got obsidian by any chance. I think both or at least one iron generator in base should be level 2. Yes for sure! +1
Space: I love it. Fast games most of the time for me, sometimes games get long, but it is quite easy to get the enemy teams egg after all, you have the sun and the earth to use. Mid could have other diamond generator too as level 2, in base the other iron generator should be opened too or the already open one could be level 2. Knocking people off at the egg is way too easy. It's quite annoying to get knocked off every time while trying to get the enemy's egg before they have obsidian. Good map after all. While I don't agree with you, I still get nostalgic while playing the map. +1
Western: Fast map for farming wins / playing fast games. 5v5 so it's not that big. Fast rush and easy to get to enemies eggs. Also it's easy to blockclutch if you get knocked off the bridge. Mid is flat enough for pvp and has good amount of generators. Spawn is too easy to block, there could be two ways out for example the other one could be on the other side of the tent, not as wide as the front exit, 1-2 blocks wide and 2 blocks tall exit. Yes, that should be changed, other than that it's a terrific map. +1
Garden: I don't think many people really like this map but I enjoy it. built really well, looks really good. rush is fast, egg is on good place. Iron generators next to each other is a good thing. It's good that both of them are opened. Rush to mid is fast. One level 3 diamond generator, one level 2. Under them two level 3 gold generators. Sometimes games get long but it fits in the map. The map has a vibe of a long game to me. It's in my top 5, It's beautiful and very well balanced. Games are quick and clean. +1

Least favourite maps:
Shipwreck: Games take usually long. I prefer farming wins or just playing faster games. I remember we played this map when it first came out and we had a bad time on it haha. It's an interesting map but I feel like it would almost be better for solo. +1
Under da sea: Looks good, but games take LOOOOONNNNNGGGGGG. Literally ages. I haven't played the map in months unless my party wanted to play it. I don't prefer playing maps which have island really far away from each other or just take ages. Oof it's one of my favorite maps xD +1
Aztec: Just doesn't look good to me. Fast games usually yeah, but still some 2/5 games are long. For example there could be all iron generators level 2 or 1 or 2 generators level 3 and others 1. I agree! It's a different style of rush but the gens are kind of an issue.
Treehouse: Too easy to hide. Fast rush yeah, but mostly the games end up taking 30min, because the last player who has no egg has decided to camp at mid on level 3 diamond generator and get diamond gear. Most of my games are very quick, I do play with fast people, I hardly ever get iron gear in OP when I play. +1

Maps that should return:
Vegetables: I liked it. Good and fast rush, good looking map, could be more flat islands but they were fine to me to be honest. It was removed because of how clustered it was but if they made middle less clustered I would certainly love to play it! +1
Every easter map: I know they are special maps. I just love them. Yesss +1
Nightmare: The halloween map, FAAAAST games. Really fast. I know it's a special map too. (This halloween again pls) OMG yes, I missed that map so much! +1

This is a long post, didnt mention all the maps i like. 1.15am and i want to play eggwars.

(I responded to your opinions inside the quote. :p)
Thanks for your feedback! It is greatly appreciated! <3
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Honor and Glory!
Team CubeCraft
🔨 Moderator
May 6, 2018
España, Andalucia
I only play team eggwars, I'll put my favorite and not favorite maps here


Toys: A classic, fast map. For me the best map of team eggwars. One of the team can attack and the other can defend, but watch out! Winning here can be as easy as taking a toy from a baby or very difficult

Under Da Sea: Description of this map in one word, epic! Tense games are my favorite games! One of the team can rush diamonds, other protect the egg with obdisian and the other is middle support. In my opinion the second best map of team eggwars :)

Dwarven: A lot of people will be saying, what is that? Dwarven is one of the oldest cubecraft maps and also one of the most epic!
I think its one
of the coolest maps on the server even though few people play it these days


Storm: A large map for teams of 2, snow make dificult construction and to go to the middle yoy need build much
I don't like it

A giant map, hard to win and very long games.
Many teams make the game easy at the beginning, but the last team will probably have an island with difficult access to attack
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Forum Professional
Jul 23, 2016
Chicago, Illinois
I only play team eggwars, I'll put my favorite and not favorite maps here


Toys: A classic, fast map. For me the best map of team eggwars. One of the team can attack and the other can defend, but watch out! Winning here can be as easy as taking a toy from a baby or very difficult

Under Da Sea: Description of this map in one word, epic! Tense games are my favorite games! One of the team can rush diamonds, other protect the egg with obdisian and the other is middle support. In my opinion the second best map of team eggwars :)

Dwarven: A lot of people will be saying, what is that? Dwarven is one of the oldest cubecraft maps and also one of the most epic!
I think its one
of the coolest maps on the server even though few people play it these days +1


Storm: A large map for teams of 2, snow make dificult construction and to go to the middle yoy need build much
I don't like it

A giant map, hard to win and very long games.
Many teams make the game easy at the beginning, but the last team will probably have an island with difficult access to attack
It's big alright, what would make it better is the KB mushroom to spice things up.

(I responded to your opinions inside the quote. :p)
Thanks for your feedback! It is greatly appreciated! <3
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Reactions: Leroyy and Alexp192


Dedicated Member
Jan 3, 2016
The North Obsidian Pillar in The End
This is a quickie post since I’m on my phone but most of the maps in Eggwars are pretty much amazing to me so I don’t really have many favorites or least favorites except for a select few.



The very first map I played on when CubeCraft’s main lobby was frozen over :p Eggwars was the first game I played so this map is very memorable for me. This map is by far the most balanced map in the game. Not too fast but not too sluggish either. The gens are decently balanced between the 4 man team and a gold gen for obsidian purposes. The islands are evenly spaced. This map definitely appeals to beginner type players. 10/10

Least Favorites:


Way too many teams 12 in total. Islands are too close together encouraging rushing and not really giving teams enough time to prepare for the attack. (Could prepare better for a Pigmen rush in Tower Defence) Mid is too far away so escaping to mid in the middle of a rush is impossible and since mid is so far away this further encourages rushing as it’s actually EASIER to build to another team’s island than mid which really shouldn’t be the case. Not a beginner friendly map at all.

All the 10v10 maps-

These maps are kinda iffy for me. These are the only maps where control of mid is not a deciding factor in turning the tides of the game and is rather superfluous. The real advantage goes to the team that can take out the other team’s egg first. Drawn out fights and late games are non-existent with these maps.

If anything most of these problems could be tackled with little effort for a well coordinated team but most teams in Eggwars aren’t well coordinated at all and them being on a map that “favors” the experienced puts the inexperienced at a disadvantage.



Dedicated Member
Jan 13, 2016
Oki went and picked out some of my favorites and least favorites for each gamemode, I have a few suggestions too (some have been suggested before by me or others), hope they get picked up ^^ I've gone overkill again, gl reacting to all of this @_The13thDoctor_ xd


End (Solo): Even though islands are really close to each other, and interconnected through the centre, people still have relatively equal chances due to high y-level differences and a high max-player cap. A "good" player would sweep a map like this within minutes had the max-player cap been lower. But since this isn't the case, everyone gets a chance to stack up some gear and a bow and win the game. Due to the highly levelled generators, I rarely find myself in a fight with more than 3 people at once (at mid that is). Overall a very fun map to play on, only negative point I have is the ring around the "End Castle" at centre. It's a terrible place to PvP on due to the many hooks and crannies for players to hide in and behind, the ring is also just barely too wide.

Safari (Solo): Same positive reasons as for End, even though the y-level difference is a little less. Only thing I'd change is making the zebra hollow, and placing the diamond III generator inside of it, instead of on top. This enlarges the risk of staying on it for longer periods of time. Makes it more accessible and lowers the amount of "zebra camping".

Golf (Solo): Second ring inbetween islands and mid adds a better way for players to escape, or to trap others, also a really fun place to PvP on. The centre has well-balanced generators and the 2 iron generators allow for a rapid start for every player, instead of only those who prefer quick wooden swords and low amount of blocks. Well balanced map with nice looks and good spacing inbetween islands.

Farm (Solo): No matter what you do on this map, there is a bigger risk involved than usual. The islands are spaced apart so far that running back towards your main base to protect your egg can take really long. The plussize of this is that dying on a nearby island with a bridge to yours doesn't mean you've lost immediately, which is the case on maps with a small spacing inbetween (End for example). This gives players more of a second chance, which I like. Going to the centre is a big risk, but pays off. Fighting on player-islands is fun due to the many obstacles that are in the way. Overall a good map.

Village (Solo): Classic spacing inbetween the islands, the centre is a huge pain to fight on, this adds another level of difficulty, which I like because mid-fights are (yes I'm bragging) usually not that hard for me. I also just like the looks of this map.

Toys (Team): Terribly balanced, both Dark Green and Red are at a huge disadvantage from the get-go, the centre is really bad to pvp on, the only good places are the flat green areas on the side because the rest is wayy to easy to buildblock opponents on. The goldgenerator near the duck gets people killed more often than not etc. But I like the map, because it's quick. From a managements perspective, this map should probably be revamped, from a players perspective plz no I like it xd.

Kong (Team): Honestly one of the most balanced maps in the whole game, every team has one natural enemy to take out first, and then get to choose to either farm up at home, mid, or move on on their killing spree. Far from every map has every 3 basic strategy available from the get-go. The flat but small surfaces create a lot of tension and provide a better winningchance for those who are less skillled than their oponents. The only negative point I have is from an aesthetic pov, the map looks a bit basic. Here's how I'd give it more character: Pixel art behind the islands, one on each side. Pixel art of what? Duh, Donkey Kong, Mario, Pauline (not a gamer if you don't know who that is) and a barrel.

Storm (Team): Just a blast to steamroll, the islands are all close by, and relatively flat. Really fun to play on whenever I just want an action filled high-kill game. The trees balance the map for underskilled players and the insane amount of gold generators and islands allow for farming without really sitting still on a generator, like ever. I can see how this map is disliked by underskilled players, but I like it a ton.

Huts (Team): I like the donut centre, this adds something else to worry about while pvp'ing there. Just like with Kong, there's a natural enemy to attack, and the option to farm up at mid, base or to move on with killing other teams after taking down your neighbours. The low level, widely spread diamond generators are horrible though. I also like the rocks on the side of mid, they add natural y-level variations which makes them really fun to pvp on.

Magic (Team): Quick, fun map, almost always ends quickly, island camping is not profitable in any way. The map honestly reminds me of a tourney, both yellow and cyan and green and red have their 1v1, with the winning teams proceeding to the finals. Barely comparible to any other eggwars map, has a whole different approach to winning it (rushing mid is usually a bad decision) and I like the funny magic man dude in the centre.

Teaparty (Team): This map is amazing, so much PvP, so many strategies, so much chasing, even though the game can drag on and on when playing TeaParty, it's still one of my favorites because there's (mainly at the start) an unlimited amount of action and pvp to engage in. It's a fun challenge, and honestly one of the only maps where I don't win 9/10 times (Still bragging, yes).

Least Favorites

Elven (Solo): Although I like the diamond generators inbetween individual island, mid is just pure trash. The diamond generators are impossible to defend due to minecraft physics and players on a ladder having the edge over those standing above them. Mid is too big and too square, I like the houses and the generatorplacement in those houses. But mid should be revamped.

Nightmare (Solo): Same reasoning here, mid is hot garbage, players on the middle ring have a huge advantage over those in the actual centre because of the height difference. Even though I like the individual islands, egg placement and PvP areas. The centre is simply too big, with relatively high gaps inbetween individual islands, games will end in mid-fights way too often. And like I said, mid feels really unbalanced.

Candy (Solo): Farming gear is borderline impossible due to the incredibly small gap inbetween the islands and centre. If you utilise the height of the towers in the centre, you can practically jump from mid to island within a heartbeat. The islands are also annoyingly small, 2 combo'd hits and you're off. Unbalanced. If you decide to farm mid you're either stuck with painfully slow generators, or with running from building to building which is annoying too. I believe the simplest fix is to widen the map ever so slightly in width, and by cramping everything a little bit closer to each other on the length-axis.

Forest (Team): Really unbalanced, has a really simple victory strategy, even though the centre and the trees are fun to play on. I think team red and light blue's islands should be moved inbetween team green and purple, and team yellow and orange respectively (on the sides of mid).

Waterfall (Team): Annoyingly big for the low amount of players on it, + the egg is placed in a really open and obvious spot.

Orc, Mansion and Rome (Team): Gonna copy stuff I've said before about these maps:

I don’t like 1v1 team maps (10v10 , 9v9, 8v8). They finish way to fast. Making them attractive to winfarmers. They’re actually not fun to play in at all. You either get hardcarried within the first 2 miinutes, or get steamrolled within the first 2 minutes. I’ve spoken to multiple Leaderboard players and they somewhat agree upon liking “normal” maps more than 1v1’s. Yet they play them way more because they’re easier and faster to win on. However, because they end so fast, they appear in the map-selection way more. Thus leaving less “fun” maps available for those who do not care about winning fast, and just want to play casual. The solution? Just delete them imo, we don’t need them, they’ll fix the “montly leaderboards” and will only be missed by those wasting time by “cheating” themselves into the leaderboards anyways.

General Suggestions
Some of these have been suggested by me or someone else before, some will be new. I find these to be more important than my personal opinions on most maps because many things I suggest in this portion are simple objective faults in maps which are easily fixed :) I'll also sum up the improvements I've suggested earlier in this post at the end. For now, lets start.

MLG: You're able to directly jump onto the rainbow road from 4/12 islands, whereas the rest needs to build first. The islands situated on the pink side of the rainbow have this ability because the rainbow swirls towards them. This has a pretty big impact on rushers. This can be fixed by making the rainbows not swirl from side to side, now I know that that'd look a bit boring so how about a swirl up and down? Adds a more fun pvp aspect at the same time!

Steampunk: Add ladders from the propllers up to the main islands, the amount of blocks it takes to build back up is often too much, especially when playing with Hardcore or Normal Item Types. Players are unwillingly forced to camp down there whenever they get knocked down without blocks in their inventory, and without an egg.

City: Move the 4 corner islands away from the centre, you're currently able to directly jump from main island to the middle ring around the centre. This causes an unfair advantage for those who play on the corner islands, whereas the centre islands (Red and Green I believe) need to run more.

Football: Allow a higher build-limit, the amount of times I've seen players die, and died myself due to the buildlimit is just frustrating. I'm okay with a low build-limit, but it should then be consistent across all maps. You now need to adapt per map and that's just plain annoying and unnecessary. You're also barely able to build as high as some of the natural spawned structures (the Flags spanning across the islands) which makes "HighBridging (bridging over all the pillars and natural buildings of your opponent an impossible strategy to use).

-Balance the generators on both sides of the centre, "Pink-Side" has a clear advantage over "Cyan-Side".
-Make the gap in the clouds under the table bigger, and span a bridge over it. The clouds are currently too wide, making it really hard to knock someone off them. The bridge would add more strategy and more ways to escape from people chasing you, which is nearly impossible in it's current state unless you build up on the side of one of the poles. Which is honestly not easy to do and therefore favours the "better" players. I've, for example never seen it done by an "underskilled" player.
-In the centre of said bridge ^ Add an emerald generator, make it a risky place to farm on. But like I said, TeaParty can drag on for a while, which isn't necesserily a bad thing but Emeralds usually allow for a game to end a bit faster. Placing the emerald generator down on the clouds gives the clouds more purpose and adds more types of strategies that can be used while playing TeaParty (Diamonds first, Emeralds first, Other teams first, Holding players off of mid first etc. etc.)

From here on out, ill repeat suggestions made above
I have explained why these changes are suitable above too, although I might've gone over some of them too quickly, please do ask if you want more elaboration.

Safari: Place the diamond generator inside of the Zebra, instead of on top, adds more risk and reduces "campability" while making it more accessible.
Toys: Needs a complete make-over because it isn't balanced at all, the islands need to be more spread out, the centre made bigger with more walking space inbetween the toys and the gold generator on the side of the duck needs to be moved because it denies building up the duck whenever you're being chased. The walls inside the box could also be moved in a little more to allow for more pvp at the core centre of mid.
Kong: Add pixel-art in the back on each side of the map, I figure Mario, Donkey Kong, Pauline and an oil bin that's on fire, they'd add more character to the map.
Huts: Diamond generators at mid could both use an upgrade. They don't nearly spawn enough diamonds compared to the amount of players.
Elven and Nightmare: Could use a mid-revamp
Solo: Length/Width are out of proportion, needs to be cropped in a little more.
Forest: Needs a new TeamIsland lay-out (Red and Light Blue) could be moved to the sides of the centre.
Waterfall: Egg should be hidden more
1v1 Maps: Remove them and make them some form of special event instead of being part of the actual map-roster
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Forum Professional
Jul 23, 2016
Chicago, Illinois
FYI if anyone have questions about the legitimacy of this thread or anything to do with it please DM privately on forums or discord for better explanations. No more fighting or off-topic stuff. :D
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Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2017
Dog's Land
Hi, I play Team EggWars a lot. But I wanna tell you that this is the perspective of a rusher (I'd even say tryhard). I care more about playstyle than looks.


City: Great map. The streets make it easy to rush people, yet it's also easy to defend. The islands being higher than the (sub)middle do make you stuck without blocks sometimes, but this is easily preventable. Map looks cool and simple.
Forest: Awesome map. Distance between islands is good. Distance to mid is good aswell. The trees could be used to camp in, but I've usually finished the game by the time people camp. The big middle tree does make it easy to rush bow-spamming campers. Islands itself are perfect size. Map looks clean aswell.
Kong: Great map. There are two ways to rush people which makes it harder to defend, which is something I like. It's also easy to block the only way to the egg, which I like as a rusher, but others might not like this. Map looks fine.
Pizza: I love this map. The islands are close to the sub-mid, which makes it possible to eliminate one team in under a minute. Once on mid (if you're first) you can get 50+ gold and 10 diamonds by just looting every generator. This already makes you win the game. I personally think this is too OP. Map looks funny.
Toys: Great map. Distance between islands is perfect. Distance to mid is even better. There are however some spots to camp in. You can hide under the train for example. Isn't that big of a deal. Map looks cool.
Western: Awesome map. Easy to rush people, your team can split up and elimate two teams in under three minutes. The bridge is perfect to kill whole teams by yourself, no matter what their armor is. Awesome for rushers like me!
Orc: Great map. I do think there are too few iron generators. I'm in 2/5 games not able to get iron from a generator. This could be fixed by giving the iron generators a higher level (like in Rome). Map is good gameplay wise.
Mansion: Great map. Enough iron generators. This map gives one big battle on mid, whoever wins that, wins the game (since both teams rush mid). The side sub-middles give another way to rush the enemy. Cool, but barely used. Map looks fine.
Rome: Great map. Iron generators are level 4, which gives everyone enough iron. Middle is slightly annoying. The floor is made out of slabs for 70%, which makes building annoying, and makes blocking paths when low way too easy. There are some camp spots, like in the roof above the gold generator. This was kinda fixed by replacing sandstone blocks by terracotta, but it's still a great camping spot. However most people who play Rome, know of it.

Least favourite maps:
Beach: Looks cool, but terrible gameplay wise. Since you have a working gold generator, everyone camps until they have full obsidian. Also, whoever's first on the middle, has 15 diamonds and 50+ gold (just like on Pizza). This is too OP imo.
TeaParty: Way too big. Everyone camps with bows. When you knock someone off the map, they might still survive since there's a cloud(?) under the table. Map looks awesome. Not a map for me.
Mushrooms: Way too big. Better than TeaParty though. Fire mushrooms are annoying.
Space: Looks cool, terrible gameplay wise. No space to PvP, everyone has full obsidian before they go to mid. Also the other planets are just annoying. It supports camping. People bow spam a lot on top of the space shuttle. One punch shot can knock you off the map, annoying.
Under da Sea: Well... terrible. Everyone camps, has 10000 layers of obsidian to protect their egg. The entire shell is full of obsidian sometimes.
Storm, Dwarven: Snow makes it annoying to place blocks. Ice is even worse.

Map suggestions:
Beach: Disable the gold generator. This will make everyone go mid, which gives better gameplay.
Orc: Make the iron generators a higher level.
Storm: The middle should be closer to the islands.

Magic: Remove the ring underneath the island. People camp on it.

Maps that need to return:

This map (forgot the name):
Again, this is the perspective of a rusher! I don't play Solo EggWars at all, so I didn't include those maps, since don't have any experience on them.
I think so, and more if the community that currently exists are the majority rusher.


Dec 3, 2019
I enjoy the majority of the maps I think that they are all diverse and stylized which allow for different play styles and approaches. Overall I'm happy with the maps we have.

Aztec: Huge teams, Bases are far apart from each other, this doesn't encourage building straight to other team bases and slows the game down. Middle generators being surrounded by lava creates a very unique and fun brawling experience when met with other teams. Overall I love this map.

Space: With limited fighting on bases, it allows for clutch moments and outplaying with environmental kills. Again the islands are well spaced (pun intended) making it not a great idea to build straight to the enemy, slowing down the game. Love the night time and planets it's all beautiful.

Treehouse: I preferred this map more when the egg was up in the second house because it made this map different from the others and it created a lot more verticality which made this map for me.I love how the middle generator are so far up the tree that it really is quite the trip to get there and the fights on those walkways are always fun. This map encourages cheesing because of the middle gens are so far away. I miss the egg being defendable with 3 Obsidian. Still one of my favorites though.

Kingdom: Same reasons why I like Aztec. Bases are far away and the eggs are up and out of the way kind of makes it fun to defend and attack.

Storm: Super fun Nomad map. just ditch your egg and slay everyone

The Design of all the maps are more team-oriented and base building oriented. They are all Beautifully built, I would enjoy more maps like these.

Least Favorites:
All of the 10 v 10 maps. The games play out the same way every time and are very quick.
Teaparty on OP mode. but that's more just a complaint about OP mode.

Thanks for this great game, and thank you to the devs for making it better every day :D


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Oct 17, 2016
Medieval: It's a very beautiful map (design) and the broken gold generators are the best! No obsidian egg defence! [I'm a rusher]
Dwarven: It's a big map with six teams and just beautiful. It's also a very old map so nostalgia is a big factor (only fun if you want long game)
Rome/mansion/orc :For rusher is this a fantastic map, high iron generator and only one team to focus on!
Storm: A map to play if you don't want an egg and just kill players!

Least Favourites:
Under da sea: takes too long.
Forest: I just dislike the layout of the map, the other three teams or too far away…

But overall an amazing game!
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