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Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2016
Houston, Texas
Hey everyone! I'd like to start a forum series where we discuss our favorite strategies for the different egg wars maps. Since I prefer solo, and it's more controllable by the individual players, we will be doing solo maps only. As an avid player myself, I love teaching newblets new strategies for more potent competition later on. The layout will go like this:

Map of the Day is
What's your favorite kit?
What's your go-to strategy?
Do you even protect your egg?
Any special tips for someone new to this map?

You will answer all 4 questions pertaining to the map of the day, and we will discuss each other's strategies while hopefully learning new tips and tricks!

So what do you think? 10 positive votes will be enough to start the series I believe!


Dedicated Member
Jul 24, 2016
Map of the Day is All of them (I don't always play eggwars, so I don't remember their names :P)
What's your favorite kit? Egg armour, as you don't need to get armour
What's your go-to strategy? Sneaking in, the best way to do it is at night so they can't see you.
Do you even protect your egg? Yes, first with sandstone, then with Obby
Any special tips for someone new to this map? Better to sneak ;)

Despacito 2

Forum Professional
Dec 6, 2015
Tea Party
Join team Pink rush to the iron make blocks build to mid get 20-32 Diamonds and 50 Gold...
Then cover the Egg with obsidian make full iron with Stone or Diamond sword.
Go back to mid farm till you have 3 iron sets, 1 stack of Gapples, 4 Notch, 2 bows 3 stacks of arrows, 5 stacks blocks and 1 diamond pickaxe.
Then wait till everyone kill them selves and after most people got eliminated fight the last team...
eZ win...
Tips: Don't protect the egg, don't team up and don't die...


Dedicated Member
Jun 3, 2016
So in this forum i will be "only" Discussing about cool tips and tricks for the map treehouse
Some of these tips can be applied in different maps but it works best in Treehouse (Only map i play)
Keep in mind i am giving you my tips (so i can use it against you)

1- Choose Team Green
The reasoning for this is because it gives you quick access to mid with limited amount of blocks, you could also do this with blue team but the 3rd tip supports the idea of being in team green

2-Selecting Your Kit
So If you will follow my tips i recommend to choose a kit that provides you with food (i recommend the golden apple kit)

3-Build Up Not Straight Across
So whenever you are building a bridge to middle make sure you build a staircase upwards it will give you instant access to a level 3 Gold, Level 3 Diamond And Level 1 Diamond Generator, When you are building a staircase start from right behind the villager there is a little 1 lower block where you can start your staircase, you stop at the first patch of leaves/bush and the minute you reach there go up a bit and barricade the area around the first iron generator you see (unless you fell) Most players don't carry pickaxes that early in the game so the gold and diamond generators are all for you (and your team) unless they build up then your screwed
BONUS: This strategy is the best in OP because 35 iron is enough for a bit of food and lots of blocks

4- Heading back
As your going back make sure you have enough to buy 1 punch bow and arrows, try to also keep 5 diamonds to upgrade the diamond generator, it could save your life

5-Buying your Gear
Buy yourself armor (and a backup set in OP) Whatever Weapon you like , pickaxe and food and blocks

6-Your Decision
Would you rather Go defeat your neighboring islands or go back to mid and recollect diamonds and gold for better gear

The Rest is for you to decide (i can't predict the match that will happen to you)

If other things happen
-If a enemy team is building towards you warn your teammates and continue to build in case you loose your egg and it will be your get away
-If you want to support your team stop your bridge and backfire their plan if you manage to destroy the enemy teams egg you saved your team (unless they already broke your egg then you avenged them)
-If you reached middle and the enemy team starts to build collect some diamonds and gold and head back and quickly buy a punch bow to defend against the enemies
-If you are in a corner island go kill your neighboring team that is either blue or green and take over their island as your own and build to middle

Reply With Tips
I will add them to the post and credit you :D

New Tips!
7- Never make direct bridges to mid
If you are in late game do whatever it takes to destroy any direct bridge to middle and take over a neighboring island and build from there to mid | It will stall the enemy team

8- Safe Bridges Traps
First of all a safe bridge is with a roof and two block walls on both sides
You place two block high wall infront of you when the enemy will enter your bridge on your side break 1 block from the ground because most players sprint against the wall and mine so it will be an instant death as they fall
This is considered Spleefing them but you pre-made the hole
And General Team Eggwars Tips
Another Tip/Tricks Forum but this is for ALL eggwars maps instead of the treehouse one
So lets get started

1. Never Build directly across whether you are build to the middle or to an enemy island all ways build a staircase/upwards so the bridge you built is a one way path and the only way to use it is it build upwards

2. DON'T cover the obsidian with sandstone but use glass sometimes an enemy will break the sandstone and cover himself with sandstone so you don't get suspicious while he breaks your egg, glass is the best alternative you will see your enemy sneaking behind it , it also makes a loud noise if a piece of glass is broken and it takes some time to mine (yes you could use glowstone but glass is transparent and cheaper

3. Kit Selector depending on Modes
Hardcore : Egg Armor, Rabbit, Healer/Buffer, and the Shell Cracker this is the best team setup if your whole team does this you will get an advantage, dropping your kits on the ground and killing your self for other teammates to use everyone will have leather armor, carrots, golden apples/regen pots and pickaxes with Efficiency this is the best strategy
Normal : Debuffer, Rabbit, Healer, and any kit you want everything will be neutral here but rabbit and debuffer can save your life
Overpowered: Rabbit, Debuffer, Money bags, and Healer this will give you one of the best items and together they are kind of OP

(Even though in hardcore its really important what kit you choose in other game modes they are pretty much neutral or under powered for that mode)

So thats it for these tips
Reply what you think are cool tricks/tips and i might add them to the list

4-Distracting Enemies
So this trick can work with 3 ways
4.1 : Shooting arrows/ building to the enimes base while your teammate(s) build from behind them
4.2 : having a spec talk to a specific player which is the best player on the team to prevent him from gearing up and gives u more time to gear up/ attack
4.3 : Keep shooting arrows at the enemy base and have a teammate throw an ender pearl from above
Btw i am too lazy to re type it :P


Great Idea love it i hope it gets 3 more likes, so you can start it, and what forums page would this be in games


Oh ok thanks, I am always going to write on that thread

betty's oldies

Forum Expert
Map of the day: N/A; tips below apply to any map. I'm not a frequent eggwars player but I play it for daily challenges.
Favorite kit: Money bags (that 10 iron you start with is invaluable to so many openings, whether it's rushing to enemies, defending, or quickly bridging to mid with 20 blocks from the 10 iron)
Go-to: Varies. If I'm solo, start with leather + wood sword and rush to enemies. If I'm in team, same thing but I rush to mid instead.
Protect my egg: Before I execute the rush, I use some sandstone to block the egg. If I have enough to go for obsidian and I know I have to transition to mid or late game, then I'll do that. Otherwise, sandstone is enough.
Extra tips: General PvP tips from my SG guide below (couple edits for eggwars; applies to all PvP games):

-Practice first in PvP or other games that have respawn. It's recommended to know how to bow and sword since most PvP games are essentially "hardcore" mode (1 life only). Though you respawn in eggwars if your egg is alive, you will be far behind and in a very tight spot if you die.
-Get to know maps you play on. Know what they have, where the generators are, and bases.
-Look and listen for enemy players and terrain. What are they doing? Eating? Rushing? Building where to? Running toward you? Do you hear footsteps? Get your bow and sword ready for a fight. Know how to counter their actions and their openings.
-Double check first for enemy players before buying items, sorting your inventory, building blocks, or doing anything risky. You never want to take a few free hits because you were off-guard.
-Always time attacks, unless you know spamclicking will ensure your target will get knocked into an environmental hazard such as the void or off a large cliff.
-Note that the bow and projectiles such as snowballs/epearls lose accuracy when moving. These are most accurate when standing still. Strafing as usual while shooting these will slightly penalize your accuracy but it's not much.
-Learn from your mistakes. What did you do wrong? What did your opponent do?
-Know what foods to eat while out of combat or before battle.
-Try not to start the fight in a corner or in hard-to-maneuver terrain.
-Always stay calm. Don't panic. Staying calm will help you execute your plan and not rush it.
-Organize your hotbar and know how many arrows you have left to fire. You don't want to equip your bow and find yourself out of ammo. Your off-hand should have the following (from most effective to least):
shield -> gapple -> cooked pork/steak -> any food -> nothing.


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2016
Houston, Texas
Hey everyone! We got 10 votes total, 9 of which will participate, and another who would read! Being so late at night (2AM here), I will be starting the series tomorrow during the day! Thanks for your support, and I look forward to all of your insight and strategies! :) <3


Forum Expert
Oct 21, 2015
Map of the Day is?
My favorite map is Area51, I always choose Normal-items with Double Health or Overpowered with Normal Health :)
What's your favorite kit?
If I choose Normal-items I use the kit Healer or Egg-Armor.
But when I choose Overpowered, I use the kit Healer or the Golden pickaxe.
What's your go-to strategy?
I make myself strong, this implies:

- 2 sets of armor (8 iron)
- Stone sword (32 iron)
- Stone axe (48 iron)
- Diamond pickaxe (10 gold)
- Some food (5 steak = 25 iron)
- 2 stacks of Building blocks (1 stack iron)

And then I build towards other islands. However, building up, so they cann't go directly to our island.
Do you even protect your egg?
Never :)
Any special tips for someone new to this map?
Don't go first to the middle, but always to other islands.
I always go to the middle as have other arches and that kind of stuff :)
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Heya, after a good while years having not appreciated sleep a lot, have I learned things. I have most of the times seen it as a hindrance to things such as relations and projects. But after years I realised that you need to sleep to be well. Both physically and mentally. When I also realized that I could work better and more efficiently, did I try to get more sleep. That reminds me, I need to sleep now hah XD
Eli wrote on marshduck11's profile.
I like your profile picture
Mr Jii Gamer wrote on Egg🥚's profile.
Thank you so mush for everything

I know i am late bc i didn't realize that you have left the team sadly we see the better one go ..
Will be announcing the giveaway winner within the next 2 hours or so.
Reesle wrote on Cloudiefly's profile.
Happy Birthday! 🎂 ☁️
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