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Do you drink or eat soup?

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Team CubeCraft
🔨 Moderator
Apr 9, 2020
Czech Republic
I'd say you generally eat soup.
There are some cases when you drink soup though, e.g. many people I know make chinese soup from the bag at home, and when they eat all the noodles and have basically only the flavoured water left in the bowl, they usually decide to drink it by sipping directly from that bowl.


Forum Expert
Oct 31, 2023
notice how the soup in minecraft has chewing sounds instead of drinking sounds when ingested

therefore soup is eaten
jokes aside as a writer I think I need to make my proper entrance and ruin it for everyone else

you could both drink and eat soup, so everyone here is technically correct

it only changes on the way you consume it

if you use a spoon and eat the food and the other bits in it (like, chewing them and stuff), you're eating soup

if you're drinking it straight from a bowl or some other utensil like a mug without using the spoon or chewing anything/something, then you're drinking the soup

thanks for coming to my TED talk everyone
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