Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Dedicated Member
May 2, 2017
Players creating quality suggestions.

I see a lot of players creating suggestions. Some suggestions are really good and the quality is also amazing. But I feel like we’re just making suggestions for fun. Sometimes there are great ideas, but it looks like the staff-members don’t really care what kinda new things players are suggesting. There is also no response from a staff member like: “Great suggestion, I will contact the Admins/Developers! And see what they think!” I want to improve the server, hope the staff-team want the same. *cough* But a response is enough. If we really want to improve we have to listen to each other. Listen to the ideas of other players, what do they think about the server? That kinda things. This is how it works. —> Someone is making a thread, he posted it. Players give their opinions, Done.

! Don’t lock this thread if I don’t give acces. !
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Novice Member
Jun 17, 2017
this is pretty true. it really looks like staff dont listen to the suggestion in this way they should just remove the suggestion section
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Forum Professional
Sep 18, 2016
The Netherlands
Players creating quality suggestions.

I see alot of players creating suggestions. Some suggestions are really good and the quality is also amazing. But I feel like we’re just making suggestions for fun. Sometimes there are great ideas, but it looks like the staff-members don’t really care what for new things players are suggesting. There is also no response from a staff member like: “Great suggestion, I will contact the Admins/Developers! And see what they think!” I want to improve the server, hope the staff-team want the same. *cough* But a response is enough. If we really want to improve we have to listen to each other. Listen to the ideas of other players, what do they think about the server? That kinda things. This is how it works. —> Someone is making a thread, he posted it. Players give their opinions, Done.

! Don’t lock this thread if I don’t give acces. !
Developers and Builders have to look at our thread since they have to make the codes and they have to build the maps.
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Dedicated Member
Feb 25, 2017
Developers and Builders have to look at our thread since they have to make the codes and they have to build the maps.
They look at our threads to see if the server and forums are active... I honestly feel like they don't care about the regular threads. I barely ever see player created ideas added into the server anymore. This is why I don't really come on anymore. The economy use to be so creative, friendly, and always included the players. Now, with the new updates, they're driving all the players away... I don't know how to express my ideas or opinions anymore, because I always get the same response. "It's for the greater good of the server," or, "We're working on stuff." The only things I see staff say on threads nowadays are saying stuff about how they're working on it, etc. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Despacito 2

Forum Professional
Dec 6, 2015
That's one of the main reasons why I stopped creating big and detailed suggestions. Yes, everyone likes them but I haven't seen any big suggestion being implemented or officially accepted. Only things mentioned in Feedback threads and some suggestions there get accepted/implemented. Sometimes I get the feeling they don't listen to the community at all. Great example is our newest update called the "Chat Overhaul". Pretty sure no one suggested it but they sadly did it.

A pigeon

Suggestion : Remove the suggestions sub forum!

Hey staff! You dont care about our threads ir our opinions , so why dont you delete these forums and hold referendums in game as to whether party chat should be green or blue ir someother pointless thing you’re gonna add!


Dedicated Member
Feb 25, 2017
Suggestion : Remove the suggestions sub forum!

Hey staff! You dont care about our threads ir our opinions , so why dont you delete these forums and hold referendums in game as to whether party chat should be green or blue ir someother pointless thing you’re gonna add!
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Forum Expert
Mar 16, 2016
Yes, I also noticed that. https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/suggestion-suggestion.196076/
Often moderators state their opinions, but ultimately they can't decide about most things. Threads rarely get any response from management.

Suggestion : Remove the suggestions sub forum!
This is probably the best solution. With the new bug tracker coming soon? They migh as well move the suggestions to that system as well. Let players vote on the most important bugs and suggestions so you know what to focus on. Management people can then respond to the more relevant topics.


Forum Veteran
Jun 26, 2016
You do bring up some very good points about being integrated in the community and allowing us all to be a community where we encourage creativity. I will say it is difficult for us to give definitive answers as then people will be expecting the update immediately (in my opinion) and it happening with the snap of your fingers is not too likely. That being said, I know that I and several other staff try to give feedback on opinions we see as much as possible. Its easier to comment if we like the thread or not, but not mention what we do and do not say to the upper management/developers, as we do not want to raise the hopes of everyone if they deny it or have them constantly ask when it will be added, since that is not allowed. I do know we love hearing from you guys and genuinely do read the threads and ideas that are posted. If you have a suggestion on how we can make this more evident and make the suggestions thread a more enjoyable place, feel free to write them. The only thing I can say is, I do not think that we will be able to say "we are adding this" and "not adding this" to every single thread that is posted. I have seen suggestions of that in the past, but do not find that to be a feasible option as we really are not allowed to say what is being implemented, especially since there is a fear of people constantly asking when that update may be released, which is against the rules so we would not be able to answer them. If it takes a while to release said update, they could get impatient or think we lied about adding it. That being said, I would love to hear you out on how this could be resolved, besides removing this sub-forum, as I would love to be able to hear more from the community and have you guys actually enjoy posting/feel heard.


Forum Professional
Sep 18, 2016
The Netherlands
You do bring up some very good points about being integrated in the community and allowing us all to be a community where we encourage creativity. I will say it is difficult for us to give definitive answers as then people will be expecting the update immediately (in my opinion) and it happening with the snap of your fingers is not too likely. That being said, I know that I and several other staff try to give feedback on opinions we see as much as possible. Its easier to comment if we like the thread or not, but not mention what we do and do not say to the upper management/developers, as we do not want to raise the hopes of everyone if they deny it or have them constantly ask when it will be added, since that is not allowed. I do know we love hearing from you guys and genuinely do read the threads and ideas that are posted. If you have a suggestion on how we can make this more evident and make the suggestions thread a more enjoyable place, feel free to write them. The only thing I can say is, I do not think that we will be able to say "we are adding this" and "not adding this" to every single thread that is posted. I have seen suggestions of that in the past, but do not find that to be a feasible option as we really are not allowed to say what is being implemented, especially since there is a fear of people constantly asking when that update may be released, which is against the rules so we would not be able to answer them. If it takes a while to release said update, they could get impatient or think we lied about adding it. That being said, I would love to hear you out on how this could be resolved, besides removing this sub-forum, as I would love to be able to hear more from the community and have you guys actually enjoy posting/feel heard.
Thanks for answering this thread.
I know we you can't judge every thread.
We can't blame you as Moderator.
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Dedicated Member
Feb 25, 2017
You do bring up some very good points about being integrated in the community and allowing us all to be a community where we encourage creativity. I will say it is difficult for us to give definitive answers as then people will be expecting the update immediately (in my opinion) and it happening with the snap of your fingers is not too likely. That being said, I know that I and several other staff try to give feedback on opinions we see as much as possible. Its easier to comment if we like the thread or not, but not mention what we do and do not say to the upper management/developers, as we do not want to raise the hopes of everyone if they deny it or have them constantly ask when it will be added, since that is not allowed. I do know we love hearing from you guys and genuinely do read the threads and ideas that are posted. If you have a suggestion on how we can make this more evident and make the suggestions thread a more enjoyable place, feel free to write them. The only thing I can say is, I do not think that we will be able to say "we are adding this" and "not adding this" to every single thread that is posted. I have seen suggestions of that in the past, but do not find that to be a feasible option as we really are not allowed to say what is being implemented, especially since there is a fear of people constantly asking when that update may be released, which is against the rules so we would not be able to answer them. If it takes a while to release said update, they could get impatient or think we lied about adding it. That being said, I would love to hear you out on how this could be resolved, besides removing this sub-forum, as I would love to be able to hear more from the community and have you guys actually enjoy posting/feel heard.
I could agree with some of this, but not all of it. I feel like the reason people feel like they aren't being heard is because none of the forums that are being posted are actually ever added onto the server. Not to sound rude, but I honestly don't like any of the newer updates that have come out. I think it genuinely ruined the server. Many older players that have stuck with the server for a long time, *cough* like two or three years *cough* have gone. That includes @Simbaaa, @Cams1234, and @baccaoffbi. I have said it before, and I will say it again. I enjoyed Cube because it was an original server, with original games and ideas. The economy was perfect, it was creative, fun, and just outstanding for a minecraft server. Now, I don't think that way much anymore. I can't lie, Cube has become much like the other server we all know of. I have a look around the forums very often, and have been trying to compare it to what has been added to the server. Nothing anymore, has been added. For instance, a few original games that Cube use to have that were well liked and had a good amount of players that played them; Hourglass, Parkour Minigame, and Assassins. <-- Assassins is still added (I think), but the amount of players that use to be on it has vanished drastically. Lately, I have seen so many threads on adding back the old Arcade and Sky Wars, but the staff keep saying the same thing, either they're working on it or nothing. I can't lie, Quake was my favorite, and a lot of other's too, @PerryJ, @TheEnderMax, etc. I miss the old Cube so much, and wish it'd just go back to being... original. I know I sound very snide and rude with this comment, but honestly, it's just stating what's been on my mind for a long time, now. And I know for a fact that many, many other players feel the same way I do.
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Congrats on 81 msgs, CeruleanPrism81!!
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