Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net
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Feb 24, 2021
A cat castle
What if Cubecraft was a person?

Yes, I think about funny sounding things like that. XD
Then I thought it would be a fun idea to draw and make it come to life through art!

Masculine version


Feminine version.

When making this I thought about how Cubecraft would be if they were a real person. What I got from this is that the way I see it, they would be a very fun and hyper person to be around. They love to play games and go on adventures etc.

In the masculine version they look rather shy, but don’t be fooled! Under that shy look is a very hyper and outgoing person. I did that on purpose because some Cubecraft games look easy but are pretty hard to get through (at least for me but that might be because I’m really bad.)

In the feminine version I drew a full body picture and wrote some personality traits they have! (body reference credits to @/khyy9988 on twitter.) I gave them scout buttons on their jacket because I felt like it would be quite fitting if they love to go scouting!

Thank you for dropping by! :]
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Heya, after a good while years having not appreciated sleep a lot, have I learned things. I have most of the times seen it as a hindrance to things such as relations and projects. But after years I realised that you need to sleep to be well. Both physically and mentally. When I also realized that I could work better and more efficiently, did I try to get more sleep. That reminds me, I need to sleep now hah XD
Eli wrote on marshduck11's profile.
I like your profile picture
Mr Jii Gamer wrote on Egg🥚's profile.
Thank you so mush for everything

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Happy Birthday! 🎂 ☁️
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