Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Novice Member
Jan 15, 2017
At My Desk
Hello there, I got false banned by 3rd time of cubecraft by the anticheat, well I won't complain about the ban anymore, I will just tell something that cubecraft should do with the anticheat, the case is that the players should use a command, (/sentinelreport name type of hacks).And the sentinel should look into it, so players that lag at some point as me doesn't get falsely banned by the anti cheat. This would make decrese the number of false bans.Thanks hope you take my suggestion and you realize it in game.

2 things,
1. Holy shrapnel, is everyone stupid, what do you mean sentinel looks at players. Sentinel is not a player by any means, they are an ai. There is no player called sentinel (well someones got the ign by now) it's just the name of the anticheat. No one records through the eyes of some all mighty sentinel, no, sentinel simply notices irregularities, notices people doing things that are not possible legit then ban them accordingly. Sentinel does not actually see you cheating then ban you, there is no camera... Doing a /sentinel report is stupid because it simply wouldn't do anything different then what is already happening.
If what you are suggesting is sentinel stays off until someone sentinel reports someone to avoid false bans that Is simply going to make banning cheaters harder because there is less time sentinel is paying attention to players.

2. The odds of you being false banned 3 times are immensely low. Pretending of all legit players 1/50 get banned, which is an understatement. There is a 1/125,000 chance all of them were false.

Could you not just report it to a staff member via the discord or website, they are usually very fast to respond, and for what effot says I agree with it, yes Sentinel makes false bans, but I can assure you most anti-cheat systems would, I've been kicked for having too many packets when uninstalling lucky islands' texture pack and looking into how many packets a player sends is usually a way of looking for regeneration hacks. Nevertheless I think adding that command would be less beneficial as Sentinel would no longer watch all, and a hacker would need to be reported before the anti-cheat actually watches it. This would be a problem as some people do not have enough knowledge on hacks to spot a hacker, which would be a problem, and/or they could be very good at toggling which is quiet common, to try to go unnoticed.
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this is was an eggwars duel!??!?!?!
I sent a new report in with the new screenshot
with the old and new screenshot as evidence
this should go through
the first report was made last friday (3 days ago) i have 4 days to get this player banned for this
ssunsett wrote on aMachineal's profile.
Thankies for the follow! 💜
Actually do any research, i have another screen shot but it would only allows one for some reason
And in this other screen shot it shows the symbol on his left arm
Jesus how do you not know what one of these look like?
Fyi this is what it looks like, SEE? the same outfit
Glad to know they dont know how to look at something !
Tommy Boi wrote on TheOrderOfSapphire's profile.
Thank you so much for everything, you’ve been a great presence on Cubecraft.
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