Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Nov 10, 2019
I was playing TD at the time, but suddenly I found myself unable to move, so I used the "Ping" command to check the "packet round-trip delay time". But I found that ping is 1960ms.
Then I was removed from the game after being judged as AFK by the server two minutes later.

In fact, the screenshot you saw is a screenshot after 30 seconds after I finished the second ping.
I tried to move or summon mobs but this didn't work.
I am using a 100mbps network to connect to the server like the picture below

I also tried to use some of the methods in the forum but it didn't work much for me like this
I would like to ask if there is a better way to reduce the delay.
#GoogleTranslate #PoorMyEnglish


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2019
I was playing TD at the time, but suddenly I found myself unable to move
If you were rubber banding, the problem would most likely be that the server registered you as sneaking while you're not. Sneak once to fix it.

I used the "Ping" command to check the "packet round-trip delay time"
Checking ping in-game isnt known to be accurate. Use a command line instead

But I found that ping is 1960ms.
Your signal is either going around the globe 3x before reaching the server, the connection is farting or the ping measuring tool used is worse than I'd expect it to be

I would like to ask if there is a better way to reduce the delay.
Using ethernet instead of wifi, especially if you live in a crowded area (apartment complex etc).


Nov 10, 2019
It was really fun, I didn't do anything, but the problem was solved. Now my ping has returned to normal. The average is 273ms to 304ms.
Maybe it’s just a small problem with Internet service providers.

#GoogleTranslate #PoorMyEnglish


Marketplace Coordinator
Dec 11, 2018
Wales, United Kingdom
The ping on speedtest.net is a ping to your nearest server, NOT the CubeCraft servers.
The host is based in France, so on speedtest, you're able to change the server to one in another country. Try setting it to one based in Paris and seeing what the ping is like then.
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Nov 10, 2019
The ping on speedtest.net is a ping to your nearest server, NOT the CubeCraft servers.
The host is based in France, so on speedtest, you're able to change the server to one in another country. Try setting it to one based in Paris and seeing what the ping is like then.

I used cmd.exe to measure the delay between my and the cubecraft server. I got the following value: Minimum=273ms Maximum=288ms Average=273ms Lost=0 and TTL=45
by command ping play.cubecraft.net -n 5000
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